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 “don’t jump” a voice in my head that feels familiar but also unfamiliar, just do it I tell myself, just do it now, so I did I simply jumped off, soaring though the air, it felt free, no weight and soon no more pain, “what are you doing, god no” that voice in my head again, I push it out as I wait for the earth to rush up and take me, SLAM, the impact from my body hitting the water hurt like hell, the water rushing over my head dragging me under more and more with every wave, taking me down, this is it, I will be gone soon, but I suddenly realize I never said good bye to Sophie my closest friend, she would understand, well I think she would, no actually she would be really mad, as water starts to rush though my lungs,  something hard grabs me pulling me up and up I can see the moon light coming closer s I go to the surface, or maybe I’m dyeing and this is what it feels like, so I let it pull me, closing my eyes as a heaviness settles over them, then its blank I’m gone.


Feeling hands, no strong hands touching my face touching my chest, I try to speak the words NO,  but my mouth wont move. Its dark my eyes are shut with silent tear, tape over my mouth, NO, NO this cant be happening again, I don’t want to be in this room I want out, he’s so close, mum knocks on the door, “honey are you awake, we need to talk” she said, no answer came to her as I lie still with a sharp object against my throat, I here her walking away, she must think I’m sleeping, but I am not, I’m screaming on the inside I want out, suddenly my eyes flash open, a dark silhouette hovering over me, my heard rested in his hand, and his other hand pressed against my chest, I’m safe I thought, no I’m in the arms of a stranger how could I think of such things, “how are you?” my throat scratchy as I tried to talk, “Jake” he said in a powerful voice, “where did you think you were doing jumping off that cliff, you could of died if I was not here tonight”. I started at him blankly, “ do you know get it your life would have been gone, as in know more, what is wrong with you?”, he was angry I could tell, he voice was powerful, it was scary but safe,  “I’’’…I ummm” damm I cant bloody talk its to much for me to handle, “I need to go”, he helped me up onto my feet, his hands on my waist to steady me, god they felt good their, strong and relaxed but a tight hold, why would I think such stupid things, I do not know, and I don’t even know him, he let go of me, I tried to take a step but stumbled, before I could fall to the floor, he gathered my body up into his arms as if I weighed nothing, my head rested on his shoulder, I could here the steady beat of his heart their, the rhythm soothing, “go to sleep” the voice was just a whisper in my head, and so I did. **** Lying her down in his bed, he looked at her petit body pale but tan, noticing she had nothing on but underwear his eyes lingered to her black lease bra just covering the raised bumps under Neath the martial, watching her chest rise and fall with no rhythm, he moved his eyes down to her bear abdomen, and kept going till he reached her legs, he glanced back up to her face, her skin soft from when he felt her in his arms before, moving closer he kneeled beside her, placing his hand on her cheek and sliding it into her hair to move it away from her face, he could here her gasping for air, why was he caring for her when he know he should not, but he could not help it, heating her fatal heat beat grow slower, her new she would die if he did not help, he bit into his own wrist, holding her head to his wrist, he said drink, and she did, he could feel her suckling on his skin,  she moaned when he moved his wrist away, it made him smile, the to bite holes on his wrist closed over straight away leaving no scars what so ever, her breathing became normal again. Getting up he pulled the blanket over her, then left the room. Stopping to glance over his shoulder one more time.**** when I woke up in the morning, I had no idea where I was but I did remember last night,  how the hell did I end up her, I must of passed out, but who’s house was I in, I took in the room, the bed was massive that I lay in, and very soft, red lien sheets like silk against my skin with black fur covering my body,  a soft light coming though the window just perfect not blinding my eyes, I stood and when I stood ,this time it was not weak like all the other times, I felt stronger then I have ever been before razing fully I noticed a door that led to a bathroom, their was a pail of clothes staked on the bench a white t-shirt and black jeans size 6, their was a massive bathtub  but I decided to have a shower instead quickly scrubbing my body with soap, and washing my hair to get the nots out. I dried my self off and rolled the jeans up my legs, slid the white t-shirt on, and moved out of the bath room and slipped into the hall and walked down the stairs,  I stopped in my tracks I could smell pancakes, I hadn’t had them in ages, I turned the corner to the kitchen it was big, infected the hole house was big,  finally my eyes fell on a tall man, with tan skin he hair was black like a raven, I waned to touch it, I wanted to know what it felt like in my hands, as if he knew what I was thinking he turned around and looked at me up and down as I did the same to him, I took him all in, his body was built, fit with muscle, nothing like I have even seen before, I meet his gaze, his eyes were black so dark, they held secrets that I wanted to know, a promise of pleasure and a nagging of hunger mixed with pain. We both just stood their looking at each other. “Are you feeling well this morning?”, he voice was so familiar as if I had heard it in my head before but that was silly to think that, he tilted his head to the side awaiting my answer. “Yes, i…I want to thankyou fo… for saving me last night”. “You are not really thanking me, I could tell you really wanted to go last night, to disappear, to feel nothing, I can see it in your eyes” his voice was cool when he said it but his gaze never left mine, making me feel a little uncomfortable. How did he know this, it was like he was reading my mind, and with that he smiled it was a half smile, like something was still troubling him, “ thankyou I said once again. He looked away no, breaking the hold his eyes had over me, I should be scared in a strangers house, but I am not, I should be running out of here but I cant, he intriguing and I want to know more, I have to know how and why he helped me, I felt drawn to him, and I have never felt like this before, “so I see the jeans and t-shirt fit you very well” a hint of a smile as he said it. “Indeed they do, thankyou for them as well, and thankyou for your hospitality, you did not have to do any of this”. He looked at me and then handed me a plate and then walked around the bench into a dinning room and sat down, “sit “he mentioned as he pulled a chair out for me to sit, I wanted to tell him I have to go, but I could not, I walked over with my plate and sat down as he said across from me, I looked down at the food, it was pancakes I was right, he handed me chocolate syrupy and I put a hole lot of it on my pancakes as he poured orange juice into a glass for me, we ate in silence for about 10 minuets, “these pancakes are so good “I said as a made a sound that sounded like pleasure,  his smile was brilliant and full, “yes I must say myself I did do an excellent job” he replied,  “Natalie Shayne, I never told you my name last night” I said as I smiled up at him from behind the hair that had fallen in my face,  “Natalie I’m going to ask you a few things and I would appreciate it if you told me the truth “his voice hard, “okay but as long as I can ask questions to”, he was not going to be asking the question here, “why did you jump”, ‘for fun’ I said simply, ‘why did you save me’?, “the truth Natalie, I need to know”, ‘and I need to know why you saved me and then bang me back here?’, “ok fine next question, why were you telling me know on the beach when I was helping you, you were nearly screaming it” his voice was hard, he was serious, he wanted to know, but she could not say it, did not want to say it.  She knew that she never said the words no then never left her mouth, she was sure of it, but who knew, she was not her self then, “I cant talk about it, okay its my problems and its not yours “. She couldn’t believe she had just said that, she had problems. *** When Jake dropped her home, her front door was open, he said he would cheek it out for her but she insisted it would be her aunt Leila or her friend Sophie. She said good-bye and then he left.

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