|Chapter No. 22|

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Anger and bloodlust filled Meliodas' heart.. He wanted to wipe out the whole 10 commandments. He could sense the pain she was going through, he couldn't handle this. He wanted to just get up and go defend her.. he couldn't forgive himself for this. He needed to do something and he needed to do it now. He pondered in the grassy field he was in, he thought maybe meditating would help.. He sat down and tried to relax.

He took some deep breaths, trying to find his inner peace. He sat uncomfortably for 2 minutes, he gave up.

He stood up, muttering something under his breath.

"I can't relax when I know (Y/n) is out there being tormented. She's going to die if I don't do something.."

He started walking, he let out a sigh and tried thinking of how to wake up. Does he need to be triggered? Trust me, I think he is triggered enough. He let his mind go blank, and travel far back when him and her were in Liones.


(Y/n) had just finished putting Elizabeth to bed and was walking down the dark corridor. She walked slowly, trailing her finger along the corse cold brick walls. What was she thinking about you may ask. She was thinking about the 10 commandments, Zeldris especially. Her comrade that she betrayed without any hesitation. She stopped walking, she formed a fist and shook a bit.

She used her free hand to cover her mouth.

'Im such a bad person..' She thought to herself. She stood there for a while, thinking. She started walking again, taking some stairs to the top of the castle. She needed some fresh air. With every step she took, she felt guilty.

Wind blew in her face, she made it to the top. The air was cold and crisp, she forgot that it was winter. She wasn't dressed properly to be outside. In her usual attire the fabric is not thick enough to keep her warm. She walked over to the edge and looked over to the beautiful town below her, she looked farther ahead and saw Britannia. With every breath she took, smoke came out (water vapor).


She turned around to be greeted by Meliodas, she laughed nervously.

"Oh.. hey, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I have the night shift, remember?" He said stepping closer and closer to her.

"Yeah.. night shift.." She said quietly.

Meliodas took off his scarf and placed it around her.

"It's freezing out here. You can catch a cold, (Y/n)" He said, standing adjacent to her.

He looked at the lights down below, he heard music and whatnot.

"Why are you up here?" He asked her.

"I wanted to get some fresh air, I guess back inside the castle is too stuffy for me." She said, laughing while holding onto the scarf.

Meliodas looked at her, as she stared on. His smile fell, he frowned a bit. He looked back at the town, the lights reflecting off his emerald orbs.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 (Meliodas/Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now