Here for you - Sammy wilk

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-Your p.o.v

He found you, and Sam wasnt here to stop him. It was going to happen again. He grabbed you out the bed you were in by your hair. "Ungrateful slut. I was going to go easy on you, but now, but now I have to teach you a lesson. You might be wondering where Sam is. Well you see, I came to get you the night you left. I knew you would go to Sam. You always do. Why? I will never know. But thats not the point. The point is, no one cares about you. Not even Sam. See, me and him, we came up with a plan. He was going to get you to trust him even more then you already did. He was going to make you feel safe. Fill your head with all these lies. Tell you that your safe. But in reality, it was all part of the plan. He left tonight to go get 'cake mix' and 'accidentally' forgot to lock the front door. Now looky here. Me and you. In a room together. And Sams not here. He let me in."

I looked at him in disbelief. Everything he was saying. Was a lie. Sam wouldnt leave me. He wouldnt just let him have me. Sam said he would keep me safe. He didnt lie. "Your lying, Sam wouldnt do that"

"Oh but he would, were is he? Shouldnt he be back by now from getting cake mix? Oh wait. Hes not coming back. He doesnt care for you. He was just using you. Lying to you. No one cares about you!"

You shot up out of bed. Sweat dripping down your neck. Your hair sticking to your face. Your breathing was heavy. You felt like you were going to pass out at any moment. You were shaking more then you new possible. It was just a dream you kept telling your self. Sam would never let him near you again. He made you a promise. You looked outside and noticed it was still dark outside. Then your eyes landed on a digital cock that read 5:06. Great. You were only asleep for 2 hours and youve already had the nightmare of your life. But you needed more sleep. So you laid back down. Trying to clam your breathing. You reached your hand over to the other side of the bed to feel for Sam. Your hand landed on a hard chest. You let out a sign of relief. Sam was still here. You figured that you wouldnt wake him up. That he needed sleep to. And you was probably being a pain in his ass. So you moved closer to Sam and cuddled up into his side. He instantly responded by wrapping his arm around your waist and tangling his legs up with yours. So now over half of your body was on top of Sam. But you could feel any safer. This was were you belonged. With Sam. No one else. Just you and him.


You woke up to the sound of arguing. You could tell from the voices that it was Sam. And the other voice sounded like a girl. So you slowly got up and out of Sam's bed. You slipped on a pair of his sweats because all you had on was his shirt. You slowly and silently opened up Sam's door. You walked down the hall way till you was at the top of the stairs. You shouldn't be listening but you couldn't help your self.

"She's just a damn friend!" You heard Sam yell.

"Just like all the other friends Sam!" You heard the unknown female voice yell.

"I already told you. She. Is. Just. A. Friend." Sam said, surprisingly clam.

"Then what the fuck was she doing in your bed! Sleeping on you! You got a answer for that one too?!"

Then you realized that this was all your fault. Sam and his what your assuming girlfriend is fighting because you had been a fucking pussy and came to Sam's house. You could have just went to the park. But no. You had to go to Sam's house. By this time you had tears streaming down your face and the yelling had only gotten louder. You went to Sam's room and put on your clothes from last night and pulled your hair up into a bun. Reviling the bruises on your face and the hand print around your neck. You grabbed your suitcase and braced yourself for the screaming thats coming and walked out of Sam's room. No longer trying to be quiet. You walked down his steps. Trying to be heard. Once you reached the bottom of the steps all eyes were on you. You could see anger and sadness in Sam's eyes. But in the girls eyes all you saw was hate.

They just kept staring at you so you spoke up. "I'm going to leave" Sam looked hurt. "What. No. You can't leave. Where are you going to go"

"I don't know. But I'm not going to stay here and impose on you guys. I haven't even been here for 24 and I've already caused an argument. It would be best if I leave"

Sam just shook his head. "No your not leaving. I'm not letting you. There is no way in fucking hell im letting you walk out that door. Its not happening."

You opened your mouth to object but Sam cut you off. "No, your staying. Now take your shit back upstairs."

You nodded, feeling grateful that Sam wouldn't let you leave. If he would have you had no idea where you would have went. You took your stuff up stairs and shortly after Sam came up.

You looked up at him. "I'm sorry I caused that between you and your girlfriend, I should have never came here" it started off strong but by the time you were finishing your sentence it was barley a whisper. Sam sat down beside you. "You have nothing to be sorry about, that wasn't your fault. Plus, I've been looking for a reason to break up with her, and that showed me her true colors." You looked up at him. Tears in your eyes. "Please never leave me" you voice creaking with every word. Sam looked broken. He pulled you onto his lap and held you. "I will never leave you" you looked up at Sam "promise" and you held out your pinky finger. He smiled down at you. "Promise." You slowly feel asleep on Sam's chest. And it was then. After all that had happened. You realized how much Sam and actually meant to you. But he had realized how truly broken you were. And it was then, that Sam and made a promise to him self. To fix you. And to never let you feel unwanted ever again. Because you were wanted by him.

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