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Sitting down in the lounge, I watched levie passé in front of me, it was doing my head in,  “she’s getting weaker, Jake it’s so hard on her now”

“I know, I just can’t think of what to do, I know where going to go look for Daniel either way, and get rid of him”,

“im going to snap his neck, his done way to much to her, and now she’s passing out , we leave tonight, get your shit and where gone, firstly will take her some where safe.

“Fine, lets just get it done as quick as possible.” Levies voice was irritated, but I knew why, mind sounded the same. It’s hard because we both wanted the same things. But I don’t want to share her, the only up side was, their was two of us to protect her, even though we could do it ourselves. But it was hard on her, I could tell, she had to choose in time who she belongs to. I just hope it’s me and fast, my mind desperately telling me to claim her, make her mine. Levie left the room going to pack his gear, so I followed behind to get my things. A loud scream sounded, and I knew it was Natalie straight away, I pushed past leive, running up the stair, and he did not follow.


I was running, in the dark I couldn’t see past the fog, so I still ran, the cool night air stung my face, as I took deep breaths, trying to suck in as much air as I could take. But this was all so familiar to me, a bad dream I tried to block out, most of my life. My body wanted me to stop running, it was burning hot, I new what was coming, blood started to come up in my throat; coughing wildly I fall on my hands and knees, spitting it out. “Natalie, you can not hide from me, tomorrow night I’m going to punish you if you don’t come out and finish what you started “. I crawled on the dirty gravel road as, the stones dug into my palms cutting them, making more blood pool in my palm. I couldn’t stand, my legs where to shaky. Strong hands grabbed my waist, I screamed, they turned me over on the gravel, then he ripped the only clothing I had left off, he undid he pants pushing them down, I knew exactly what was about to happen, wake up I thought, come one wake up. I screamed some more, shutting my eyes waiting, “Natalie…. NATALIE, wake up” the sound of heaven to my ears, hands grabbed my body shaking me, but I kept my eyes shut tight, even though I was awake, now, I was still terrified. “Come on babe open your eyes, it was only a bad dream, I’m here now, nothing is ever going to touch you, I promise. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw jakes peering over me, they were really dark, shadowed, his expression was blank I could not tell what he was thinking. He sat on the bed next to where I lay, he lifted me up and into his lap, I curled into a ball, resting my head on his chest, his breathing was steady, but mine was all over the place and I could sense he knew it. Then I cried, water exploding down my face, I buried my face deeper into his chest, pulling on his shirt, like it was a blanked, my teary eyes making his shirt wet, for the first time I felt safe in his arms, he held me tighter, protectively. I knew his words were true; nothing is going to happen to me, when he is around. ‘Are you okay now’, jakes voice was quiet, but his berth was warm on my neck, I melted into him, letting my stiff body relax. ‘Yes, I am now, thankyou’ I said only a whisper, knowing he heard me. ‘rest now, we have a big day tomorrow.*** laying back down on the bed, I pulled her pants down slowly, she did not object, so I pulled her top over her head, till she lay in her silk underwear, she was beautiful her body elegant, but plump in all the right places, her skinning waste, that I could pin down so easily. Her eyes stayed on me, but then fell heavy lidded. then I took my clothes off, but kept my boxers on, not wanted to scare her, I got in next to her, pulling her body tight into mine, she exhaled. And I knew then that I would never let her go.

Waking up in jakes arms was the best thing I had ever felt, his warm body heating up mine, his arms tight around me, like he would never let go, I rolled my body over to face him, he was already up, elbow propped up under his head, his hungry eyes watching me, I stared back at him, not wanted to look away, ‘ thank you last night’, ‘theirs no need to tank me, I will always protect you.  I leaned up to kiss him, he met me half way, his lips fit mine perfectly, he kissed me softly then harder, like he could not get enough of me, I felt his shaft hard poking into my belly, I monad, wanted more, in seconds he was on top of me, pushing me gently onto my back, I let him, because I was willing, I wanted him, I hadn’t had sex ever since I was raped at a young age, I was to scared, but I was never scared with Jake and I know he would never hurt me. The only person to touch my sex was levie, and I felt safe around him, but I could not do the deal with him. My thoughts were running wild, my mind telling me Jake was mine, take him, take all, and I wanted all. Running my hands down his hard chest was nice, how incredible, it was amazing to touch someone you like; he let out a slow groan. He backed off immediately. My body going cold from where we once touched, “did I do something wrong’, “have a shower get dressed, and we leave as soon as possibly” his voiced sounded annoyed, then he looked away and walked out, picking up his clothes on the way. The door slammed and once again I felt alone, in a big place. I decided I would wear my red silk bra, and thong, under my clothes just incase something was to happen later.


I could see the confusion in her eyes, and a little bit of hurt as I pulled away. I wanted her, but I couldn’t have her not until she decides what she needs in life, but I also didn’t want to hurt her when I claim her, I go out of control. I went straight to the weapons room, not like I need weapons but I always had some stocked just incase something like this was to happen, and Natalie needs them to protect her self, she will need training, I got her a pistil 3 knife and a grader to hook them into. After that I headed straight to my room, getting out a duffle bag to put everything into, I pulled out a gold necklace on my neck, peering at the amulet, it was from, my parents before they died in war against clans of vamps. It was special I new that, but I never knew what it was for…the light lays behind the dark… was unscripted on the back of it, a cross carved in the front with letters in a ancient language before my time. My door creaked open, “are you read to hit the road man” yea, I’ll meet you down in 10, with that, I tossed clothes in and headed down. When I arrived outside Natalie was already sitting in levies outie ready to go. She flipped me the bird when I walked past, dam I knew she would be upset after this morning. Levie held up his hand like what can I say, ‘what eve you did man, shes not happy, so brownie points for me bro’, I beared my fangs at him and he beared back, giving a smile, I said hope your luck runs out soon, then got into my viper.

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