|Chapter No. 19|

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(No ones Pov)

Night had fallen. Still no signs of the sins. What's taking them so long..?

You let out a sigh of defeat. You're currently sitting outside looking up at the moon thinking and regretting your choice.

Your mind was on one person. Meliodas.

'I hope he's conscious, and I hope he won't be mad at me..' You thought.

Every now and then you would feel pain in your lower abdomen, you would disregard the pain and try to focus on something else.

As minutes passed by of you sitting outside. You felt a strange presence behind you.

The person suddenly touched your right shoulder. You quickly turned your head to look at the certain someone.


Your blood boiled, you clenched your teeth and suddenly snapped out of the trance.

"You really did a number on me, (Y/n)~" he whispered into your ear.

You felt unpleasant shivers go down your spine. You stood up to say something but he cut you off before you could say anything.

"I'm quite surprised of what Zeldris did to you hasn't affected the exterior of your body." He said lowly.

'What does he mean by that..' you thought with worry

He cupped your cheek and made you look into his eyes.

"Now, you haven't told anyone about our little episode, have you?"

Vomit tickled your throat as you began to remember what he had done the passed few days ago.

You shook your head  with shame.

"Good. Then I won't have to end your life so quickly."

You used all your strength to not throw a punch at him. If you did Zeldris would've heard the commotion and would've intervened, which that isn't an option.

Estarossa came close to your ear and whispered.

"That is our little secret.. okay (Y/n)?"

You gulped and nodded your head slowly.

"Good." He licked your ear and stepped away. He began to walk away and continue on with what he was doing before he came to you.

You snapped back into the trance and sat back down. Mentally you were screaming and shouting. You wanted all of this to end immediately.

You really wanted to conquer Britannia quickly so you can potentially escape, or have the sins come retrieve you.

You remember what Zeldris said earlier about the expedition.


"We leave at dawn." He firmly said.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 (Meliodas/Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now