Chapter 1 - Mini Natsu and Lucy

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Hey, the name's Gray Fullbuster, Fairy Tail's resident ice wizard. I was sitting at the bar drinking my beer when I overheard Lucy, Levy and Mira's conversation, who were sitting a stool away from me. I noticed Lucy had dark bags under her eyes. "I don't know what to do. I haven't had a good night sleep in days and I can't write my novel when I'm tired" Lucy said. "How about you try a sleeping potion from the potion room?" Levy suggested. "Do you think Master will mind?" Lucy asked, "he won't mind" Mira replied. "Ok it wouldn't hurt to try" Lucy said before standing up and walking over to the potion room.

A few minutes Hot Head walked up to Levy. "Where's Lucy?" he asked, "she went to the potion room" Levy replied. A mischievous crept up on that idiot's face and I knew he had a stupid plan to mess with Lucy. 'I have a bad feeling about this' I thought as I took a swing of my beer and watched Dragon Boy rush to the potion room.

After a few minutes, I couldn't shake the bad feeling off and decided to check on them. As I was getting close to the potion room door I heard Lucy shout "Natsu don't touch that!" and then a massive poof noise. "What did that idiot do?" I muttered and opened the door to mini versions of Natsu and Lucy sitting on the floor. They were in a state of shock until Lucy started crying. "Oh great, what do I do?" I muttered to myself but then noticed Natsu crawling over to her. "It's ok Lucy. Don't cry" he said and then hugged her. She stopped crying but continued sniffling.

Lucy noticed me and looked up from the hug. "Who are you mister?" she asked and I guessed they don't remember their older selves. I slowly walked towards them so I didn't scare them and kneeled to their level. "I'm Gray. Would you like to come with me? I can give you candy" I said kindly. 'Damn I sound like a paedophile' I thought. "Really?!" Natsu said excitedly, with his eyes brightening at the thought of food. "Hm, Daddy said to never follow a stranger who says he has candy" Lucy said as she held onto Natsu tightly. 'Lucy's parents taught her well' I thought. "But I'm not a stranger, I told you my name and I want to be your friend" I replied. Her eyes brightened when I said 'friend' and then I knew I got her. "Really?!" she said and I nodded. Kids are so easy to convince.

I stood up and turned around with my hands out for them to grab. They each took a hand, Natsu on my right and Lucy on my left. I walked out of the potion room with them holding my hands. Once we were back in the main guild hall, everyone stared at us or more specifically Natsu and Lucy. "Oh my, what happened?" Levy asked as she came over with Mira and the rest of our team behind her. "From what I heard, Flame Brain messed with a potion and then poof kids" I summed up. "Oh poor Lu" Levy replied.

I felt my left hand being tugged and I looked down at Lucy. "Gray, who are these people?" she asked. "This is Levy, Mira, Erza, Wendy, Carla and Happy" I replied, pointing to said people. "It's nice to meet you" Lucy greeted them shyly. "Awe!" the girls squealed and I shuttered as I saw the hearts in their eyes which reminded me of a certain stalker.

"Gray, where's the candy?" Natsu asked and the girls' eyes widened. "It's a long story. Mira can you get some candy for them?" I asked and she nodded with a sweet smile before heading to the bar. "I'll go find out what potion was used on them" Levy said and then ran to the potion room.

"My old age must be catching up with me, I can't be seeing kid versions of Natsu and Lucy" Gramps said as he came up to us. I explained the story of how it happened to him and he facepalmed. "From now on everyone's banned from the potion room unless they get my permission. Anyway, since they trust you, I suggest you take care of them" he replied. I really don't want to take care of Natsu because it's Natsu, he'll wreck my whole house.

"I don't mind taking care of Lucy but could somebody else take care of Natsu?" I asked. Natsu let go of my hand and went to hug Lucy. "But I wanna stay with Lucy" he said and started to cry which made Lucy cry. "There's your answer" Gramps said before walking away. "Argh, fine you can both stay with me" I said and they stopped crying. "Yay!" they cheered.

"How am I going to handle both of them?" I said to myself. "We'll help you" Erza said and Wendy smiled in agreement. "We're a team so we have to stick together and support each other" Wendy said. "Thanks guys" I replied with a smile then Mira came over with a bowl full of candy. "Here you go, take as many as you like" Mira offered. Natsu reached out and stuffed as much candy as he could into his pockets while Lucy took a hand full. "What do you say?" I asked the two of them. "Thank you Mira" they replied to her which made Mira squeal in delight over how cute they were.

"So what should we do now?" I asked because I had no idea what to do with kids. "Clothes shopping!" Mira cheered with stars in her eyes. "Oh imagine all the cute outfits we could put them in" Wendy said excitedly. 'Oh no' I thought, worried about what this means for me. "I approve. We must leave now" Erza said with determination. "Well Natsu and Lucy, the girls are going to take care of you for a bit but I will see you when you get back" I said and tried to leave but Erza grabbed me by the back of my jacket. "You are coming with us. We need a male to change Natsu into all the different outfits we pick" she said.

"What about Happy?" I said but the flying blue furball was nowhere to be found. 'Damn it, he knew this was going to happen and flew off' I thought. Suddenly I felt someone hugging my leg. "Please come with us Gray" Lucy said with those innocent eyes of hers. "Ok" I sighed, I can't say no to child Lucy. She's just too cute to refuse. "Yay! Come on lets go" she cheered as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the guild doors with the others following behind us. 

Here we go...

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