Chapter 2 - Prologue Part 2

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10:00 p.m. Boomville. I was driving up to the start. "Hope you enjoyed being on top, Mackenzie. Your race rigging business ends tonight once and for all." I said. "Now this is it... welcome to the big time kid. Hope you like your new ride. Your code name is Sidewinder. Stay on channel and do what the boss tells you, and she'll make you worth your while." House lieutenant commanded. "Sidewinder, I got you." I replied. "Okay, here we go. Let's do this... time to crush Nova for good!" I exclaimed as the race started and I launched perfectly but then the 2 cars were ahead of me when we were racing. My phone was ringing. "Hello?" I called. "Hey hey! You thought I wasn't watching you Lee, I know what you're doing and it is NOT our deal. I say when the cards come down, remember?" The gambler asked. "Okay. You put a tracking device on my phone to track me down so then you can know where I am?" I asked. "Yes so that way you wouldn't jump the gun is the reason." The gambler answered. "Anyway, I got tired of waiting and my patience was tested so guess what? I had to take care of business and deal with it." I replied back. "Cmon Branden, can't let Momjjang win this." I said as I floored it on the corners and drifted to catch up. My phone rung again and it was the gambler. "What is it again?" I asked. "You know what? Fine. Take this win and enjoy it. But get the hell out after. You're my ace in the hole." The gambler answered. "Well that's the plan then." I replied. "Stay behind the leader. Sidewinder. Nice and steady." Mackenzie commanded. "Heh well look who it is. Your rigged races are done, Nova. You betrayed my crew and I'm gonna kick your ass for this." I replied as I passed Momjjang. "Branden Lee?!" Mackenzie exclaimed. My phone rang again. " *sighs* Spit it out Weir." I said. "Okay, enjoy the win, but remember... I need you alive." The gambler replied. I reached the finish line, stopped the car and got out. The crowd was cheering for me and I raised my arms up with the peace sign and Mackenzie and the gang members walk up to me. "Huh, The gigs up Mackenzie." I said. But then the gang members grabbed onto me and strangled me onto the car. "Whoa, take it easy." I barked. "Your little stunt cost a lot of people a lot of money. Branden, you just messed with the Demon Lords. We run this city. Streets included. Every race. Every midnight run. Every off-road rally. And the Demon Lords always wins." Mackenzie replied. "Well not tonight they didn't." I said. "Miss.Nova, we can't do this here." House lieutenant commanded. "Get yo hands off me! See ya soon." I said as I released free and went back to the M5. "Make sure that the kid is dead." Mackenzie commanded. Minutes later. "Crap, I'm being chased." I said. "Bring Lee to me and kill him again. Do not let him get away, understood?" Mackenzie asked. "Consider it done." House lieutenant answered as he bumped me from behind. "Ow, what the hell?! Is that how you want to play it?" I asked as I braked and sideswiped the challenger and one of them crash into a wall head on. My phone rang again. "Just tell me, I am in the middle of a chase." I said. "Ugh you magnificent idiot. The Demon Lords are throwing a fit because of you." The gambler replied. "Well that's good. I don't give a holy fine crap about it." I barked. "No-no, no, not good! Bad! I need you alive for the next part. Ditch the enforcers, then meet me." The gambler commanded. The challenger sideswiped me on the right side. "Watch it and get off me!" I barked as I sideswiped him back and he barrel rolled. "Goodbye!" I said as I floored it and I escaped. "The thugs are no more." I called as I took out my phone to call the gambler. "Good good good. I'm sending you my location." The gambler replied. Minutes later, I drove to parking lot and I stopped my car as I saw the gambler. I got out of the car and walked to him. "Imagine a city where risk is illusion and every bet is rigged. That's what the demon lords want. And they'll stop at nothing until they get it." The gambler said. "I'm a street racer, this has nothing to do with me." I replied. "What? No-no-no! This... this has everything to do with you! Everything! Their leader is now Griffin Rios. And he's got a couple addictions: cars, revenge and murder. That's why the demon lords wants you dead. I don't want you dead if you ask me along with your friends. Ever heard of the Outlaw's Rush?" The gambler asked. "Is it the biggest street race in the country since I last raced against whoever I raced?" I asked. "Yeah, it is, and the demon lords are gonna rig it. High rollers are putting millions on their man, and he takes a cut from it all. Tonight was just a test run, and your little stunt gave me the idea." The gambler answered. "You really think so?" I asked. "Look, I've seen you drive. You're the best racer this city has. All we have to do is get you in. Win the Outlaw's Rush, and the demon lords - and Nova - come crashing down." The gambler suggested. "Bring down the demon lords?" I asked. "Yeah." The gambler answered. "Look, I know you want me to do it but I have a girlfriend to think about and plus this is not your fight either. Save your casino yourself. I am just gonna spend time with her cause of that accident I suffered in, she might think I'm dead and if I don't get there before any bad guys like Mackenzie threatening her, then that means she's dead and I lost a girl I like. I'm sorry gambler, you do this yourself, not me." I replied as I went back to my car but I was stopped. "These are your streets, right? Then this is your fight. What do you think they'll come for next?" The gambler asked. " *sighs*... just let me think about it, alright? As I told you, I have a girl to think about." I answered as I went back to the car and drove off. "Cmon Branden. Just go home, think this over and think about Ellie as well. I just hope she doesn't think I'm still dead cause I am still alive. It's the fact that I have been fighting through pain during the accident I suffered in." I said in my mind. Minutes later. I parked the car outside of my house and I was walking back in. "You led me to expect great things at your race tonight Nova. Instead, you disappointed a lot of people. Mind explaining this?" Griffin asked. "It's already taken care of." Mackenzie answered. An explosion came out of my house and blew up and it knocked me back to the ground. "What happened here?" I wondered. "Holy shit! Are you okay?!" A girl asked as she saw an explosion and ran up to me and grabbed me up. "Are you okay kid?" The girl asked. "I'm fine... thank you." I answered. "Wait I know. You're Branden Lee, the veteran racer who suffered in the horrific wreck during the race against Mackenzie Nova." The girl replied. "How do you know me? Aren't you in the demon lords?" I asked. "I was, but then I heard about the wreck Mackenzie did to you so I quit their team instead because I know that you were dead but you were still alive so instead I would join your team. You need my help Mr. Lee." The girl answered. "What's your name though?" I asked. "Karina Monterey. I am assuming you have a mother named Adena Lee, am I right?" Karina asked. "That's right, she's my mother." I answered. "I can't explain much of her. But she is very fast. She got me real good on the race back in Palmont. She's a legend as well." Karina replied. "I'm gonna make a call." I said. "You know what, I changed my mind. Let's do this." I called. "Good. Good good good. You're gonna need a crew." The gambler replied. "Get in, I'll drive you." Karina said as she escorted me to her SRT Viper GTS. "Thank you for saving me." I replied. A day later. 7:00 a.m. Ember Valley. "Five star ride, mate. See ya!" Jordan said as he got out of the car and closed the door. "Focus, Jordan. Gotta get through this. Find your smile." Jordan said. "Heeey! Hashpuppy! Big fan of your channel!" Jordan greeted as he turned around. "It's HashTiger." HashTiger replied. "TIGER SELFIE!" HashTiger said as he was gonna take a selfie with Jordan. "Now, no mate. No tiger selfie, no tig-." Jordan replied. "Here we go. Rawr. C'mon big roar. Rawr." HashTiger commanded as he took the pressed the camera button to take the picture. " *sighs* Rowr." Jordan said as he sighed. "Epic." HashTiger replied. "Get in the car." Jordan commanded as he and HashTiger got in the car. "What the hell? What kind of music is this? This is not my jam." Jordan asked as he heard some weird techno music. "HashTiger here live from the Hashmobile with the driftmeister, Douglas! Give us a 411 on drifting, Jordan!" HashTiger answered. "Uuuh, right. It's simple, really. Just get into a high speed then steer hard." Jordan replied as he powered over into the corners 3 times. "Woah, now I get the hang of this! Haha Yeah!" Jordan exclaimed as he powered over the last corner and he stopped the car. "Go again. But, like, really go hard!" HashTiger commanded. "Okay, you asked for it. If you're about to throw up, just tap my shoulder and I'll stop the car. Let's go with my favorite drift run." Jordan suggested as he started the car and he performs a dangerous drift movement on a few corner. "Woah, Jordan! Take it easy!" HashTiger exclaimed. Jordan ignored and he kept drifting. "Not bad, but it can use a little more improvements." Jordan said in his mind as he yanked the e-brake and drifted into the corner. "Stop the car! STOP THE CAR!" HashTiger exclaimed as he felt sick and he was about to puke and grabbed Jordan's hands on the wheel. "WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!" Jordan exclaimed as he pushes his hands back and he spins out and they stop. Jordan gets out of the car and answers his phone. "Branden? Is that you, bro? We all thought you were dead." Jordan called. "Hey, Jordan... it's been a while... and... it's a long story... I'll explain it when we get the crew back together." I replied. "It's been a rough few days without the old crew and your horrific wreck. I'm glad you recovered though." Jordan said. "You're telling me. Jordan, I have a job in mind..." I suggested. "You off the leash? You know I'm always down!" Jordan replied. "Just like that? You're bored, aren't you?" I asked. "So bored, mate. Is Letty on it too?" Jordan asked. "I'm working on it. Is Ellie okay as well? I was just worried about her." I asked. "The truth is we got into a arguement and you gotta talk to her about it. She was worried that she thought you were dead and she was mad at me for hiring Nova with our crew and having her kill you. Your mother was worried as well." Jordan answered. "Next time, be careful of who you hire. You owe her an apology as well, I'll call you later once I get Ms.Disantos. Tell my mom I'm still alive as well when you see her." I replied as I hung up. Hours later. Tuesday. Downtown Silver Rock. 3:00 a.m. "Easy... easy... Okay, vault's open. I'm in! Justin, cover me and watch for guards. Look at the haul!" Paulie commanded. "You guys are late, I hate waiting and you're testing my patience as well." Letty called. "What?! Lady, we're in the middle of a robbery here-." Paulie called. There were bullet shots heard in the bank and the robbers were injured. Letty drives to the destination and stops the car. "Okay, just so we're clear. You are paying for the extractions no matter who makes it out alive. Let's punch it." Letty commanded as she starts the Lan Evo and drives off. "Disantos." Letty called. "Ms.Disantos... it's Branden. Is it a good time to talk right now?" I asked. "Branden?! We all thought you were dead. Uh hold on, not now, it's not a good time. Later." Letty answered as she hung up. "Hold up I got a-." I stuttered and then I noticed she hung up on me. The phone rang again. "Hey Ms.Disantos." Jordan called. "Jordan? Lee must really be desperate if he's pulling you in." Letty called. "Naw, you know me, just in it for the giggles." Jordan said. "Is this where you pitch me Branden's plan?" Letty asked. " -No way. Wouldn't do it if I were you. He wants to take on Mackenzie." Jordan answered. "Mackenzie?! She's with the demon lords now. Jesus Christ both of you. No way, I'm out." Letty replied as she drives to the destination and drops the robbers off. "You really are an escape artist." Paulie said as he and Justin ran to the hospital. Letty stops, drops them off and drives off. "Can't help yourself, can you? You're interested." Jordan called. "The plan, how insane is it?" Letty asked. "Oh man, it's mad. Cop chases, stunts, crazy heists. Nothing up in your alley." Jordan answered. "Mackenzie alone screwed us a couple days ago. Now you want to take her on with the demon lords? Look what happened to Dominic and Branden after that wreck." Letty replied. "C'mon it'll be different this time... it will be me, you, Branden, Ellie and Adena taking on the other racers. The other members, they're gonna support us as well... We could do it." Jordan suggested. "The old crew together, huh?" Letty asked as she stepped on it. "Come back, Ms.Disantos. Let's do this. I promise I'll apologize to Ellie, but first, we need to bring Branden to the others so that way they can think that he is still alive and he's not dead." Jordan begged. "Tell him I'll think about it." Letty replied. Minutes later. "Ms.Disantos, hey." I called. "We all thought you were dead. Why didn't you tell me?" Letty asked. "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you. After the wreck, I needed time to recover my strength." I answered. "So, about that stupid plan of yours?" Letty asked. "Okay." I answered. "Let's meet, where are you? I'll call the others to meet us at where we're at." Letty replied. The next morning. Airfield 73. "He's here." Jordan said. I opened the garage door and I saw the others looking at me. "Branden?" Ellie wondered. Her tears were coming out of her eyes and she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I looked down at her and hugged her back. "I thought you were dead... I missed you so much... why didn't you tell me...?" Ellie cried. "I'm sorry Ellie... I missed you too... I had to recover my strength and to get my body back in place. My mom came up to me and hugged me as well. "Branden. How could this be? I thought you were dead." Adena asked. "I knew that Nova would be responsible for my death. All of you guys thought I was dead but the truth is I am a strong guy and I am recovering my strength. My body is saying to me "Don't give up. If you like racing and sports then keep pushing hard." Is what I heard in me when I decide that I should be done or not." I answered. "It's good to have you back Branden." Gillian replied. " *sighs* This is the dumbest plan I have ever heard. I left the game because of crap like this." Dominic said as he was fixing the car. "Well the best crew always get a racer in the Rush. So all  we have to do is beat all the Silver Rock leagues and I'm in. Jordan will handle off road. Ellie will handle the sprint races and I'll handle some speed races and mostly the grip racing circuits. Letty will race as well, she'll handle the same thing. I'll run the drag races and I'll handle the drift races as well if I could get some training on how to drift mostly Jordan is gonna handle it." I replied. "What about the Demon Lords? They control every dirty deal in town." Adena asked. "Well that's where you come in. They'll have a bulletproof setup. Talk to your underworld contacts, figure out what is in, then we take it out. However, they may assign you to participate in some of the races Ellie, Ms.Disantos and I will be taking on." I answered. "So... win the race, watch the Demon Lords burn while we count our piles of cash." Jordan replied. "Simple." I said. "Fame. Fortune. History. Mackenzie Nova getting what she deserves." Ellie replied. "You idiots are going to get yourselves killed with out me and the others. Guess I'm in. Ellie are you in as well?" Letty asked after she answered. "Of course I'm in. After Branden's horrific wreck I'm in cause I am here for him and he is here for me as well. I'm not gonna stand there and watch him get killed again so let's do this as well. That Nova jerk is going down. What about you Ms.Lee, you in as well?" Ellie asked. "Yeah, I'm in. I just want to make sure my son can get in the race and knock out that Mackenzie talker. She is definitely getting on my nerves." Adena answered. "Yes!" Jordan replied. "Dom? You know we can't pull this off without our master engineer." I said. "You're so full of it. If you're that desperate. I'm in it as well. And you can use my garage, but there are a few conditions. First-." Dominick replied. "The crew's back together, baby!" Jordan exclaimed as he gave me a high five. "Serenity now. Either of you fools have a car?" Dominic asked. "I, uh, sorta lost mine. I don't know how to explain it but it exploded after the wreck-ish. Hehe." I stuttered. "Staked it on a bet. Was a sure thing, I swear-." Jordan answered. "We have our cars still." Adena and Letty replied. "You tell me, I don't know where my car is as well Dom." Ellie answered as she gave a facepalm. "Seriously? There are cars in the back. Clients who never paid. I'm surrounded by..." Dominic replied as he escorted me and Ellie to his garage. "So what we have here is a 1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (BNR34), it has 2.6 Liter inline 6 Engine that pumps 276 BHP and goes up to 155 miles per hour in 4.9 seconds. Then we have here is a 2008 Nissan 350Z (Z33). It goes up to 155 in 5.4 seconds with its heart beating VQ35DE Engine that goes up to 301 horsepower and we finally have here is a 1992 Honda NSX Type R (NA1). It has a 3.0L V6 under the hood that pushes up to 270 horsepower that pushes out 170 miles per hour. Take a pick your pick Branden." Dominic commanded. "Hmm... if I had to choose one... I'll take the Skyline GT-R. I suppose it goes up to 365 BHP and it has slight modifications on it so that's mine. How much is the cost?" I asked. "That'll be $59,000." Dominic answered as I gave him the money for the car and he gave me the keys. "Sweet, I'm gonna take it for a spin." I said as I got in the R34 and drove off. "Ellie, what about you?" Dominic asked. "I'm going with the Z." Ellie answered as she handed the money to Dominic and he hands her the keys. Ellie gets in the car and drives off. "Karina, do you want the NSX?" Dominic asked. "The NSX is mine." Karina answered as she paid Dominic and got in the car after he hands her the keys. On the road. "Alright, now let's see what this thing can do." I said in my mind as I accelerated and floored it. "Woah! This thing's a beauty! It's got power and it's got a killer suspension! This is awesome!" I exclaimed as I felt the car's handling and I shifted to 4th gear and pressed the double nozzle button to push out the Nitrous. "That's fast! I can handle this thing very well." Ellie said in her mind as she shifted down to 2nd and drifted the corners. Meanwhile. "Now Karina. This race is gonna be a trial run. This is not a race so try your best, you can pass me if you want as well." Dominic commanded. Karina nodded as she looked ahead of the road and they started racing down to Fortune Valley Solar Project. Dominic passes Karina on the outside. "He's fast!" Karina exclaimed in her mind as she catches up. Minutes later. Off-Road dealership. "Hey Ms.Disantos. What type of cars are for sale?" Jordan asked. "There's a 2015 Honda Civic Type R or a Volvo 242 DL. Take your pick." Letty answered. "I guess the Civic then." Jordan replied as he gave the money to the dealer and he takes the keys and drives it back to the Airfield. Airfield. "What do you have, Dom?" I asked. "I know of two leagues worth your time here in the desert. First one is a league called the Graveyard Shift, led by La Catrina. Bunch of kids with a death wish and a taste for the dramatic. Jordan, second league's for you. League 73, an off-road crew led by some prick named Udo. Lately they're racing around the airfield and smashing up my prototypes. Now go." Dominic commanded. Jordan and I nodded, walked outside and got in our cars. "Now you two I haven't found anything for you ladies yet so I'll let you know when I'm at it." Dominic said. "Okay, Jordan. First we take on the league races, then we challenge the bosses one on one." I suggested. "Should start earning us the rep we need to enter the Outlaw's Rush." Jordan replied. End of prologue, to be continued.

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