CH. 38 We just want to talk

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CH. 38 We just want to talk

(Tucker POV)

"I don't know how we just did that, I really don't," Bryson said.

I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"I think we should go talk to Jeffs siblings," I said and Bryson raised a brow.

"To say what exactly, I'm sure they also want nothing to do with him. I mean, we found out that he was like this. I'm sure they knew too." Bryson said but I shook my head.

"Well, they might give us a lead on him okay," I said.

Bryson looked at me with a curious look.

"I guess we have to go after everything we've got then, in that case, fine. When do you want to go see them?" He asked I let out a sigh.

"Most likely tomorrow, I don't think I want to talk to anyone related to Jeff right now," I said and Bryson nodded his head.

"Yeah, I can understand that and I don't think his siblings want to talk to us either but maybe we should take the remaining of the day to rest. Think things through and figure some things out also." Bryson said.

"I think we should meet with Jeff siblings tomorrow, but today. I think we should go out to where Jeff took Natasha." Bryson said causing my eyes to widen.

"What do you mean?" I asked Bryson who looked at me with an obvious look.

"We need to go to the area where Natasha was taken, we need to ask around or least find out why no one reported her missing or even come looking for her," Bryson said.

I nodded my head agreeing with what he said, in order to know her whole entire story we need to know her past.

"It just doesn't make any sense to me, we have to look if anyone reported her missing around the area she was taken from. Jeff took tabs on her, watched her and stalked her before he took her, he knew things we don't. Maybe we can continue looking through his things to see if there's anything in his stuff that could give us a hint but I definitely know that we need to go to the area she was taken from. That is something that we need to do, to find out why and how come no one came looking for her." Bryson said staring at me with a serious look.

I know that he wanted to do this as soon as possible too and to be quite honest I couldn't blame him.

"Alright, that's fine and Jeff never thought these videos of his would be found because he's mentioned where he's taken her and the details on where she was. He planned it, it wasn't something that just happened on the spare of the moment. He thought these out, the punishments and the equipment he uses were all thought out. Where he had her the first time he took her was planned out. It makes you wonder, this was something well thought out in his mind. Why though?" Bryson said.

"Why what?" I asked and he looked at me with a serious expression.

"Why did he take her? Instead of the other woman? Why her out of all of them, yes he was watching her for a while but why did he decide to choose her to stalk, keep tabs on and abduct." Bryson said I ran my fingers through my hair letting out a sigh.

"Jeff was a psychopath from what we learned, he probably just took her simply because she caught his attention or he felt something for her in that sick mind of his," I said, Bryson, nodded his head.

"I agree with that but I feel like there's something much more to it man. I don't know." He said.

I let the words sink in, everything that has happened recently has been because of something so Bryson is most likely right. I wasn't doubting that it was just that I wasn't sure if I really wanted to truly get into that fucker name Jeff mind.

From the videos that Bryson and I watched earlier, it showed me that Jeff mind was something wicked. Something that wasn't meant to be touched.

"It's going to be a long drive if we go," Bryson said.

I nodded my head knowing that it would be.

"We're going to go anyway," I said and Bryson nodded his head.

"You know, I've never told you this but I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner," I said to Bryson.

"What?" He said looking at me confused.

"That you were actually the best friend," I said, his eyes widened and he let out a laugh.

"I'm serious, it's sad that it's taken this conflict for me to realize that you're the best friend. From the first minute I met you till now, you've been by my side as a partner and not only that but as a friend. Hell, I think of you as a brother. You've always been honest with me, you've always been there when I needed you and I'm sorry for being stupid for not realizing it. I'm sorry for not saying it, but I care for you man. You're family." I said meaning my words and Bryson looked stunned.

"Family huh?" He said in a soft tone, it was like was tasting the word and I knew why he was behaving such a way.

Especially with what he's gone through with his family and is still going through.

"Want to hug it out?" I awkwardly said, at first I thought he would reject my hug but instead he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Okay." He said we hugged.

"You know I got you right?" I asked him.

"I got you too bro." We ended the hug.

He smiled at me with a look of relief, it was like what I said comforted him about whatever he was worried about, what bothered me was that I didn't realize it until now.

"You're driving over there." He said quickly walking away.

"Ugh fine," I said following him, this was going to be a long drive and definitely out of our jurisdiction but we're definitely going to get our answers.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Okay, so now we get to learn Natasha past.

Stay tuned.


-Kassandra Vivu

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