Chapter 1 - Prologue Part 1

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Prologue. Silver Rock. 4:03 p.m. "Okay, let's do this." I said in my mind. Weeks later. 3:35 p.m. Fortune Valley. Liberty Desert. "Alright guys, let's meet up at the location." I commanded as me, Letty, and Jordan were in our original cars and raced to Airfield 73. "Ho ho ho. This is gonna be awesome!" Jordan exclaimed as he turned to the dirt route, approached the jump and jumped in mid air. "Nice jump Jordan. Race ya there Branden!" Letty exclaimed as she floored it and passed me while I floored it to the bends and we approached Airfield 73 and parked the car. I got out of my car. "Nice moves kid. You got a lot to learn still." Letty said as she got out of the car, walked up to me and gave me high five. "Don't expect that to work next time!" Jordan said. "Heh. Always one step ahead bro." I replied as I saw a Corvette driving up to us. A person got out of the car was Mackenzie Nova. "Hey it's done. Branden, you'll be driving the prize and you and your crew better pull this off." Mackenzie commanded. "What did I tell you guys. She is one the fastest racers I could ever find." Jordan said. "She sounds like a beauty, Dom. Nice work." I said as I saw Dominic revving the Mustang and I gave him a high five. "Did you built all that yourself?" Mackenzie asked as she walked up to the Mustang and I got in it. "Yep, I built all the modifications myself and she looks like a total beauty." Dominic answered as he closed the hood. "You guys know the drill right?" I asked. "Let's move out." Letty commanded as she, Jordan and Mackenzie got in their cars and we drove off to Silver Rock. On the road. "Wow, now this thing is fast like a beauty. It's like I'm in a fighter jet." I said as I floored it and the Mustang was fast. "Just give it more throttle. It'll push out some more power, trust me." Dominic replied. 7:00 p.m. Billionaires Row. "Hmph, I got this and the gamler's here though." I said. "Well, look at that, it is a beautiful day for a race. I've got you at a 4 to 1 odds of taking the place. Now I know this prototype won't let me down kid. The question is, can you handle her? Those electric motors and twin turbo V8 will give you a combined." The gambler commanded. "About 1,500 BHP. Hell yeah, I can do it." I replied as I started to race. Minutes later, I approached the ramp of the truck. "Hey Branden, jump on the ramp." Jordan commanded. I saw the ramp, approached it and jumped. "Houston, we have a liftoff!" Jordan said. "In a 2 million hypercar. Check!" I replied as I floored it after the jump and I saw cops. "Son of a bitch. Ms.Disantos. I got cops on my ass." I said. "Keep moving, I'll be right there." Letty commanded as I floored it. "Okay, kid. What the hell are you doing?" The gambler asked. "It's none of your business." I answered. "Stop, whatever you're doing, stop. You're bringing the car back to." The gambler replied as I hung up on him. "Is he mad?" Jordan asked. "Yep, he's gone mad." I answered as I floored it. "Uh, Ms.Disantos??!!" I exclaimed as I saw a Mitsubishi side swiping the cop car and saved me which was Letty. "I got your back Branden. Just go!" Letty commanded as I floored it and took it to Dominic. Minutes later. I saw a dead body which was revealed to be Dominic after I stopped the car. "Uh guys?" I wondered as I got out of the car and ran to Dominic. "What happened?" Letty asked. "I'm on my way." Jordan replied. "Dom.." I said as I looked at him but he was knocked out. "The street racers are here and I saw them take that car. Thank you sir." Mackenzie called. "What the hell did you do?" I asked angrily. "Didn't Dominic tell you what's under the hood? My buyers are paying a fortune for it." Mackenzie answered. "You'll never get away with this Nova." I replied. "Cops are on their way and the Demon Lords sends their regards." Mackenzie said as she got in the car and drove out of the scene. "Yo, what happened here?" Jordan asked. "Nova knocked him out. Jordan! Get Dom to a hospital! I'll get the cops away from here!" I commanded as I got in the FD and drove off to draw the cops away. "Branden what are you doing?" Letty asked. "I'm drawing the cops away!" I answered. "C'mon, that's my job." Letty replied. "We brought Nova on board but most of it is on me! Just get Jordan and Dominic to safety!" I commanded. Minutes later. "Uh, Ms.Disantos. I got unmarked cars on me!" I said. "What? Where did they come from?" Letty asked. I floored it and dodged the cars. "They're boxing me in!" I exclaimed as I entered an alleyway. "Get out of there, Lee! Lee...? Branden?!" Letty asked as she thought I was still escaping but then I stopped. "Don't worry, I have a weapon on me and I'm gonna protect myself." I answered as I got out of the car and saw a ladder while the unmarked cars blocked the alleyway and I decided to run on foot. "He's running on foot! Get him! Get him!" The agent exclaimed as he and his members were climbing up this ladder to catch up to me. But then I took out my pistol, pulled the trigger and shot one of the men down and one of them fell down from the ladder and I climbed as fast as I can and I approached the roof tops. I ran fast and I jumped from roof to roof. "Take the stairs!" The agents exclaimed. I jumped and I saw a building that leads to a hotel. But then when I kept jumping, I stopped and saw the end of the rooftops. "Freeze! Put the gun down!" The Agent commanded. "What do you want?" I asked. "Put the gun down. Right now." The Agent answered. I looked at the end of the cliff if I should jump off there but there's a extra roof after the whole building is 8 feet total but it is 3 feet down to the lower building and it leads to the streets. "Just put the gun down and we can talk this out." The Agent suggested. "Hmph. Not today." I replied as I jumped off the building. The agent stopped and he thought I committed suicide. I grunted after I jumped off the first building and I jumped off the second building and ran from it to the streets and I ran to a parking lot. I ran into the parking lot and my heart was beating fast. "That was close. *pants and runs*" I said as I kept running and went inside the parking lot trying to find a car. "There's one." I wondered in my mind as I saw a Ford GT. I took out my hammer from my left rear pocket and I grabbed it and swung it to the window. I heard an alarm coming out of the car. "Shit!" I exclaimed as I kicked the car but then after a few seconds. It stopped. I opened the door and got in the car. I turned the car on and I drove out of the parking lot in a different route. "That was a close one. Now I have to get out of here." I said in my mind as I saw a few cop cars driving fast and I drove slowly to make them think that I am not racing but I just driving normally. After they blew past me. I floored it and drove to Silver Canyon when I saw a highway that leads there. I turned on the radio. "Today on Fox 2. A car theft was going on at a street race at Billionaires row. We don't know who is the main suspect that stole a 2 million dollar Koenigsegg Regera. If you do, please let Fortune Valley Police Department know." The news reporter said. I turned off the radio and kept driving. Minutes later. Silver Casino Lodge. I drove past the casino. Then I saw a garage and stopped at the driveway. I opened the garage door, got back in the car, drove in there and I closed the garage door. I got out of the car, and took out a flashlight. The place was dark and I turned on the flashlight. I saw a light switch on the left. I walked there and turned it on. It turned the place on and I saw an M3 GTR standing there. "I don't remember having this." I said as I walked around the M3 and I saw a note on top of the hood vent. "A note?" I wondered as I grabbed it and read it. "Dear Branden, when you and the others were driving to Fortune Valley and Airfield 73. I rebuilt this M3 GTR, the one you crashed when you were driving to Palmont. When I was in Palmont, I took the car to Fortune Valley and hid it in this garage and rebuilt it. The car is now yours and I later went out somewhere you don't want to know. Just be safe out there my baby. Your caring mother, Adena Lee." I said as I read the note. "Mom...?" I wondered as I started to feel a tear falling out of my eye and I started to think that mom is dead. "Mommy..." I sobbed as I kneeled down. It shows flashbacks of my childhood with my mother and I was born from my actual mother, she threw me away in a box and left me in the streets. Then I saw a lady walking up to me and I cried. The lady opened the box, carried me and took me to her home. The lady was my foster mother, Adena. She was playing funny faces with me. She has taught me how to drive at 13 years old without a license and we always got into arguements about other stuff. When those things popped into my head. It made me cry more to express myself that I miss my mom and Ellie. I was thinking that mom would be dead but I don't know about Ellie. It may be revealed that she may be dead or she may come later but then I walked to a bed. I took off my shirt and my pants and slept in my underwear. I pulled up the covers and went to sleep and turned off the light switch. It was next to my bed and I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 5 days later. 10:00 a.m. I yawned, stretched, got out of bed and walked to the M3 GTR. I opened the door and got in the car. " *sighs* I miss Dom, Jordan and Ms.Disantos. I hope they're not pissed at me for what did. This is all my fault, what have I become?" I wondered in my mind as I closed the door and opened the garage door I turned on the car, drove out of the garage door and driveway and I closed it with the garage door opener. I drove out of Silver Casino Lodge and drove off to the highway to find a race. On the road. I saw a car coming behind me. "Hmm... I wonder what car is that." I wondered in my mind as I turned on my hazard lights and let the car pass. "A R32 GT-R. Hmph, let's do this." I said in my mind as I turned off the hazard lights and flashed my headlights. "This kid wants to race huh? Well, here we go." The driver said in his mind as he shifted down and floored it. "He's fast." I said in my mind as I floored it and I saw his fast acceleration coming off the line. I felt the rpms responding well cause of the Valve Timing System which means it's reaching the high rpms at maximum power. "444 BHP is what I can feel. I can still keep up though." I said in my mind as I saw the opening, floored it and took the opening as I passed the R32. I pressed all of the nozzle buttons and floored it after I blew past the R32. "That was easy." I said in my mind as I knew that the race is over. It slowed down and I went fast but then after I pulled away. I slowed down and drove to a tune up shop to get my car tuned. Minutes later, the car was tuned and it goes up to 800 BHP and 685 lb•ft. I left the tuning shop and I saw another car right behind me which was a Viper GTS and went side by side with me and he looked at me and he was showing the race signal with his finger which is a request to race or not. I gave him a dirty look on his face and looked back on the road and we stopped at a red light. "Hey kid, how about you and I race down Lakeside. You think your M3 can handle it?" The Racer asked as he opened his window. "Whatever you say. Sure, let's do this." I answered as I opened my window and then I closed it. As soon as the light was gonna turn green. We launched and started the race. I shifted down from 3rd to 4th gear and floored it and I was warping through a few corners. "Damn this guy is fast! I can't keep up with him on the straightaways." The Racer said in his mind. "Heh, just what I expected." I said in my mind as I kept warping. After a few minutes, we stopped at a red light. The guy turned on his hazard lights which is a signal to follow me. I nodded at him and once the green light. We drove to a parking lot and I got out of the car. "I told you he is good. He's too damn fast." The Racer said as he got out of the car and walked to Mackenzie. "Hmph, Mackenzie. Yep, time for payback." I said in my mind as I got out of the car. "Is that Lee?" Mackenzie asked. "I don't know, I think that's him." The Racer answered. "Let me handle this." Mackenzie replied. "Branden, what are you doing here?" Mackenzie asked as she walked up to me. "I don't know, what are you doing here as well in the afternoon? Can't find a hobby huh?" I asked. "You know what you did five days ago huh?" Mackenzie asked. "That was your fault for setting us up and separating me away from the others. You should be ashamed of yourself!" I answered angrily. "Ok, how about we race? If you win, we can forget about this whole thing. If I win, the demon Lords owns everything in the city." Mackenzie suggested. "Fine. Let's do this." I replied. 4:03 p.m. Silver Rock. "Okay, let's do this." I said in my mind. "A Corvette ZO6? Crap, not good. Hope I can try to pull this off." I said in my mind as I revved my car. "In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!!" The starter exclaimed as she started the countdown and our cars launched off the start a perfect time. "Time to win this." I said in my mind as I floored it and warped on the first turn and took the 2nd corner. I braked but then I noticed that the Corvette was braking. Mackenzie floored it and bumped me from behind. "Watch it!" I exclaimed as I was about to lose control but then I regained it. After we approached the highway section. Mackenzie was going side by side with me. She lets off the accelerator, slows down for while, floored it back and tap my rear left fender. "It's your end Lee." Mackenzie said. "Oh no! Not good!" I exclaimed as I spun to the left and was dragged by Mackenzie while she is driving forward and I am on the side. After a few seconds, the M3 started to flip and do a barrel roll and crashed. It hits the ground several times while rolling. I breathed heavily as the windows shattered and the Spoiler comes off and the right rear as well. It kept crashing and all of the parts were damaged. It stopped rolling and it was upside down. I was injured and I was stuck on the seat. I unbuckled it and I hit my head on the roof. "Oww!" I exclaimed and I tried to get out of the door but it couldn't open. "Oh no!" The man said as he got out of the car and ran up to the M3. "Kid, are you alright? Don't worry, I'm gonna call some help and I'll try to get you out of the car." The man asked as he tried to pull me out of the car but I was stuck and I couldn't get out and he takes out his cell phone and dials 911. "911. What's your emergency?" The caller asked. "Hello, I got an injured man stuck in a car crash and he won't be able to get out. Can I get an ambulance as soon as possible. It's on the highway that exits to the Rustway airport. Thank you." The guy called as he hung up and looked at me. "Don't worry, help is on the way. Just hold together, you'll be alright." The guy said. Minutes later. "Hey give me a hand." The guy said as he requested the paramedics to get me out of the car. The police officer barged the door open with an axe to get me out. "I got him." The paramedic said as he carried me onto his arms and he quickly ran to the ambulance and put me in a bed. He got in the ambulance and drove to the hospital. Minutes later. Fortune Valley hospital. He and the other medics stroll me to the emergency room and they did a few tests on me. 3 days later. Garage. Airfield 73. 5:45 p.m. "Branden's dead?!" Ellie asked as she was worried. "Yep, turns out that the traitor Mackenzie Nova killed him in a horrific crash. I just heard it from a friend and I don't know much about it." Kaylyn answered. Ellie nodded and walked outside. Adena saw her sitting alone and she walked outside and sat next to her. "Ellie? What's wrong?" Adena asked. "He's gone. Branden's actually dead and I guess we can't see him anymore. Don't you miss him as well? He's your son right?" Ellie asked after she answered. "You know Ellie. I miss him as well. He is a very great caring son to me and he was a champion of the Tri City areas and he never lost to anyone. But then he suffered in a horrific wreck days ago... come here." Adena answered as she showed a hug me pose to Ellie and she cried and hugged her at the same time. "I'm assure you he may still be alive or he may or may not be dead. I don't know for sure now Ellie." Adena suggested as she embraced Ellie in a hug while she was still crying. "Hey guys." Jordan greeted as he walked up to them. "What are you doing here Jordan? Why would you do this?" Ellie asked. "I just came to check in with you guys that's all." Jordan answered. "Why would you hire the best racer that is part of another team betray all of us?! She just killed Branden! What's the matter with you?!" Ellie exclaimed as she cried and slapped Jordan in the face on the cheek and he felt ashamed for what he did. She walks back to Adena. "You really should rethink about who you're choosing cause you just let my son die." Adena suggested as she gave a facepalm to Jordan. "Ms.Lee. I... *sighs*" Jordan sighed as he walked sadly to his room and saw Dom walking to the living room. "Dom." Jordan called. "Okay, Jordan. Why did you hire that Mackenzie prick in the first place. Isn't Branden your friend? You just let that best driver that just betrayed us kill our friend. Why would you do this? You honestly just let a friend die in a horrific wreck from a enemy that you hired. Honestly you should re think of what you did." Dominic replied as he pushed Jordan against the wall with anger. "I didn't mean... I'm sorry." Jordan stuttered. "I don't forgive you for what you did to a friend. What's important to you? A killer or a friend?" Dominic asked as he lets Jordan free and he walks back to the garage. He walks back to his room and he facepalms himself. "Branden, I just hope you recover from the crash. I'm sorry about this." Jordan said in mind. "Branden... I miss you so much... after the crash and the news that said you were dead... I felt alone and I don't want to lose you... you are a caring boy that I like... and you are the fastest racer and friend I ever met in school... I won't forget our memories together..." Ellie said in her mind as she cried. Flashbacks show times of me and her together at the beach and we had our first prom together. Present. Ellie cried some more as a lot of tears are coming out of her eyes and hugged Adena. Letty walked and saw what was outside. She hugged the two of them in a embraced hug. "Let us hope Branden is still alive and he was a good student and a amazing driver." Letty said as she looked at the sky and prayed while hugging. Hospital. "Hey doc? Any status yet?" I asked. "On my calculations Mr.Lee. It turns out you are healing your wounds and you should be fine. A visitor wants to see you as well." The nurse answered. The person coming in was the gambler. "You two take care now. I'll be right back." The nurse said as she left. "Where's the car?" The gambler asked. " *sighs* Nova took it and traded it for the Demon Lords." I answered. "Oh did she? You're a very useless dead prick to me, enjoy prison." The gambler replied. "Oh me, I'm not the one who was framed for the damn incident." I barked. "Although... you want revenge? So will I. Yeah, this will work. You'll be the ace, but I'm the one who holds the cards." The gambler replied. "What do you mean? I don't understand." I asked. "You're lucky when you escaped from the crash. The cops weren't there. If I turn you in to them, you go to jail or if you want me to save you, you have to work for me. Eat, sleep, drive when I say and when the times right, you'll get what you want." The gambler answered as he tossed me a chip. "Do I have a choice?" I asked. "There's always a choice. I'll stay one night here with you until you're fully healed and after they do a couple tests. I don't want you to do it when you have those injuries." The gambler answered as he gave me a gentle pat on the shoulder and sat on a chair that turns into a bed. "Fine then, I'll work for you as you ask." I replied. "I'll escort you tomorrow morning once you get out of the hospital." The gambler suggested as I nodded my head and went to sleep. A day later. 9:45 a.m. "Say you pull up next to a rocket ride. What do you think? How much does it cost? How fast it can hit a hundred? Why not I'll tell you what I think. I see potential. I see the knife's edge of control of a downhill run, that split second where I put everything on the line. I see myself... winning it all." I said in my mind. "Lee, the boss would like his car now. Remember this is like your tofu deliveries you do with your mother, it's different this time." Ramone commanded. "Yeah... I'll be there." I replied as I accelerated and I start taking it for a test drive and drove to the highway. "Alright, now let's see what this thing can do." I said as I exited the parking lot and I floored it to its max. "Branden. Where is my car?" The gambler asked. "Do not worry about it boss... I won't steal it, it's just a quick spin." I answered. "Well is that how you treat your friends, Lee? Well... no wonder your crew deserted you, huh?" The gambler replied. "Nu uh, it did not turn out that way." I barked back. "Branden... c'mon. Listen to me, I'm the only friend you got now. You will get your revenge on Nova. And I will get my car back. But you have to be patient. Understand? The pieces are just about to fall into place. Okay, I'll take that as a yes. Now get back here before I fire your ass." The gambler commanded. "Jesus, you're like that waitress at the diner who didn't respond to my damn order and really you're just like her testing my patience." I replied as I drove back to the hotel and then I saw a Corvette which was Mackenzie. "Nova... oh what the hell." I said as I looked suspiciously at Mackenzie. "Whoa, Stop. Have you enjoyed the ride, Branden. Look, now's not the time. I say when the cards get played." The gambler said. "It has been days." I replied. "Get out. If you so much as dinged my car. I'm knocking you down to garbage truck duty." The gambler barked back as he got in the car and drove away. "Come on dude. How I put your head on a platter and you tell me what to do. I boost cars and I pop pricks on spikes." I said angrily as I walked to the parking lot. Minutes later. "Okay Lee... time to go home." I said as I got the key the S30Z out of my pocket, unlocked the car and got in the car. "Just a quick drive home and I can finally get out of this James Bond outfit." I said as I accelerated out of the parking lot and drove on the way home. 2 minute later. The Barrio. I took out my cellphone and made a call. "Hello. It's Branden... about those street races... gimme the number." I called. A day later. "Alright man, I like your style. Hey I got something for you at the destination. Drive there and you'll see what's there." House lieutenant said. "Nova is building a new order on the streets. And if you do well with us, you can be a part of it. But the house is a business... don't you forget about it." House lieutenant commanded. "I got it." I replied. Unknown destination. I got out of my S30Z and what they gave me was a BMW M5 F90. "Now that's a sickass ride." I said. "Enjoy the ride Lee. Make sure you get a feel for it before you put it to work. The big race is gonna go down in Boomville. I'll tell you more when you get there." House lieutenant replied. "I understand, thanks... I'm coming for you Nova." I said as I hung up my phone and started the car. "Alright, now let's see what this thing can do." I said in my mind as I started the car.

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