4: A Mission Ending Badly

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Sorry for not being active. I had a new idea for a new book for my boiz (aka my ocs)

And being honest with y'all, I was getting discouraged. Now actually me and my good friends at school we laugh a lot which kinda made me feel like I can write. It just took time for me to get my courage again. Enough of me taking, you can read now.
[* 3rd POV *]

"Hmmm." Jay Said. He was still thinking about the plan that G-man made for him. Or for the others if Jay doesn't want to do it, but he decided to do it anyways. 'Alright, just hold on to Skype, get in the air, get information quickly, and get the hell out of here.' Jay thought of the plan. He felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned over and saw Jose.

"Jay, if you don't want to do this, then let me try." Jose Said. Jay looked at him and knew that he wanted to go for it. "I'm not gonna let you get in danger. Not even my best friend that's always there for me." Jay Said. "The one that's been like a brother to me too."

"I don't want you to be in danger ether." Jose said back. "I know how you're feeling man. But I have to do this." Jay said. "Jay, 2 minutes left." Said Riley. After 2 minutes, G-man give Jay the statille that he's going to use to gather information about the city. The plan also has to involve with Jay holding on to Skype on the air so Eva can gain information.

"This should be easy. It even sounds like it." Jay said. "it has to." Riley said. G-man give the thumbs up so Jay can know that's is time for him to do what's planed. G-man was using his one-wheeled-motorcycle to keep track on what's happening.

"Let's do this!" Jay said, kinda hyped. He grabbed the statille and went towards Skype. Skype used his claws to hold Jay while he was flying. "Testing, testing...is this thing even on?" Riley said while talking to the mic that the glasses had. "Yeah Riley. It's on. I can hear you loud and clear." Jay said.

"Alright! He's about to blast off guys." Riley said. Jose was praying that Jay would be okay after the plan. Julia was too. Gaven and G-man were about to joy the show in the distance. Lex was eating popcorn that Riley, mysteriously, made. Riley was giving the countdown.

"Alright..3...2...1 and half...and....1! Blast off!" Riley said. "Riley, you don't have to yell." Julia told him. Skype took Jay into the air. Jay received a message from G-man saying that he can command Skype to a location he wants to be. "Okay, uh Skype, take me this way." Skype went where he was commanded. The 2 went to a tower that has some kind of giant fish on it that sparked electricity. "The blyat?" Jay said. Jay ignored it and told Skype to lead him to the top of it. Since the mission has to be done quickly, he thought not to land. He looked down and he was kinda amazed of how the creatures were able to make civilization and scared for how high he was. Not only that but he saw the creatures celebrating some kind of festival. 'So that might be what a splatfest is.' Jay thought. He also saw the 4 creatures from the metro that looked familiar. 'This festival must be having some kind of collab.'

"Okay Jay. Are you in a good position?" Riley asked through mic. "Yes. Tell G-man to activate the satellite." Jay said. "Well do." Riley Said Back. Riley gave the message to G-man to activate it. "Going, started off to 0 and reached 26% information gathered." Riley said. "How's it going up there?"

"It's going good." Jay Said. "The satellite is vibrating a little but everything's going good."

"Alright. From 26% to 47%. Still gathering." Riley Said. The satellite that Jay was holding, was vibrating a little more stronger. 'Please, last a little longer and let nothing bad happen.' Jay begged. "From 47% to 68%. Still cool?" Riley asked. "Uhh..Yeah..is the satellite vibrating normal?" Jay asked worried. "Uhh..probably Yeah. Now, from 68% to 84%. Still holding on."

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