(long overdue) Endgame Review

I've had such writer's block trying to get this done, but I saw the movie for the second time tonight and it not only inspired me, but also helped me solidify my opinions and remember everything. So, let's get to it. Needless to say, there are major Endgame spoilers ahead, so if you haven't seen it, beware.

Overall? It is an absolutely amazing movie. Absolutely heartbreaking, but still amazing. Let's get to the details.

Okay. Favorite parts. This won't be in any particular order, just as I think of them.

STEVE BEING WORTHY. God, I loved that so much. I can't tell you how amazing it was. It was a perfect character arch moment for him. Like, I feel like anything I say is just so weak because it can't come close to describing how much I adored that. And one of the best parts is that Thor's like, "I knew it!" So basically, back in Age of Ultron when we all said Steve could have done it but was saving Thor's pride, we were absolutely spot-on. I honestly didn't think that was the case, even if I liked the theory, but they just confirmed it so perfectly... that was absolutely flawlessly executed, and I can't say enough about how much I loved it. I guess it just kinda flies in the face of anyone who didn't like him. I mean, I guess not even that, because you're entitled to like whatever you like and dislike whatever you dislike, but it flies in the face of anyone who calls him a bad character... who says he's disloyal, underdeveloped, or any of that. I mean, everyone who thought that was already wrong and had paid absolutely no attention to him as a character, but this just kinda proves it. It's not that we've just been idolizing Steve this entire time... he's literally that amazing. HE'S A HUMAN AND HE'S STILL WORTHY. THE ONLY HUMAN ON EARTH DO YOU REALIZE THIS. Like, that's my baby, the one wielding Thor's hammer... that's right, I'm proud. Basically, I was whisper screaming in the theater until I couldn't breathe.

MORGAN. That was so beautiful, so truly beautiful. I just... I love Dad Tony so much. His relationship with Morgan was the purest thing on earth. Their little family was just the best thing ever. Once again, DAD TONY, my friends. And not just Morgan, but the entire movie. The way he adopted Nebula just like we said he would. The way Morgan was literally his "second chance" after Peter. HE LITERALLY THOUGHT OF PETER AS HIS SON, AND THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. I remember seeing it the first time and seeing him walk out of the house calling lunchtime, and then seeing the tent and thinking, "Wait. Are they... no. They're teasing us. It's gonna be a dog or something, and they just want us to think... they're just getting our hopes up, because this is too good to be..." And then there she was. He's so soft with her... the love in his eyes when he looks at her is so indescribable. And there's something else there, too... this eternal gratitude, laced with a little guilt, a little disbelief that will last forever. Like he can't stop thanking everything on earth for her, because he thinks he screwed up so bad with Peter. He's so sure he doesn't deserve her, but he has her anyway, and he's not going to mess it up this time. He loves her so much that it makes me cry every time I hear the word 3,000.

This brings me to PETER AND TONY'S REUNION. That hug was once again the purest, sweetest thing on earth. Peter babbling and Tony just pulling him into his arms was... AAAAAH. I can't. I just can't. "This is nice." MY HEART. The look in Tony's eyes as Peter babbled, too. It's like he was thinking, He's back. And she's still here. I have them both. I don't deserve this, but... but I did it. I got him back. He's here. He's actually here. You could just see how much he'd missed that endless chatter, how much he'd missed those innocent brown eyes and that pure heart. And then there was this soft determination in his eyes... he wasn't going to lose him again. And that's when he hugged him. You could almost see him remembering every time before... every time he'd said goodbye to him without doing it, no matter how much he wanted to. He wasn't going to do it again. He didn't care that they were standing in the middle of a battle... he didn't care about anything but the kid in front of him. He wasn't going to go another second without showing him how much he cared about him... without making it official, that he loved Peter like his own child, and he deserved to know that. Their relationship means so much to me, and that? That was perfect.

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