Chapter 11 - Confess

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Natsu's POV

Yes! I'm finally back to normal! I hope Ice Princess doesn't tease me about being a kid too much. He's never going to let me live this down. Mini me is way too honest about my feelings. While I was dancing on a table, I noticed Lucy talking to the girls. "I'm not sure if he really feels the same about me" I heard Lucy say with my Dragon Slayer hearing. 'Lucy feels the same about me?!' I thought happily. I pretended to be busy dancing while eavesdropping on their conversation. "Oh Lu, I'm sure he has feelings for you. Think about all the cute things little Natsu did" Levy said and I blushed.

"What if it was the potion that made him do that?" Lucy asked with uncertainty. "The potion doesn't affect your personality or feelings" Levy said. "Right. Lucy, most of us grew up with Natsu and I can say honestly that the way he looks at you is different than the way he looks at anyone else here" Mira said confidently. The other girls nodded in agreement. 'They aren't wrong' I thought. I heard Lucy sigh and I knew she wasn't fully convinced. I stopped dancing and took a deep breath. 'It's now or never' I thought before jumping off the table and walking over to the girls.

The girls except Lucy noticed me coming over and gave me a knowing smirk before giving Lucy some space. "Hey Lucy" I said and Lucy flinched. She slowly turned to face me nervously, "h-hey Natsu, what's up?" she asked. "Ah..." I started nervously and then thought 'oh screw it.' I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the guild doors. "Natsu?! What are you doing?!" Lucy shouted in surprise but I just kept walking in silence. My face felt hot as we walked out into the cold night.

During the walk, Lucy was complaining but I ignored her until I felt her shiver. I looked back and realised she was cold. It's no wonder why she was cold, she's only wearing light clothing from our transformation. I stopped and let go of her wrist. "Natsu?" she questioned as I took off my scarf and wrapped it around her neck. I knew that wasn't going to be enough so I grasped her hand and used my heat to warm her up. "Just until we get to your place" I said shyly while not looking her in the eye. She froze for a second before showing me her beautiful smile. "Thanks Natsu" she replied with her angelic voice. 'Damn I've fallen hard for her' I thought.

Soon we arrived in front of Lucy's apartment and I picked her up bridal style. "W-What are you doing?" she asked flustered before I jumped up to her window. As soon as I landed on her bed, she hit the back of my head. "Use the door next time!" she shouted, "sorry~ Lucy" I replied. I'm still going to use the window.

I lowered Lucy onto the floor and then jumped off her bed. Now that I'm here, my nerves were setting in. 'How do I confess to her? Damn, I should've asked Happy before I left with Lucy!' I thought. "So um, I'm going to make some dinner. Do you want some?" Lucy asked, breaking the silence. 'I am hungry but I've got to confess now or else I'll lose my nerve' I thought. "I would but I need to tell you something first" I said. "Ah ok. What is it?" she asked. "IloveyouLucyandwillyoubecomemygirlfriend" I confessed quickly and she looked confused. "I didn't catch any of that. Say it again and this time slower" she said and I took a deep breath. "I love you Lucy and will you become my girlfriend?" I repeated slowly. Lucy gasped and covered her mouth in surprise.

"I love you too Natsu" she replied as she lowered her hands. "So is that a yes to becoming my girlfriend?" I asked. "Yes you idiot" she giggled and then I picked her up in a hug. "Yay Lucy's my girlfriend!" I cheered and she laughed. I lowered her down to the ground and then kissed her lips. To my delight, she kissed me back. 'Mine and Lucy's first kiss!' I cheered internally.

" mentioned dinner?" I asked as we broke the kiss. 'Damn all this confessing and kissing is making me hungry' I thought. Lucy giggled, "alright, give me some time to make it" she said before walking to the kitchen. I plan to announce to the guild tomorrow that Lucy's mine but for tonight, I'm going to enjoy some one-on-one time with my new girlfriend.

As I was waiting for dinner, I thought about one day starting a family with Lucy. Some day we could have a little dragon and little princess running around. Unknown to me, a sneaky blue exceed had been watching the whole time from the window with a smirk on his face. 

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