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Alex and Damon ^^



The next day...
March 4th, 1995
Leytonstone, East London


I walked with Damon up the stairs to Graham's flat, a wide smile on both our excited faces. We were planning to scare the absolute hell out of Alex. Hopefully he would be the one to answer the door.

"Here." I pointed to a plant beside Graham's flat door. Damon dove behind it. I took my hand, and used my short nails to scratch down the cold door.

Hearing someone starting to shuffle inside, I quickly hid behind the plant next to Damon. Soon enough the door swung open, revealing a confused Alex. Perfect.

"Hello?" He called, raising an eyebrow. I bit my lip hard. It was almost impossible to not laugh.

Before I burst out laughing, I tapped Damon's shoulder, and we both jumped out.

"Boo!" We both yelled. Alex screamed loud, falling onto his ass. Damon and I collapsed to the floor in laughter.

We couldn't stop. I was holding my stomach, trying to ignore the pain growing in my gut as I continued to laugh. Damon was on his back, his hands in fists and he laughed loudly as well. Since my eyes were squeezed shut, I peeked through my one eye, seeing Alex glaring down at us.

"Not cool." He mumbled once he noticed I was looking at him. I chuckled for a little longer before sitting up, taking deep breaths. Damon had stopped laughing before I had, and he already made his way inside.

I made grabby hands at Alex. He sighed, but couldn't help this growing smile on his face, and reached down to grab my hands, pulling me up onto my feet. Before I had a chance to say a proper hello, Alex pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled into his chest, wrapping my arms around him.

"I know it's only been five days, but I missed you a lot." I said into his chest.

"I missed you too, but scaring me wasn't cool." Alex said, slowly pulling away from the hug. He motioned me inside. I smiled at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek, then making my way inside.

"So, what have you been up to?" I asked Alex as we made our way to his sofa, where the rest of the boys had been. I waved to them.

"Just... drinking, drinking, and more drinking." Alex responded. I frowned, turning to face him. I planted a quick kiss on his nose.

"Is everything alright? Because if that trip made you sad, just know nothing happened between Damon and I." That was a complete lie. If it was the trip that was making him sad, hopefully that would make him feel better.

"No, that's not why I've been having issues. Just I've been getting flashbacks worse than usual. They've been getting to me." I saw tears starting to form in his eyes. I looked up at him with sad eyes.

"Well, maybe tonight you can head over and we can cuddle and watch a movie." I suggested. Alex smiled, nodding his head eagerly. He grabbed my hand, leading us to actually sit on the couch rather than standing by it. The group hadn't heard our conversation since the TV was practically blaring.

I glanced at Damon, seeing him looking at Alex and I locking hands. Luckily he didn't notice me glance at him. After, I looked at Alex to see him watching the TV with curious eyes. He was so adorable, and such a joy to be around. I loved Alex, so much.

"So guys, how was the trip?" Graham broke the silence amongst the group.

"It was fun. We had a lot to do. We walked on the beach, went out to dinner, and even saw a really cool parade." Damon smiled at my answer, nodding himself.

Charmless Man - Damon Albarn X Fem Reader X Alex JamesWhere stories live. Discover now