CH. 71 It's happening.

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CH. 71 It's happening.

(Damian POV)

Natasha and I are a couple.

A couple who also lives together does everything else together, and have become best friends.

She's become everything to me.

We have been opening-up to each a lot more, a lot of things has happened.

I have found my mother, it took a toll on me, becoming reunited with my mother. The story she's told me of what she's gone through and when I told her what I had gone through as well. She broke down and cried.

I never blamed my mother for the things I've gone through; she wanted the best for me.

I was able to get my mother a resident card, and now she was back in the USA.

Natasha and my mother have gotten close as well; it seems like my mother has been looking forward to becoming a grandmother.

We were still learning things about each other, my mother and I, but that was fine. Because even if it's baby steps, we are still taking steps, and we are still moving forward.

I was in the kitchen, making Natasha a snack.

The twins have been eating a lot lately.

I smiled, thinking of how many times Natasha has been eating.

"Baby," Natasha said.

My heart leaped at that.

When she first started calling me that, I was over the moon and still am.

I know it took a lot for us to get there, and it makes me happy that we have reached this level.

"Yes, baby girl," I said, turning around to face her.

My eyes widened.

"My water broke," Natasha said, with an alarmed expression.

"Okay. Okay. I'm going to get the bag we packed in." I said, trying to rush past her.

"Ah!" Natasha yelled.

I froze and turned to face her.

She wasn't even due today; she was due in two weeks. These boys wanted to come out now?!

I grabbed the bag from the couch and rushed to her.

"Okay, baby. I'm right here. Come on; let's get you to the hospital." I said, walking her away from the puddle that was on the floor.

My heart was beating fast against my chest.

I've been prepared for this day, and yet here I was nervous about it.

We left the house, and I got Natasha inside the car.

"Okay, okay," I said, getting into the car and driving to the hospital.

"How far along are the contractions?" I asked her, and she told me.

"Okay, alright, baby, we are almost there. Breathe in and out." I said, and Natasha did precisely what I said.

I didn't even know I was doing it until Natasha let out a painful laugh.

"You know I'm the one who's waters broke right." She said.

She let out another painful noise, and I pulled myself in front of the hospital.

"Help. Help. Her water broke." I said as they rushed out.

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