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Dave on the far left, Graham next to Dave, Damon next to Graham, and Alex behind Damon. Graham does have glasses but he's not wearing them 🤘🏻.


The next morning...
Leytonstone, East London
February 17th, 1995

Waking up groggily, I rolled over, feeling a hard surface. It felt like a person... Shooting up from my comfortable position, I looked at what was next to me. It was Damon. Oh. Remembering the previous night, I laid back down next to Damon.

"Ugh..." I heard Alex from the other end of the couch groan, rolling over so he was facing me. He looked peaceful while sleeping, and oddly adorable. Smiling to myself, I stood up, stretching.

Damon's apartment was small, but it was cozy. I hadn't seen his room but his living room was cute. (Imagine it the way you want to.)

Should I make them breakfast? I thought. Feeling generous, I decided to make them some breakfast anyway. I made my way to the kitchen while I was still stretching. Deciding on what to make, I dug in Damon's cabinets, probably invading some shit, and looked for ideas. Seeing cheese and spinach randomly in his fridge, I chose to make omelettes. I just needed eggs, salt, pepper, butter, and water.

While making their breakfast, I heard footsteps behind me. Behind me was no other than Alex. He smiled at me, peeking over my shoulder to see what I was making.

"Looks delicious. Are those for Damon and I?" I turned to him, smiling widely.

"Yup." I went back to cooking the omelette while Alex watched. From time to time he would play with parts of my hair, or rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey Alex?" He hummed in acknowledgement. I picked up a plate with an omelette sitting in the center, and handed it to him. Gasping with joy, he took the plate quickly and went to sit at Damon's small table.

"Thank you very much." Alex thanked with a large grin. I giggled, joining him at the table.

"You want some? It's very good." Alex asked me with his mouth full.

"Chew with your mouth closed." I scolded him. He quietly chuckled to himself, swallowing his chewed food.

"Sorry, mom." Alex replied with sarcasm. He looked down at his plate to see his omelette was almost gone. He pouted.

"Well, maybe eat slower too." Alex rolled his eyes at me, flicking my head over the table. Wincing, I smacked his hand away.

"Hey guys." We heard another voice. It was Damon trudging over to join us, his voice still husky from sleep. "Got any for me?" He pointed to Alex's destroyed omelette.

"Yeah, on the counter." I answered. Damon turned around, walking towards the freshly made food.

"Mmm, smells good." Damon complimented. I smiled at him, tapping my fingers along the table. He made his way back over, sitting next to Alex. Speaking of Alex, he got up to put his empty plate in the sink.

"Hey guys. I'm gonna head home. I have to call a client so..." I trailed off, standing up from my seat.

"Alright, be safe," Alex warned me. I laughed, hugging him tightly, Damon soon joining in.

"I will guys," I said, but it came out muffled. Both of them let go, letting me have my personal space.

"We'll catch you later, right Y/n?" Damon asked, his one arm sitting around my waist. Alex wasn't even paying attention anymore because he was focused on drawing on a napkin.

Charmless Man - Damon Albarn X Fem Reader X Alex JamesWhere stories live. Discover now