Chapter 23 - High Stakes Part 6

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Fortune Valley Resort & Casino. The battle still raged on as one of the drivers were still fighting for the win. Takahiro seemed to have his car balanced for the track and it seems to have better handling and grip on the corners which gave him faster cornering. Ellie though, has a disadvantage on the corners because there are not a lot of straightaways on the course and her Z seems to not have the handling she needs to take the corners fast. Her pace seems to be faster than the FD while Takahiro brakes a little bit early and Ellie brakes at the right time. Her car is a perfect match but her opponent has a faster pace that can outsmart her on the corners. "His braking on the straights is pretty weak. It's like mine a few years ago. But even then, why?" Ellie wondered in her mind as she witnesses the braking differences between her Z and Takahiro's FD. "It's getting more and more difficult to follow him in the corners. What's different? Is it the performance between a modern and a classic JDM?" Ellie wondered in her mind. There was a big difference between the FD and the Z. Their handling seems to have better cornering abilities but the Z is a bit heavy than the FD which has given Takahiro an advantage and Ellie a disadvantage. "Not a chance! This car is maintained very well by the unbeatable combo of Letty and Jovanna! Which means... I'm the one who's mostly falling behind. After the next hairpin it'll be even worse." Ellie said in her mind as she was focusing but then realizes that she is falling behind. Takahiro turns on his hazard lights and lets Ellie pass him. She was in shock and confused of what's she's going for. "Huh? Why? What for?" Ellie wondered in her mind as she passed Takahiro and took the lead for no reason if there is something bad that's gonna happen. They approached the bridge section that leads to Braxton. "Unbelievable... what is he thinking?" Ellie wondered in her mind. "I saw them. I saw the wings on the back of her car back then. I want to see them again. Those breathtaking, amazing wings. But I can't, if you're behind me. Show me once again!" Takahiro said in his mind. Starting point. "Say what?! He turned on the Hazards and dropped behind? Are you sure?" The Collector asked. "He's really something. A masterpiece." Josh laughed. "You can't be a hero if you lose. It's not like he doesn't know the rules. He's going for the win. No doubt. In other words. He's confident he'll be able to get back in front. No driver has ever made a fool out of Bayview's fastest undefeated so called faster downhiller like this. Now everything is messed up. I don't know what will happen. They must be panicking over The Drifting Hazards' side." Josh explained. They passed the bridge and entered the Braxton section. "What's the meaning of this? This is a battle, right? If so, then what are you thinking?" Ellie wondered in her mind as she looked at her rear view mirror all confused. Starting point. "Ms.Disantos." I called. "If it was you, what would you do, Branden?" Letty asked. "I wouldn't do anything but panic. Having the lead just handed over during a battle, for the first time ever too, that's humiliating. My motivation would drop for sure. It would take time to get over that feeling." I answered. "It's like that, right? I couldn't have predicted this. However, this isn't bad. From how my simulation of it went, this battle was likely to end in our failure. I looked through everything. Something had to be changed. I can't control it any longer. However, for this final play of The Drifting Hazards, this is suitable. The actors are all on stage. An odd scenario like this needs no direction. The greatest drama is coming alive!" Letty explained. The Z drifted into the first corner and blocked the FD. Final section. "Nicole, Dom... What is going on?" Zandara asked. "Oh my god, how are we supposed to know that?!" Nicole asked. "That's right." Dominic answered. "We just have to put faith in Ellie. In our downhill ace!" Nicole replied. Ellie moves her hand to the Shift knob and shifted up to 5th Gear. She braked into the corner perfectly and took it fast while Takahiro braked early and went a little fast. "Am I supposed to keep racing just like this?" Ellie wondered in her mind. Her tires caused her to turn to the outside. "Whoa!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she turned the wheel carefully without crashing. "I can't concentrate like this." Ellie said in her mind. They approached the few turn sections. Starting point. "Then again... While battling, you don't let opportunities slide to you? Yajima probably feels bad  about this but... now we can win." Adena asked. "Mom. You don't get it do you? Giving someone the lead... indicates the ability to reclaim the lead." I answered. "Reclaim..?! But.. that's impossible. The course is mostly narrow. And reclaiming the lead. This is a top class battle with a paper thin victory margin! Ellie's our downhill ace you know... whether Bayview or Fortune Valley, she's never lost." Adena replied. "I have no idea. This isn't bookish theory. This is just my intuition from having driven here but... something bad can happen." I said. Adena gave a small gulp as she was nervous that she thinks Ellie might lose. "My thoughts are the same as Branden's. At this rate Yajima may lose her will to keep racing." Letty suggested. "Not you too Letty." Adena replied. "Omit everything you have considered till now as "common sense", Adena. And this is what makes the opponent the ultimate challenge for Ellie. Still, I could've never predicted this." Letty explained. They were approaching the twisty bends and the Z was starting to wear out. "Guess I have to try extending the lead. The real battle begins in the curve section before the goal. I also need to conserve the tires till that point." Ellie said in her mind. "Can't see them. Can't see them today. Those wings. Wonder why. Slightly disappointing. If I can't see them, there's no point in trailing." Takahiro said in his mind. "Here they come!" A male spectator exclaimed. They were coming up on a right twisty turn. Ellie braked into the corner early while Takahiro brakes as well but then bumps her with a nudge and then passes her on the turn. "Impossible... what the heck's with that FD? By someone passing there can be dangerous. That demonic fast Ellie Yajima was..." A spectator said. "OVERTAKEN?!" Nicole, Dominic and Zandara exclaimed. "El-El-El-Ellie got overtaken!" Zandara exclaimed. "It.. can't.. be.." Nicole stuttered. "IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" Zandara exclaimed. "What now... is there really a place to regain the lead after this?!" Dominic asked. The Z was passed but then she was still focusing. "You bumped me in purpose? So.. that's the type of racer you are huh? If that's how you're going to play... then let's do it!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she shifted up to 4th gear. The engine was pumping very hard and the Z backfired it's exhaust. Downtown. Boomville. "You and your crew have no clue what you're signing up for." Joseph said. "Aww, someone a sore loser?" Jordan asked. "You're about to walk into a lion's den. I hope you and your friends are ready to lose everything. Again." Joseph answered. "We're taking our city back. The Demon Lords are going down. You can't scare us." Jordan replied. "Your big mistake is thinking this is just about the Demon Lords. But, in terms of your little game... No other off-roaders left between ya'll and the Rush. Better check your blind spots. We'll be watching." Joseph replied. "Then get ready for a hell of a show." Jordan said. Starting point. "At the Twisty right bend? You're kidding right?!" I asked. "I can't even imagine it... To set up an overtaking place there. He's insulting our ace. Damn it! More than us, Ellie's probably even more shocked. She might even lose resolve." Adena answered as she was holding the phone. "She won't. Right now she's not just racing for herself. Yeah. Everyone she's battled in Bayview are here watching. She's racing with that heavy burden on her back. Whatever happens, there's no way she'll lose resolve. The fight starts HERE! It's bad losing your lead but if we're taking it back." I explained. "Y-yeah, you're right!" Adena replied. "One thing is for a certain, Yajima wouldn't be as shaken as people are supposing. I get the picture. If he were trying to pull ahead with his top speed, that would've been a huge shock, but she's most likely saving her tires and cursing at high speed. Obviously not expecting an attack and with her guard down. If her opponent but in abruptly and overdid the attack. This is a desirable scenario. This is good. When cornered, she'll show another awakening. Ellie Yajima is the type who accelerated growth whenever it's needed.. a prodigy." Letty said in her mind. Ellie shifted up to 4th gear and she accelerated hard. It was now her keeping up with the FD as Takahiro starts to be confused. "I can't get away. She's keeping up with my speed." Takahiro wondered in his mind. Ellie was in the zone as she was keeping up with her opponent. "I'll have to admit. You're amazing, incredibly fast. But then you're running an FD against a V6 twin turbo. Therefore, there's no reason why the speeds you use can't be used by me." Ellie said in her mind as she finds the meaning of the FD's fastest speed and she accelerated hard to keep up with Takahiro. She didn't give up or break a sweat on those sections. "Even I admit that this curb is the hardest part of the course. The exit is narrower than the entry. Nobody's kept up with this pace before." Takahiro wondered in his mind as he was taking the curb. Ellie was taking it at a faster pace. Her speed was faster from before and she was going at her own pace. "What is this girl?! No way, nobody's done this before." Takahiro wondered in his mind. "Ugh! This is tough! But I can still do this." Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she was trying to take the corner fast but then almost crashed into the guardrail. "What? Why? I can't pull away." Takahiro said in his mind. "It's possible..." Ellie said in her mind. They approached the next bend upcoming. "No, I'm sure." Ellie wondered in her mind. "No more... no more..." Takahiro said in his mind. "If that's the case... then I'll go for it!" Ellie wondered in her mind as she flipped the headlight switch and it turned off her headlights. She saw the opening and took it. "Just as I thought, it's a line you wouldn't have used." Ellie said in her mind as she looked at her opponent's line. Takahiro was in shock as he got passed. "If you're the type who drives without much thought chances making an error when surprised are high. I understood this by watching you from behind. No hard feelings. That might have been a little rough but... we're not doing bumper cars." Ellie said in her mind. She was now back in the lead. "I was passed?! On this course?!" Takahiro wondered in his mind. Now the wings were showing in Ellie's Z33 as an aura to show its colors. "Its the wings..." Takahiro stuttered in his mind. The Z's responsiveness from the front is getting heavier and about to give out. "Responsiveness from the front is reducing... but here on out is the low speed section. If it's a technique based section, I'm game. Without using "THAT", I'll have to try to pull away by concentrating harder. There won't be a second run!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she was trying to grip the wheel hard but then it's responsiveness was giving out. Starting point. "All the drivers that we're familiar with don't stop braking even after making the best line in the corner." Letty said. "But that's the five in by shifting the weight to the front, in order to improve steering right?" I asked. "Strictly speaking. In any corner, the front is used to direct and the rear to accelerate. This can have an adverse effect on your speed. However. Takahiro Shimizu. Has no change in speed from the entry to the exit of a corner. And because he neither accelerates nor retards. In theory, his tire grip remains constant and his speeds stay constant throughout." Letty answered. "Wait a second Ms.Disantos. That means the biggest merit of that style isn't merely speed but..." I guessed. "Yeah, tires." Letty replied. "Tires?" Adena asked. "I get it. Every time you brake to attack a corner, you load most of the weight of the car onto the front wheels." I answered. "Furthermore, cornering without change in speed can ensure tire longevity. Merely going downhill torments the front tire. Despite running the same pace, if your tread wears slower... you have an undisputed advantage in endurance." Letty replied. "This is bad... I can feel the pressure from behind. He's completely resurrected from being unnerved a moment ago. Oh no... I must concentrate or I am in trouble. Who said I'm not up to a techniques round... You wanna pass? Come try it." Ellie said in her mind as she felt the pressure that Takahiro is putting on her after recovering from the overtake she did. "They just passed the left bend." Cordelia said. "This is good, only a little further. Let us hope everything can get smooth from here." Adena replied. "Still, too many things make no sense. Three positions switches, this battle is unnatural. With a narrow path and barely any straights, passing and being passed is unimaginable." Cordelia said. "They don't work on that theory. Conviction of the impossible prevents accomplishment. Thinking of passing points alone won't get you ahead. Whatever the situation. Always looking to pass is what lets you pass. That way, every corner's a potential passing point." I replied. "Every corner... is a passing point?" Cordelia asked. "At least... that's what their battle is like. Can't explain it, but it's reality." I answered. Ellie took the corner normally but her front tires are giving out fast. "Not good! The front tires are giving out." Ellie said in her mind. "I see an opening. I can do it. No... I'm definitely going for it!" Takahiro exclaimed in his mind as he was finding the opening but giving Ellie a tap as she almost lost control but they were making contact though. "If I'm not wrong, Takahiro Shimizu's incredible understanding of this course is the deciding factor. Despite being on the same course, even Ellie can't keep her tires the same way. She's probably understeering now. Understeer out of lack of front end grip can't be corrected regardless of technique. Reducing your speed before the corner is the only thing which can keep you going. It's painful. At the same time. our chances aren't nil. The question is can you turn talent and experience into readjusting your style? Impossible by any ordinary driver.. but she just might." Letty said in her mind. Ellie was still holding the lead but blocked Takahiro after getting tapped. Flashback. "Listen Ellie.. this is an important point, so pay attention. To power the Z33, we will be using the HR valves. It's a high performance unit that can easily cross 9,000 RPM. But Jovanna and I decided to remove the limiter. By increasing the midrange technique, we had a flatter torque curve. We were balancing longevity and output. However much you get throttled, you didn't get the same power output as earlier. We've reached all the way here with the rev limit to 7,500... this time, we need to be prepared to use the zone above that." Letty said. "But, throttling harder won't make it go any faster, will it?" Ellie asked. "It's all a matter of getting your timing right. Let me explain." Jovanna answered. Present. The engine was pumping very hard. Ellie is confused if she pushes it a little hard would make it go a little faster. They were coming up on the 1st hairpin. "They're close." Dominic said. "Almost close." Nicole replied. "They're coming." Zandara said. They approached the first corner. "THEY'RE HERE!" Nicole, Dominic and Zandara exclaimed. Ellie was coming on the corner but she couldn't turn and instead she was understeering. "I can't turn!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she was trying to turn in. But then Takahiro took the corner and bumped her again and passed her. The others were shocked that Ellie got passed again by her opponent. "We're finished!" Dominic exclaimed. "Never imagine I'd see such a shocking scene in front of me." Nicole replied. "Wasn't that unfair? Colliding from the inside." Dominic asked. "I know what you mean. But keeping up and catching up with Ellie isn't easy. For some reason, Ellie seems to be at a disadvantage. The rumored fastest cornering speed in Bayview has apparently been beaten. The inertial drift has.." Nicole answered. "Been beaten?! This is a disaster!" Dominic asked. "No way... that can't be true... That's impossible. I refuse to accept that! That girl... Ellie's DEFINITELY GONNA DO SOMETHING!" Zandara answered as she cried. They were on the final section and Ellie is in trouble that she cannot figure out another plan to think of. "Not good... I'm in trouble right now. I can't survive the 2nd run with those tires." Ellie said in her mind. Flashback. "But, throttling harder won't make it go any faster, will it?" Ellie asked. "It's all a matter of getting your timing right. Let me explain. It's not as simple as crossing 9,000 RPM to get more power. If you still keep throttling, the gear resistances increase. Therefore, any level headed opponent would shift. If you are neck and neck, you can keep throttling. You should manage half a body's lead. It's a small advantage at best." Jovanna answered. "Situations where you need to use every little advantage exist in a touge. In today's practice, look for points like that. But remember, this is a LAST RESORT. It's bad for the engine. If possible, don't use it." Letty replied. Present. "I have to attack... One last time!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she approaches the last hairpin that leads to the highway section. "Please hang on... my Z!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she shifted up to 5th gear and the engine was revving hard. It's pistons were pumping up and down. The engine was going hard and now she flips the headlight switch to turn off her headlights. Ellie was now driving behind Takahiro with her lights off like what Adena used during the battle against Lexi. "There!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she saw the opening and then took it. But then gently nudged Takahiro. "What! How did she get there?! She turned off her headlights! Why would she do that?! You're in the way!" Takahiro exclaimed in his mind as he got tapped. The Z and the FD were side by side. The Z gently touched the guardrail with a scrape. "There's plenty of grip in the rear tires. If it's a straight line acceleration, I won't lose!" Ellie said in her mind. "Suffocatingly narrow... I can't follow my line! But... I don't want to lose! I need to step on it!" Takahiro exclaimed in his mind as he steps on it. He collided with the sign and it caused him to knock back and bump Ellie but she was now a bumper ahead. They were on the final corner. "This it it... the final corner!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she saw the last corner and she flipped her headlight switch back on to turn on her headlights. The engine was over revving on the 10,000 rpm mark. Ellie saw it in shock which caused her to have a blown engine and spin out. Takahiro spun out as well. As they were approaching the goal section. Ellie stepped on the clutch to help the tires recover during the 180 spin and reversed down the hill. It was too late for Takahiro to recover. He lost the race and the legendary Bayview racer won the race with a blown engine! Finish point. "I'm sorry about that... that was the only option we had." Jovanna said. "No... that was completely my fault. I overrevved beyond it's limit without thinking." Ellie replied. "When you had an engine blow at 180 degrees, you declutched and freed the tires huh? So in the end, it all came down to dogfight experience." Letty said. "I prayed so hard that I wanted to win.. it felt like the Z could understand my feelings... and responded to them even though it had to sacrifice itself." Ellie replied as she looked at her Z. "Ellie!" Zandara exclaimed as she ran up to Ellie and hugged her. "You did it, Ellie!" Nicole replied. "You really are Bayview's hero!" Zandara said. "Hehe. Not really..." Ellie replied as she was surprised that the gallery was watching her.

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