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when she left me it was painful, I just wanted to be with her all the time, to have her in my arms, watching over her, I wanted to know what she was hiding from me. I sat in my house for the rest of the day just sitting their, it was 2:00 emotions running wild, but they where not my emotions they were Natalie’s, it killed me to sit their and feel them,  I wanted to go to her straight away, but I felt as if someone was watching over her, so I just sat their, and waited for the emotions to fade out. Finally it hit night time, and I needed blood, I need to drink soon, or I would not be able to see Natalie, I went out into the cold airy night, my breath like smoke, it was time to hunt.


wakening up I was boiling hot,  laying on a black leather couch, levies bare chest pressed to my back, his arms encircled me, drawing me in close. The fire was on, dancing wildly the flames flickered blue and yellow. I must be in his house I thought, looking over my shoulder, levie was sleeping, I gently grabbed his arm moving it off my body, as quickly as I could. Getting up slowly, I tiptoed over to a doorway, slipping though, I kept walking, and there were so many doors in this house, at the end of the hall their was a different type of door, it was like a dome shape on top, I have never seen anything like it, the door had writing and patterns on it, it looked very old, I knew I shouldn’t open it but I did, it was a studie inside, full of old books and a laptop on the woodern desk, one book standed out the most, I took it off the shelf and headed for the comfy chair behine the desk, the cover of the book was gold, it could have been realy gold it was that heavy. Turning the page their was black writing, right in the middle of the frist page in block writing said VAMPIRES, maybe it’s a book of tails, turning to the next page their were a list of names.

Pagie broke

Dan Lovett

Ron ember

Lisa grech

Jake black

Darcie fabbly

Levie grey

Jess meroy

Sam smith

Scrolling down the names I found 2 people I know, why would they be in such a silly book I thought, I quickly turned to jake black, so I started to read his profile

Jake black

-born 1900

-died at the age 23

-Still roaming the earth

-5 house

-has no family left

-drinks blood out of blood bags

-hunt sometimes, but leaves, humans alive after

-reads peoples thoughts

-stronger then 10 man

-faster then anything knowen to man

-connection partner: unknowen

I looked at everyone eals profile, this cant be true I thought, thinking back to all the times I have been with jake or been in trouble, he has been their, and that voice that was so familiar, and yet I could not place it, it was jake, it was him talking to me in my mind. To think I was starting to go crazy, jake was very powerful, he ripped Daniels arm out of its socket. Fearful now I close the book Leive’s profile was similar, oh god what am I going to do this cant be true but it is I have seen these things with my very own eyes. I have to get out of here and now, before levie tries something, but why would he hurt me if he saved me from Daniel, this is so hard. Getting to my feet quickly I run over to the self and put the book back, before I make it back to the door. leive walks in, stumbling I get my balance back as quick as possible, looking at the door I see there is no way around levie,  “what are you doing in here?” his voice hard and cold, now panicking I struggle to find words, “I was looking for the toilet” a lie, but hopefully it will help me out, tilting his face to one side studding me, “hmmm, I see, well the toilet is not in here, its down the hall”, “well I must be going, thankyou for helping me back at my house, I really appreciate it, so thankyou, I will see you around then”, I stride forwarded looking at the ground so I don’t have to make eye contact, walking right into him in the doorway, he hand encircled my wrist having a tight hold I step back yanking me wrist with me, his didn’t budge, tears started to fall from my eyes now, cold as they slid down my cheeks, I looked away, still trying to pull my wrist free, he step closer, and I gave a small cry, “please let me go, I want to go home”. “I’m sorry Natalie but you can not go home, it is very unsafe, I will not be letting you out of my sight” finally he let my wrist go, I ran to the corner of the room, trying to put distance between us, he only moved closer, I slumped to the floor bringing my knees to my chest to hide my face, he warm hand ran over my back, “don’t touch me, I don’t know you, why are you keeping me, what are you going to do to me?” I said in a whisper, unable to talk properly, he was silent for awhile, then finally he spoke “I’m keeping you here for your own good, I’m not going to do anything to you, I need you here to protect you. I have a room for you upstairs it is all set up and there are clothes in the wardrobe”, I couldn’t talk, I only sat their limp, pulling me off the floor and onto my feet, levie took a hold of my wrist and led me upstairs to a bedroom, the size of my house. “you will sleep in here, you will not leave the house under any circumstances” with that he left the room, alone, all alone, no one to call, no one to talk to, nothing, what it happening to me, what is going on with me, why am I here, why do I need protection. All these questions and no one to answer them, Heading for a quick shower I noticed choke marks on my neck from earlier on, all black and blue, very very sore, they were going to be their for awhile, going to the wardrobe, I walk in, it was massive and all full of clothes, clothes for me wow, and then dread hit me, how long will I have to stay here, I wont even get to say good bye to my aunt before I die or to sophie. What would they think when they see my house all trashed and bloody. grabbing a pair of black jeans and a red long sleave top with a v neck, I look at shoes, they were all heel boots or hooker heels, how was I meant to walk in them much or less get away in them, finally I choose black lace up boots; tying my hair up I walk to the door, putting my head on it to listen for any noise, nothing, all is clear,  I go to the window and lift it open, 3 stories up, grate, I climb out anyway, cold musky air surrounded me, looking down I see 2 balconies, lowering my self off the roof, I let my body hang over the balcony before dropping down, the room that led to this balcony was not occupied, swinging my legs over the balcony, lowing my body the light came above, a shadow in the window of my bed room, shit, he knows I have escaped, holy crap, looking down at the ground it was quiet a drop, no a good idea in heel boots but what other choice did I have, dropping to the ground I rolled to take the impact off my knees, getting up as quickly as possible, I started running heels sinking into the grass, running for my life, I need out and I needed it now, the full moon was out shining bright, I look back at the house as I run, levie standing on the porch at ground level, watching me, why wasn’t he running after me, who cares if his not coming, I just need to get out of here as soon as possible, and go where, I don’t know, go to jakes I thought, but he was dangerous, why would I do that, now looking at the edge of the cliff coming up, I could jump, at least it would be a better way to die,  giving once more glance behind me before I reach the end, he was still standing their, and then bang, stoped, more like ran into, levie standing right in front of me as hard as rock. “bloody hell, how did yo,,,you do that, you were behind me, not in front of me” I said shakily, he’s smile more visible now, showed no doubt what so ever, he was a vampire, I punched him in the stomach, nothing didn’t even flinch, stepping on his footy with my heel I dug it in hard, still nothing, Turing to run, his picked me up and though me over his shoulder, it was hard to breath then, hitting his back as hard as possible for me “let me go you vamp,,, “I cut off short their, “VAMPIER” he said simply, “you know it nat, deep down you knew all along and you know something was wrong with jake as well, but you were to blind to see any of it,”, finally inside he put me down,  “ I told you not to try and escape” his smile bright, I stood close to him very close,” well at least I gave it a go”I said strongly, his lips met mine instantly, my back hit the wall, and I slid my hands up around his neck resting them their, the kiss was not like mine and jakes, this kiss was hot and heavy, not intense and passionate, I bit his tongue hard and he pulled away, then I ran for the door only to be met by levie again, “good try” he said, “I know your every more Natalie”, my cheeks became red then, he was reading me, that arrogant prick, but he was so cool, clam and collective, “fine ,you win for know, but let me warn you, I will have my way eventually”. Till then I will try and contact jake some how.

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