|Chapter No. 18|

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(Meliodas'  Pov)

'It's hot.... Why is it so hot..?'

I opened my eyes to see to see a bright blue sky.

"Meliodas! Meliodas!"

'That's (Y/n)'s voice..'

She stood over me, staring down at me.

'Why is she here..?'

"Meliodas what are you doing just laying in the meadow?" She asked sternly.


I sat up seeing her step back a little. I look side to side and see flowers of all sorts everywhere.

'Where is this..?'

"Come on, get up you dwarf!" She grabbed my wrist and hoisted me up.

I glanced at her hand. My heart stopped for a moment.

'A ring?'

My breath became heavy and I started sweating a bit. I looked at (Y/n) again.

'She's as beautiful as ever, but who did she get married to?..'

"Did you forget? Today is our day out." She crossed her arms and looked at me.

'Day out? I don't remember making plans..'

"How could I possibly forget (Y/n)" I said as if I knew what was going on.

She grabbed my hand and we started to walk somewhere.

'This doesn't make sense..I don't remember any of this hence know where I am..'

I balled my free hand into a fist, I tried to remember what happened but everything was a blur. I looked into my hand and saw a ring on my finger.

'Is.. (Y/n) married to me?!'

"You're being awfully quiet Meliodas, is something the problem?" She stopped and turned to look at me.

I looked stressed, confused and upset. She cupped my cheek with her and and looked into my emerald green eyes. I grabbed onto her hand and gave a gentle squeeze.

"I'm okay (Y/n)" I gave her a reassuring smile.

She smiled contently and gave me a hug. I buried my face into her chest and sighed.

'Just to make sure this is all real..I'll just-'

I began to grab onto her breast and massage them.

"Meliodas!" She screamed out.

I stopped and looked at her blushing state. She pushed me away a little, I giggled at her reaction. She began to pout.

"Let's just go already.." she muttered.

'This'll be quite a ride..' I playfully thought to himself while I snickered.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 (Meliodas/Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now