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 after I said good bye to jake, I decided to walk home, he insisted on driving me, but I just wanted time to myself, ‘the walk will do me good’ I told him, he looked at me as if he could see right though me, then I just walked out, he did not stop me but he looked as if he were in pain, the sun was bright and warm, it heated my skin, it felt as if nothing could touch me in this moment. “hey” turning around a man stood right their looking at me with his green eyes, they shined in the light, his tall body nearly pressed to mine, making me want to take a step back, so I did, now taking in his hole apprence, I noticed he was not wearing a top, “whoa” I mumbled, his blonde hair flicking into curls at the bottom of his neck. I couldn’t take my eyes off his bear chest, I finally managed to look at his face again, my cheeks fleering red, “hey” I replied, “I just come from the beach, and I saw  you walking, and I just,,, ah,, thought I should come talk to you”, I just looked at him, why would a good looking guy like him want to talk to me, no wait a fit looking guy, “ok so talk” I said, “can I walk you home?”, ‘yea I geuss you can’ his smile widened from my reply, so we started to walk, “ my names levie , moved in about a month ago, I had a party the other day”, I made a face, he must of noticed, so I smiled, “yea, I was at your party”, “I cant believe I did not see you their, at my own party”. ‘ yea, I left early’, “why?”,. I told him everything that happen at the party, but I did not mention staying at jakes, “hmmmmm” he said, stoping he grabbed my wrist, “im sorry, if I knew that have happen I would of done somthing about it, I feel so bad, who was the guy that hurt you?”, ‘ his name is Daniel, his always liked me, but I never liked him, oh and by the way my names natalie’, he put his arm around my shoulder and started to walk again, it did not bother me, so I left his arm their, it kinda made me feel safe in a way. I don’t even know why I would think of such things, his the perfect stranger and I feel safe, what is wrong with me, we finally reached my house, the door was once again open, but this time I had a bad feeling, something was not right. “do you want me to walk you in, I don’t think you would of left your door open to your house”, I stood their looking at my house, its bad enough to let a stranger in, but I’m to scared to go by myself, so I just nodded in return. Levie walked in first making sure the cost was clear. “Can I use your bathroom?”, ‘ down the hall to your left’, and with that I headed though the lounge area, to the kitchen, it looked as though my house had been trashed, the side lamp shattered on the floor, the couch ripped, the photo of my mum and I when I was little was missing, I felt sick, weak, tired, I finally got to the kitchen, reaching up to the top self for pannadol, I here the back door swing shut, I look around instantly, nothing, getting down from the bench, I set the pannadol on the table. Something tight around my throat choking me, rough hands strangle me hard I try to let out a cry but, the words are only a squeak. I struggle to push away from him, his hands making my skin crawl, i look for anything that I can use to hit him, spotting the cooking knifes on the bench, I reach for them, I pull out the biggest one, with every last bit of my strength I plunge the knife into his stomach, the hands letting go of my neck, I stumble forward, reaching for the bench for balance, I knew I should not of let a stranger into my house, turning around, I screamed my lungs out, Daniel stood their, blood oozing out from the sides of the knife, he pulled it out, the goowe blood dripping red on to the tiles. “you little bitch” he sneered, I looked around for escape, but their was no escaping when he was around, I was trapped in the corner,  I grabbed another knife off the chopping block, pointing it at him “ don’t come any closer” I said as loud as I could, ‘ put that knife down Natalie, I only want to talk to you”, I could tell he wanted to do more then talk, “get out” I said “get out know, I hate you, you bastared”, “it was all just a little bit of fun Nat, I know you wanted me last night”, ‘ I don’t want you, not even, you disgust me, when I told you know you still went ahead and when I cried you wanted me more, you mean nothing to me, I despise you, now get out”,  it was hard for me to swallow then, I was getting weaker, it was just a matter of time till he saw it. He stepped closer, I raised the knife higher, my hands shaking, this was a matter of survival and i was going to survive, even if I had to stab him mutable times, “oh Natalie I’m not going to kill you, I’m going to have some fun first”. Then he stepped forwarded and crumbled to the floor, levie standing behind him, ‘I’m so happy to see you’ I said barely a whisper, all my strength gone, falling to the ground levie rushed up, picking me up in his bear arms, the muscle flexing to his movements, “its ok nat, I’ve got you”, and then it was black

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