CH. 51 We are back

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CH. 51 We are back

(Tucker POV)

With everything that we had collected, we decided to store some of the things in Bryson place and some of them in mine.

Taking extra measures to make sure that they wouldn't be reachable by anyone but us.

"We are meeting him later today," Bryson said, I nodded my head.

"Has the captain called you yet?" I asked Bryson.

"No, but we did take a short leave. Speaking of our short leave, is our leave time almost up yet?" He asked me.

I took out my phone to look at it, letting out a sigh.

"Yes, it is almost up," I said confirming about our short leave.

"I can't believe they had allowed us to take leave together," Bryson said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I needed emotional support," I said, Bryson turned to look at me with a raised brow.

"Oh wow." He said shaking his head.

I let out a chuckle.

"No, I'm pretty sure that's why they let us both take a short leave, because I'm really close with you out of all the people in our team so, that's definitely one of the reasons. Also, when you took leave last time, I took it with you." I said.

Bryson looked at me and nodded his head slowly.

"You're right about that, thank you so much for that by the way." He said.

I looked at him.

"We are partners, friends. Hell, you're family to me, of course, I would be there, especially when you need me the most. Like I said before, I trust you and you trust me." I said.

"Are we having a Bromance moment here?" He said actually making me laugh.

"Yes, I believe we are," I said, bringing a smile to his face.

"Feels good, okay. So, do you want to go question Jeffs's siblings as we discussed earlier?" Bryson asked me.

"Yeah, let's do it. They'll definitely be able to at least give us some other things about Jeff, Maybe they might even be able to help figure out who did it. Hell, maybe one of them did." I said as we grabbed our coats to leave.

"Well, hopefully, they have so information that could help. You'll be the one driving by the way." Bryson said handing me the key.

I chuckled, I'm sure he was tired of driving since he was the one driving this whole entire time.

"Alright, just let me know where to go," I said as we got in the car and headed to our destination.

"I'm sure Natasha had ended up getting to Jeff's siblings so I wouldn't be surprised if they and Natasha have already encountered each other," Bryson said.

"Yeah, you're right about that. Also, they'll tell us if they know where she is also, especially with the amount of danger she could be in. We are no threat." I said, driving down the road.

"Well, we are going to have to convince them were not. After all, Jeff was their brother and he was a huge threat. You also were you know, best friends with them and I'm sure the family knows about that." Bryson said.

That had me raising a brow.

"You think they'll think I know about what Jeff did?" I said asked with a disgusted look on my face.

Bryson let out a sigh.

"I'm not sure, that's why I said we have to do a good job of getting them to believe us. You never know what goes through people's mind sometimes, people have trust issues and sometimes people can't even trust others. With their case, it had to do with their brother." Bryson explained to me.

"Make a left here." He said.

"People are power-hungry and it truly is a disgusting thing," I said, causing Bryson to look at me.

"Yes, Tucker, we live in a power-hungry world, where people will do anything to get power, destroy others or to keep themselves in a lifestyle they want," Bryson said.

I didn't say anything because I knew the meaning behind his words.

"So what is it that we know about Jeff's siblings?" I asked, changing the topic.

"His sister owns a shop and is a stylist," Bryson said.

"His brother, on the other hand, happens to do a lot of things but I don't know exactly what he does for a living. He seems like a smart guy though." Bryson said.

"Well, I doubt anyone in that family is dumb," I said.

"Yeah, no kidding," Bryson said.

We continued talking about the family until we made it to the house of Jeff's siblings.

"Well, we are here," Bryson said, looking out the window.

The front porch lights were on.

"I didn't think they would still be at home, I wouldn't be. I mean, Jeff Baez made a lot of enemies. Yes, the family cut ties with him, but some people don't care about that." Bryson said.

"Maybe they're able to protect themselves," I said, turning to look at Bryson.

"You might be right about that, okay. Let's go then. We can't talk to them from the car you know." Bryson said opening his door.

"Alright, hopefully, they'll want to talk to us," I said getting out the car.

"We just have to show them, that we are on their side. That's all." Bryson said.

I let out a sigh.

"That might be hard to prove, but guess it's worth a shot after all," I said as we both walked to the front door of the house.

"Well, we know their home because the porch light is open. So do we knock or ring the bell?" I asked Bryson who stared at me with a raised brow.

He pressed a finger on the doorbell, looked at me and shake his head.

He pressed the doorbell again, a man opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked staring at us.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

So, do you Dolls think Jeff's siblings are going to help Tucker and Bryson?

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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