Chapter 10 - Back to Normal

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After we had lunch, I did as Levy said. I dressed Natsu and Lucy in the clothes I found them in and took them back to the guild. On the way, I had a thought to visit Juvia later today with some hot chocolate and a bouquet of blue hydrangeas. Ah! Y-You know, to thank her for helping me with Natsu and Lucy. Phew, is it getting hot in here or is it just me? A-Anyway, I took my mini teammates inside the guild and everyone was ready to say goodbye to them.

We had about less than an hour before they were supposed to turn back to normal. I can't wait to fight adult Natsu again and tease him about what mini Natsu did to mini Lucy. I'm excited to see his reaction and to blackmail him with it hehe.

Natsu and Lucy ran around talking to everyone. As Lucy was talking to the girls, they gave her a big hug and squeezed her cheeks one last time. The boys, including me, were picking on Natsu by pushing him back with our hands as he tried to fight us. I bet the boys are going to miss teasing mini Natsu. Me though, the normal Natsu is more fun to tease.

Mira came over and whispered something into Natsu's ear. Natsu's face brightened up before running to Lucy and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Lucy blushed and had a smile on her face. Natsu grasped her hand and suddenly a bright golden light glowed around them. The potion was finally wearing off.

The golden light blinded the entire guild for a second and everyone covered their eyes. When it faded, adult Natsu and Lucy were standing in the middle of the guild holding hands. Both of them looked a bit disoriented until Lucy looked down at their hands. She blushed a deep red that would put Erza's hair to shame and then pulled her hand away from Natsu's grasp. I noticed Natsu had a slight blush on his cheek which made a smirk appear on my face.

"How much do you two remember?" Mira asked the question everybody had on their mind. I so hope Natsu remembers because he probably won't believe me if he doesn't. "E-Everything" Lucy answered for the two of them. Gramps walked up to them and slapped the back of Natsu's head. "Ow! What was that for Gramps?!" Natsu shouted as he rubbed the back of his head. "That's for playing around in the potion room. Now lets party!" Gramps cheered and everyone cheered along with him.

Now I'm itching for a fight. "Oi Pyro! Fight me!" I challenged. "What did you call me Ice Stripper?!" he shouted back and stomped up to me. We clashed foreheads and threw insults at each other before turning it into a fist fight. Damn I missed this.

As we were fighting, Natsu pushed me and I felt something squish on my foot. Fear shot through both of us as we looked down at what I stepped on. As we feared, I stepped on Erza's strawberry cake. Natsu had a scared expression as he looked me behind me. I turned around and saw Erza standing there with a deadly aura around her. We screamed just before she beat us up. I would tell you the details but I don't want to talk about it. Lets just say it hurt A LOT!

After escaping Erza's wrath, I went outside to take a break from the raging guild fight going on inside. It was now night time and the stars were sparkling in the sky above. I took a deep breath in of the cold night air. "Natsu?! What are you doing?!" I heard Lucy shout and I quickly hid by leaning against the guild wall in the shadows. I watched as Natsu pulled Lucy out of the guild and into the streets by the wrist. Since Natsu was blushing, I'm guessing he's about to confess to Lucy. 'It's about time' I thought with a smirk and then thought of Juvia. "I should give her a visit now before it gets too late" I muttered to myself and walked into the night to get some flowers and hot chocolate.

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