|Chapter No. 5|

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Hello guys I'm so glad that I'm updating this once again, also check out my newest book "Beyond the walls (Levi Ackerman x Reader)"

I Published my first book yesterday night.

Word count:  1009



I practically cried myself to sleep last night.

I was so upset in myself, for letting this happen to me

'You're an idiot' it says.

I get control of myself and think.

'I know' I respond.

'Just only 5 days until we conquer Britannia!' It shouts in my head.

I mentally groan to myself.

'I don't want to loose Meliodas' trust!' I mentally shout at it.

'oh, dear (Y/n), you already lost his trust' it said in my head.

I sit up ready to start the day.

I look to my right and see that meliodas isn't there.

I stay silent for a moment listening to the sounds.

'They're not here' i thought to myself.

I cough into my hand, seeing that there's blood to it.

I get up immediately running to the mirror almost tripping.

I lift up my shirt, lord behold.

The bruise getting bigger.

'You're an asshole you know that?' I said to it.

'Go to the Demon king.' It said nonchalantly.

'Or see Zeldris' I thought.

I walk back towards he bed, feeling weak, man did I forget that when this happens I feel so weak.

I grab some of my clothes and change into them.

Once I was finished I headed down stairs, just to find something to drink before I left.

But something caught my eye.

It was a note.

I picked it up and read it out loud.

'Dear (Y/n), sorry that we left you behind, we went on a mission down in the fairy kingdom we won't be back till tomorrow probably, but we left you some food for you to eat. Thank you for understanding.

Meliodas xxx'

I almost gagged at the xxx part.

Having a flash back from yesterday night.

I brush that feeling off, and decide to leave the food behind.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 (Meliodas/Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now