Chapter 8 - Snow Day Part One

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The next morning, the whole of Magnolia was coated with a thick layer of snow. The first day of winter, my kind of day. I woke up early and was drinking a hot cup of coffee I made in Lucy's kitchen. Natsu and Lucy were still asleep. Natsu stayed up all night taking care of her while she slept off her cold.

I heard Natsu began to stir and then he jumped out of his temporary futon bed when he saw the snowflakes falling outside. "Lucy! Lucy! Look! It's snowing!" he cheered as he jumped onto Lucy's bed to look outside the window. Lucy woke up from the shouting and Natsu jumping on her bed. She looked outside and her face lit up. "Wow" she said while sitting on her knees next Natsu at the window. "Lets go play in the snow!" Natsu said but I had to intervene. "Hold on Pinky. I need to check Lucy's temperature first" I said as I sat on the bed and felt Lucy's forehead. He glared at me when I called him 'Pinky'.

Lucy's temperature felt like it was back to normal. "Looks like you're all better now" I said and both kids smiled brightly. "Hell ya! Lets go play outside Lucy!" Natsu said as he grasped Lucy's hand and pulled her towards the door. "Wait" I said and they stopped at the door. "What now" Natsu grumbled. "Lucy, you need to put on a jacket. We don't want you getting a cold again" I said. Natsu stomped over to the couch and sat down with his arms crossed. Sheesh someone needs patience...wait a minute, this is Flame Brain I'm talking about. I walked over to Lucy's closet and looked for a winter jacket. I found a short pink one and I knew it was going to fit her like a dress but it's better than nothing.

After changing them into warm clothing, I took them to the guild. Everyone was outside having a snowball fight. With no hesitation, Natsu let go of Lucy's hand and joined the snowball fight. "Big Brother Gray, can you make a snowman with me?" Lucy asked. "Yeah, lets make a snowman together" I replied. Lucy and I crouched down to the ground and gathered some snow. I rolled the biggest part of the snowman while Lucy rolled the medium size part and the head.

When all three different sized snowballs were rolled, we started stacking them up from biggest at the bottom to the smallest at the top. I then Ice-Maked a face, scarf and stick-shaped arms onto the snowman. We stepped back and looked at our handy work. "It looks amazing" Lucy said happily. "Yeah we made one awesome snowman" I said with a big smile and then a snowball crashed into the back of my head.

I turned around and shouted, "who threw that?!" Everyone was busy having fun while Natsu was rolling on the ground in laughter. If the laughter wasn't a dead giveaway, the pointing and the tears of laughter in his eyes was. I crouched down and formed a snowball before throwing it at his face. It landed in his mouth and he rolled over on his hands and knees to spit it out. I laughed and he glared at me before throwing another snowball at me. I dodged it and threw another snowball at him. We threw snowball after snowball at each other and the game slowly got more and more competitive.

We both threw one at the same time and we didn't notice someone walking towards us. "Mm I love strawberries" Erza said while eating a strawberry shortcake as she was walking unconsciously into the crossfire. Everything felt like it went slow motion. Natsu and I looked at our snowballs in horror as it crashed into her face and knocked her cake to the floor. While she was blinded, Natsu and I jumped into the snow hill, that our missed snowballs made, to hide from Erza's wrath. "Who. Threw. That." I heard Erza's threatening voice and shook in fear inside the snow hill I'm hiding in. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my butt which made me jump up out of the snow hill screaming in pain along with Natsu. We turned to see an angry Erza with two swords in her hands. "You two will pay" she said threateningly which almost made us make the snow yellow. We screamed a girly scream as we knew a deadly punishment was coming for knocking over Erza's cake.

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