Lazy day - Luke Hemmings

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Requested - No

Luke Hemmings

Type - Cute

Word count - 684

You woke up to finger tips lightly brushing your exposed thigh. Your body shivered as the cold breeze from the open window hit your body. Making you realize you had kicked the blankets off in your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes. Blinking them a few times to adjust to the bright sun rays seeping through the opened blinds. You stared at the cream colored ceiling until the finger tips left your thigh.

You turned over on your side to see Luke already staring at you. You smiled at him. Luke smiled back but he continued to stair at your face. You took this time to observe Luke. His blonde hair was all over the place. The sun was shining down on his perfect shirtless torso. The plaid waist band of his boxers peaked out from the covers that were only covering his legs.

You felt Luke's hand reach up and cup your chin. He lightly pulled it up so you were looking into his eyes again. Once you were staring into his blue orbs he moved his hand from your chin to your check. His thumb lightly stroked your check bone. "Your so beautiful." He whispered more to himself then to you. You smiled letting Luke know that you had heard him.

You placed your hand over top of Luke's and pulled it away from your face. You interlaced your fingers and laid your hands in between the both of you. You leaned in slightly and pressed your lips against Lukes plump pink lips. You could never get enough of him. You let go of his hand to tangle your fingers into his hair. Luke wrapped both of his arms around your waist and pulled you on top of him. Your lips moved in sync. You placed one leg on each side of Lukes waist. Lukes hands stay on your waist. Pulling you closer to him. You giggled into the kiss then pulled away to rest your fort head against his. "I love you Luke." Luke brushed his lips against yours. "I love you y/n."

You felt Lukes hands move up to your sides. You smiled at him but he had this smirk on his face. It took you a minute to realize what he was going to do. But you didnt have time to say anything before it was to late. You felt Luke flip you over as his fingers danced on your sides. A screch came out of your mouth followed by endless laughter. Luke kept tickling your sides until you was out of breath begging him to stop. "L-luke , please." You panted, out of breath. 

Luke smiled down at you before removing his hands from your sides. You took your time trying to catch your breath. You smiled up at Luke. "Lets do something today." You said getting out of bed and walking over to your closet. "Like what?" Luke said following behind you. You shrugged your shoulders as you changed into one of Lukes shirts and a pair of shorts. "We can order pizza and watch movies." Luke laughed at you before pulling on a pair of basketball shorts. "Pizza? You just woke up, besides the pizza shop doesnt open till one." 

You signed in frustration before stomping your foot like a little kid. "But Lukey, I want pizza." You pouted, sticking out your bottom lip. You knew that Luke couldnt tell you no. Luke smiled down at down at you and kissed your fort head. "Anything for my baby." You smiled and stood up on your tippy toes pecking his lips before you walked down stairs.

Luke came downstairs about five minutes. "I called a few pizza places and one of them are opened so I ordered you a Larger pepperoni with banana peppers and extra peppercinis." You smiled up and your amazing boyfriend before kissing Luke. He instantly kissed you back. You sat down on the couch and Luke sat beside you. You spent the rest of your day eating pizza and watching supernatural. 

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