Chapter 9 - Snow Day Part Two

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Everything hurts! I really have to learn not to accidentally knock over Erza's strawberry cake. "Big Brother Gray, watch me!" I heard Lucy call out and then I saw her on a large snow hill someone made with a little wooden board as a sled. She slid down the hill and stopped safely at the bottom. "That's awesome Lucy" I replied.

"Heeeeeeelll" I heard Natsu shout and I turned to find him with his tongue stuck to a lamp post. I sighed as I walked over to him with Lucy. "How did you get yourself stuck?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "I wanded to lic thee ice oth thee poll" he replied and Lucy giggled. I sighed at his stupidity. "Just heat up your tongue" I said. "Oh yea" he replied and heated his tongue until he was free.

Lucy giggled again, "silly Natsu" she said and then kissed him on the cheek. He blushed red and unconsciously heated up his body bashfully, melting the ice around him. I smirked, 'if they don't get together when they change back to normal. I'm going to get Erza to beat Natsu up until he asks her out. Plus, it would be fun to watch' I thought.

"Gray!" I heard Mira call me and I saw her at the guild doors in front of a table with a hot pot. "Bring Natsu and Lucy over" she said and brought my two mini teammates with me to her table. "What's in the pot Mira?" I asked, smelling something delicious coming from the pot. "I made some hot chocolate to warm up everyone. Would you three like some?" she asked. "Yes please!" Natsu and Lucy happily replied. "I would like one too. Thanks Mira" I replied and she began to pour some hot chocolate into three mugs with the ladle.

When she handed them to us I noticed two white marshmallows floating in my drink. Natsu and Lucy's faces lit up when they saw the marshmallows. "Woah! Thank you Mira!" they said before sitting down at one of the guild's outdoor tables and sipping their hot chocolate. I soon joined them and took a sip of my own hot chocolate. As the warm liquid slid down my throat, warming up my body, I noticed I haven't seen Juvia all day. It felt weird not hearing her shout my name and then cling to me.

"Gray!" I heard my name being called and saw Levy running to me with a book in her arms. "Hey Levy, do you know where Juvia is?" I asked since they both live together in the same dorm. "She caught a mild cold and Wendy's on a job with Happy and Carla so she's stuck on bedrest" she replied. 'Poor Juvia. I should bring some hot chocolate to her later' I thought.

"Anyway, did you need me for something?" I asked, "oh yeah, I almost forgot. Can I talk to you privately? It's about you know what" she asked while her eyes pointed to Natsu and Lucy. I knew this means that Levy found some information about changing Natsu and Lucy back to normal. I hope she has found something because I don't want to babysit them for the rest of my life. "Yeah sure" I replied and then turned to Mira. "Mira, can you please watch them for a while?" I asked. "Sure" she replied and then I followed Levy inside the empty guildhall.

"So, did you find out how long until Natsu and Lucy change back?" I asked. "Yes, after I changed the measurement of the potion into-" "Levy, English please" I interrupted since I have no idea what she was saying. "I figured out that the potion should wear off by sunset today" she replied, simply. 'Yes, I don't have to babysit them after today! Freedom!' I inwardly cheered. "I suggest dressing them in the clothes you found them in in the potion room and then bring them to the guild by sunset" Levy suggested and I nodded in agreement. "Thanks Levy. I'm going to take Natsu and Lucy back to Lucy's apartment. See you later" I said as I ran to the guild doors.

Once I was outside, I saw Natsu and Lucy having a snowball with the rest of the guild. "Ah, Gray?" Mira called out. "Yeah?" I asked while turning to her. "Clothes" she replied and I looked down to see I stripped into my boxers. "Argh! Not again!" I complained and gathered my discarded clothes that were inside the guild.

When I put my discarded clothes back on, I called Natsu and Lucy over to me. "Yes, Big Brother Gray?" Lucy asked. "We need to go home to get some lunch" I came up with a half-lie. We were going to get some lunch but that wasn't the whole reason we were going back to Lucy's apartment. "Yummy lunch!" Natsu replied excitedly. "I haven't told you what's for lunch" I said, "I don't care as long as it's food" he replied and I rolled my eyes. Typical Natsu.

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