Chapter 5 - Breakfast

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When we arrived at the guild, Gajeel walked up to us. "Oi Juvia I need to talk to you" he said. Before Juvia can answer, Gajeel dragged her to a table where Patherlily was sitting. I wondered what Gajeel wanted to talk to Juvia about but it's none of my business so I shrugged my shoulders. I took Natsu and Lucy over to the bar and then helped them up onto the bar stools before sitting beside Lucy.

"Good morning everyone" Mira greeted as she came over to us. "Hi Mira!" Natsu and Lucy greeted back happily. "Hey Mira" I greeted. "So what can I get you for breakfast?" she asked, directing it towards Natsu and Lucy first. "Strawberry pancakes please Mira" Lucy replied excitedly. "I want what Lucy's having and some bacon and eggs" Natsu said. 'That idiot forgot to say please' I thought and rolled my eyes. "What's the magic word?" I asked, prompting him to say please. "Oh, please Mira" he said and I nodded my head approvingly.

"I think you would make a great father Gray" Mira commented. "I don't know about that" I replied and unconsciously turned to Juvia. She was talking to Gajeel like she was explaining a plan to him. I realised what I was doing and shook my head before turning back to Mira. She had an overly sweet smile on her face which gave me chills down my spine for some reason. "What will you have Gray?" she asked. "I'll have bacon and eggs with a cup of coffee, please. Oh, and some orange juice for Natsu and Lucy please" I replied. "Alrighty coming right up" she said cheerfully before walking away.

"Scissors, Paper, Rock!" I heard and saw Natsu and Lucy playing the game while they wait for their food. "Paper beats rock, I win" Lucy cheered, "aw lets play again" Natsu pouted. "Scissors, Paper, Rock!" they played again and this time Lucy put up scissors while Natsu put up paper. "How do you always win?!" Natsu complained. "Best two out of five?" Lucy suggested, "yeah!" he replied. When the game was over Lucy won all five rounds. Natsu looked like he was about to cry as I noticed some tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Why can't I win?" he sobbed before crying. I was about to try to cheer him up when Lucy pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry Natsu. I didn't mean to make you cry" she said. Natsu hugged back and then shook his head against her shoulder. "It's not your fault Lucy" he replied.

"Breakfast is ready" Mira said as she brought four plates of food on her arms. "Food!" Natsu cheered like he was crying a second ago. 'Sheesh one mention of food and he's happy again' I thought with my head resting on my hand. "Strawberry pancakes with whip cream and maple syrup for Lucy" Mira said as she put Lucy's plate in front of her. Lucy's face brightened at the whipped cream and maple syrup on her pancakes and then Mira winked at her. "Strawberry pancakes with whip cream and maple syrup and a side of bacon and eggs" Mira said as she put two plates in front of Natsu. One with the pancakes and the other with his bacon and eggs. "And Lastly, bacon and eggs for you Gray" she said as she put my plate in front of me. "I'll be back with your drinks in a minute" she added before skipping back to the kitchen.

Natsu wasted no time in digging into his food using his hands, starting with his pancakes. At least Lucy was a bit more lady-like in the way she ate. Well, she did grow up in a rich family which makes sense. Soon Mira came back with our drinks, "enjoy" she said happily before leaving to serve some other customers.

"Big Brother Gray?" Lucy called while we were eating. "Yes Lucy?" I replied and then took a sip of my coffee. "Can we go to the park after breakfast?" she asked. Natsu stopped eating and turned to me with his mouth full. "Cash me pweesh?" he asked, "swallow your food before you speak" I scolded. He swallowed his food and then repeated. "Can we please?" he repeated. I thought about it and think it's a great idea because I didn't have to worry about them running around the guild causing trouble. "Yeah we can go" I replied, "yay!" they cheered.

After breakfast, Natsu and Lucy ran to the guild doors. "Come on Big Brother Gray!" Lucy called out. "I'm coming, I'm coming" I said. "Where are you going?" Levy asked as she walked up to me, holding a book in her arms. "I'm taking them to the park" I replied. "Do you mind if I tag along? I wanted a quiet place to read my book" she asked, "sure" I replied. "Is Levy coming with us?" Lucy asked when we reached the guild doors. "I am" Levy replied, "yay" Lucy said while grasping her hand and then pulled Levy out of the guild. "Wait for me!" Natsu said before running to the other side of Levy while I followed behind them.

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