Chapter 6 - Park

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"Hey Gray? Have you heard what Gajeel is planning?" Levy asked as we were walking to the park. "No but I was there when he dragged Juvia across the guild to ask about something" I replied. "Hm, I wondering what's he planning?" she said in thought. "I see the park!" Natsu cheered and then grabbed Lucy hand before running towards the park. "Hey don't run off!" I shouted and then was about to run after them when Levy put her hand on my arm. "Let them run. We can see them from here and they are just excited. It's cute" she said. "Alright" I replied and then watched Natsu and Lucy run down the hill to the giant tree in the middle of the park.

"Lets play Red Light, Green Light" Natsu suggested, "ok! Me first!" Lucy replied. Levy and I sat down on the grass a little away from them and Levy opened her book. Lucy turned to face the tree and then closed her eyes. Natsu ran a few metres away from her and then stopped. "Ready" he shouted and snuck up to her as she said "green light."

Suddenly she shouted "red light!" and then Natsu stopped in a funny position. He had one leg up, his arms out and a surprise expression on his face. He looked like a ninja dragon about to fly but was surprised that he got caught. Lucy laughed, "what are you doing Natsu?" she giggled. "It's more fun this way" he said and the after getting one last look, Lucy turned back to the tree.

I was getting a bit bored watching them so I turned to Levy. "What are you reading?" I asked. She stopped reading and looked up at me before closing the book. "It's the Adventures of Ariadne" she replied and showed me the dark mauve hardcover book with gold foil swirl design on the cover. "What is it about?" I asked, "Ariadne is a barmaid in a small port town called Ravenchill. She was known in the town for her fiery red hair. One night while she was closing up shop, she bumped into a man who turned out to be the Captain of a notorious Silver Wave Pirates. The Captain took interest in her hair and kidnapped her. Over time they grew closer and fell in love. This book goes through all the pirate adventures they go on together" she explained.

"Ah-" "Love Rival!" Juvia suddenly popped out of the bushes beside us. "AH JUVIA!" I exclaimed and then regained my composure. "What are you doing here Juvia?" I asked. "She came with me. Hey Shrimp" Gajeel said as he walked up to us. "What are you-AH!" Levy screamed as Gajeel threw her over his shoulder. "Put me down Gajeel!" she complained but Gajeel ignored her. "I need to take Shrimp" he said to me. "Go ahead" I said and then Gajeel started walking with Levy. "Where are you taking me?!" I heard her complain before going out of earshot.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap and then a kid crying. It turned out to be Natsu. Juvia and I ran over to see what happened. "WAAAAAAAH" Natsu cried while holding his leg on the ground. He has a bleeding scrape on his leg. "What happened Lucy?" I asked as I kneeled next to him. "Natsu tried to climb the tree and then fell down" she answered. "WAAH-OW!" Natsu exclaimed as I whacked the back of his head. "That's what you get for doing something stupid" I said and he rubbed his head. "We should take him to Wendy" Juvia suggested. "Yeah, we should" I replied and then picked Natsu up, holding him with one arm. Lucy grasped my other hand and then we walked towards the guild.

When we arrived, I looked around the guild for Wendy and found her sitting with Carla. "Hey Wendy, this idiot fell from a tree and hurt his leg. Can you please heal him?" I asked. Natsu pouted and crossed his arms at the 'idiot' comment. "Sure! Sit him down here" Wendy replied and I sat Natsu down with his leg bent on the seat in front of her. She put her hands over his scrape and a green light glowed from her hands.

In a few seconds, his scrape was completely gone. "There, does that feel better?" she asked. "No. I want a kiss from Lucy" he pouted. Lucy ran up to him and kissed the spot where the scrape used to be. "No, right here" he said while tapping his cheek. Lucy stood up on her tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. "Is that better?" she asked and Natsu nodded with his cheeks as pink as his hair. 'That sly dragon' I thought with a smirk. I can't wait to embarrass him when he turns back to normal.

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