Sammy wilk

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It was just a regular Monday in September. Sam had just gotten back from tour not to long ago. You missed him like crazy so you had text him and told him to come over. No you guys aren't dating. You want to, but you know that he doesn't have feelings for you. Why would he want you. Your not a size 3. You don't have a thigh gap. You're hairs not perfect. You're only 5'1.You dont have blue eyes and you dont tan. You was the exact opposite of what he wanted in a girl. So you gave up hope awhile ago. Started smoking pot again. You had promised Sam that you would quite. Even though he did it, he didnt want you to. So you had stop. Then he left for tour. An you were good for the first few weeks. But then you started again. You would never tell him though. He would be heart broken.

You lost you're train of thought when you heard someone knock on you're door. You knew it was say so you just yelled "Come in." and sure enough a few moments later Sam walked into you're bedroom.

"I brought candy, soda, popcorn and movies" He said cheesing like a 3 year old after they just got a cookie even though mom said no.

You smiled up at him. And all you're feelings you had tried to get rid of came running back. "What movies?" You asked standing up and walking over to you're desk, where he was standing at emptying the bags he had brought.

He looked through the stack of movies and started naming them off. "22 jump street, grown ups two, tammy, brick mansions, red 2, into the storm, and fast six."

You had realized after he said tammy that he had brought all of you're favorites. You smiled at him. Having to look up because hes almost a foot taller.

"you brought-"

But he cut you off "All you're favorites. Yeah I know. I figured we could just have a movie day today. Just me and you. Like old times"

You couldnt stop smiling at him "Yeah, like old times" You said grabbing grown ups two and putting it in the dvd player. He went downstairs to pop the popcorn while you grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows out of you're closet. Whenever you guys would have a movie night you would always put all the blankets and pillows on you're bed and cuddle. Sam came back with the popcorn and you pressed play on the movie.


You guys had just started watching the last movie. It was brick mansions. You're all time favorite. You was laying on you're side with you're head on Sammys chest. He was laying on his back with his head propped up on one of the many pillows. He had his arm wrapped around youre back with his hand under you're shit rubbing circle on you're bare skin. You couldnt help but think that this was how its supposed to be. Just you and Sam against the world. You would remember this for forever because what you was about to tell Sam would ruin you're friendship for forever. You looked up at him and he was staring intensely at the Tv screen. You looked at his plump pink lips and wanted nothing more than to kiss him. But you couldn't. Because Sam doesn't like you like that you kept telling yourself. You're just his friend. Nothing more. But you couldn't help you're feelings.

So you sat up on you're knees. Sam looked over at you then grabbed the remote and paused the movie. It was silent for a minute.

"Sam" "Y/N" you both said at the same time.

"You go first" Sam said.

"No you" you replied wanting to hear what he had to say.

He nodded. It was quite for a few minutes. He would open his mouth like he was going to say something then he would close it again. He grabbed your hand and held it in his. "I don't know how to say this Y/N"

"Just say it, whatever it is I can take it"

He looked at you and his eyes meet yours. And you seen, love? No that couldn't be it.

"I love you Y/N. I've loved you ever since the first day I saw you in 3rd grade. Wearing a flower shirt, blue shorts and a bow in you're hair. You've always been the girl for me. I didn't want to admit it because I knew you didn't feel the same. But damn. I'd do anything for you. No one compares to you. I know you don't feel the same bu-" You cut him off. You had heard all you needed for you're life to be complete. So you kissed him. And it was everything you had hoped for and more. There was so much emotion. It was the best kiss you've ever had before. His lips were so soft

and he was the best kisser ever. It was amazing. You pulled away from the kiss and rested you're fort head against his.

"I love you too Sam"

He smiled and pecked you're lips again.

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend"

You started blushing everything you had wanted had came true. You nodded your head "Yes Sammy" you kissed him again then he pulled you into his arms and you guys started watching the movie again. He kissed your fort head and whispered in your ear "I love you"

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