(A Nice Cup Of) Beaujolais

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The boys (LOOK AT ALEX WITH HIS BOOK HE IS SO CUTE I'M-). I'm really proud of last chapter so I'm hoping this one turns out as I plan.


One week later...
February 27th, 1995
Leytonstone, East London

It had been one week and I hadn't heard anything from Damon or Alex. Honestly, the break from the both of them was nice, but I was getting lonely again. I had tried to call b/f/n but she didn't pick up.

Since I had nothing more to do, I was sitting at a small table in a cafe. The same cafe that I got to know the two men I had fallen for: Mrs. Brown's cafe. A small cup of caramel iced coffee sat in front of me. I sighed, pulling out a book that I had brought.

As I was content, reading my book, the bell on the door rung as a group of people had walked in. Not paying attention, I kept my eyes focused on the book before me.


Damon's POV

"Stop!" I laughed, my blue eyes squinted. Graham kept trying to shove me into the street. Alex and Dave were watching with amusement while smoking some fags.

"Keep doing it, Graham." Alex chuckled.

We were on our way to Mrs. Brown's Cafe. We hadn't been there for a hot minute and us four wanted to spend some time together.

We finally reached the small cafe. Our feet planted in one spot as we waited for Alex and Dave to drop their fags. Once they did we made our way inside.

Walking in, the cute bell on the door rung delightfully. That was the sound that brought satisfaction to most of my mornings. As I looked around at the surprisingly half full cafe, I saw the one girl that made my day. Y/n. It seemed that Alex had saw her too since he let out a small gasp, facing away from her. For some reason, Alex had been somewhat avoiding her. I don't know what happened.

"How may I help you guys?" The lady behind the counter questioned. I spoke first.

"A caramel iced coffee for myself and my buddy Alex." (A/N: they ordered the same as you lol) Alex nodded along with my order, proud that I got the right thing this time. Graham and Dave ordered soon after.

As we all got our cups of coffee, I kept looking at Y/n. I missed her this past week and desperately wanted to talk. I hadn't gotten in touch with her because planning tour just keeps you busy.

"Hey guys, look. It's Y/n." I stated. Alex looked in her direction.

"Let's sit with her then." Graham suggested with a smile, pushing his glasses up his nose.

As we made our way over to her, I noticed she had her nose buried in a book. Her chin was rested on her hand, occasionally shifting into a more comfortable postion.

I placed my coffee cup on the table, catching her attention. The guys were right behind me, finding their spots at the table.

"Oh... hey guys." Y/n spoke.


Your POV

"Oh... hey guys." I spoke. Surprisingly, the four very familiar boys I knew, were at the cafe. They had made themselves comfortable, finding their spots at my table. I had liked the silence for a little while, but I was ok with this.

"Hello." Alex greeted back. He had a slight blush on his face. He tried covering it up with a smile. I thought it was cute so I smiled back. In all honesty, I had really missed Alex so I was happy to see him again.

Charmless Man - Damon Albarn X Fem Reader X Alex JamesWhere stories live. Discover now