CH. 46 Meaning of the box

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CH. 46 Meaning of the box

(Tucker POV)

"Hand me one of the files," I said, this whole thing was getting to me and I wanted to get through this.

They handed me the files, I opened the files and newspaper articles fell out.

I picked up one of the articles and read.

"It's an article about people, immigrants coming over and what took place while some were caught," I said, reading the rest of the article out loud which, discussed that some families were even separated from each other, some of the immigrants died or got ill.

"I heard about things like that, it's where families from different countries will pay a huge amount for smugglers to get their family to the USA. Some smugglers became evil and demanded an unreasonable huge amount of money and they would threaten the families of the loved ones that live in the United States, claiming if they don't then pieces of their loved ones will be shipped to them." Layla said.

I watched as Bryson's eyes widened.

"So this is someones loved one that a smuggler sent bits of pieces to?" Bryson asked.

"So this has to be a loved one of Natasha and her sister Natalie. Why else would they have these bodies parts." Bryson said pointing his hand towards the box.

"Okay, but who could it be?" One of the girls asked.

I look through the rest of the files, to find more news articles, pictures, and letters.

I read one letter out loud.

"We are contacting you because you were late with the payment. Do you not care for your wife or children? Twin girls will look good on the market." I read out loud.

My eyes widened.

"By the mentioning of twins in this letter, it seems like he was referring to Natasha and Natalie. So that could mean that Natasha and Natalie's daughter was in the USA, while they weren't. That also means that they were also immigrants that were coming into the United States with their mother." I said.

"So, if that's the case then whos body parts are these?" Bryson asked.

I picked up another letter.

"You're not taking us seriously. We will cut off pieces of your wife and send them to you." I said, I stopped reading the letter and the room fell quiet.

"These body parts are Natasha and Natalies..... Why did they keep them? What fucking reasons did they have to keep these body parts?" Bryson asked.

"I don't know, I'm lost as you're but the fact that they kept evidence of a crime that was committed right here in their home, for what exactly? Also, how come their father didn't do anything, there are multiple letters that were sent to him." I said.

"Maybe he couldn't afford the amount of money they were asking." one of the girls said.

"So what? They sent pieces of his wife to him, with letters taunting him?" Bryson said, coming to stand next to me.

"There's more news articles. There's an article with a man who robbed a bank, it took the third bank he robbed for him to get caught." I said reading another news article.

"Well, looks like we found out what happened to the father and husband," Bryson said.

"What happened when he was taken in custody?" Layla asked standing up.

"He was taken into custody claiming there was a reason he did the things he did and then later on that day he was found dead. Suicide, supposedly." I said silence fell over all of us.

"He committed suicide in a cell that was being supervised by police officers, yeah. I'm sure can get a better understanding of what actually happened." One of the girls said.

I raised a brow to that.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked her.

"I'm saying the system is crooked. There is no way, he would commit suicide, especially of what was going on with his wife and children. He would not just give up on them like that." Kelly said.

"Okay, so what exactly happened to the girls after that, is there anything that can give us the answers to that?" Bryson asked.

We looked through the remaining of the files and got some of our questions answered.

"So, they had sent the father of the girls as much body pieces they felt like would make a point to him, then after he was arrested they stopped. So the girl's father was the one who kept the body parts in these containers, that are best at preserving human body parts. I guess we won't really know what happened to their mom, but the human body parts here could give us an answer. So the girls were then basically auctioned off by the smugglers, knowing that they could make money with twin girls." Bryson said, looking through more paperwork.

"Every time we dig further into this story, it just ends up being more screwed up. So they were sold to a family, who ended up abusing them, they officially ran away from that home at the age of twelve. Stayed on the streets, until they found out who they were by coming across someone who knew their father, who had happened to be the owner of the apartment building they were living in, which previously was the apartment where their father lived. He kept the box for them, never going through it and even let the girls stay in the apartment. The girls added newspaper clippings they found that are connected to what happened to their parents and added it to the box." Bryson said, reading Natalie journal.

"All those people probably run in the same circle with Jeff, including whoever took Natalie," Layla said with a disgusted look on her face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff even knew, that man knew many things. So who's to say he didn't know about this also. It's still creepy holding onto your dead mother body parts, but then again there are people who do have their parents ashes in their homes." Bryson said, shrugging his shoulders.

"So, Natasha simply wants revenge. Against these people, because they had taken away her parents, they took away her sister and she's fighting. When she finds out who killed Jeff and prove her innocence. She plans on taking a lot of other people down too." Kelly said.

"It's been obvious that's what she plans on doing," I said.

Bryson lets out a sigh.

"So what do we do Tuck, do we try to stop her or let her do it?" Bryson asked.

"We don't stop her, we just protect her along the way," I said, with a determined voice.

"Uh, I don't know how we're going to do that but okay," Bryson said.

"She'll contact us. I know she will." I said.

She'll contact us, she'll reach out. Hopefully.

Until then, we work on what we can work on and try to help from our side.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Okay, Dolls! Time for Natasha to get her justice thing figured out and bring them.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!

Going to through some shit down in the next couple of chapters.


-Kassandra Vivu

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