Nature (part two)

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I'm sorry the last chapter took soooo long but I've been so busy. Also, this book is now #25 IN #BLUR!!!!!! I'm so fucking happy!!!! Remember to vote so we can get it to #1, please. I work super hard on this book.

Anyways, let's get to the story!!!!


2 days later...
March 2nd, 1995
California, USA

"Come on, Damon! It's nice out!" I tugged on the sleeves of Damon's shirt, trying to get him out of bed.

"The beach can wait." Damon mumbled into his pillow. I sighed, trying to use all my strength to turn him over.

"DAMON! Please?" I pouted. He snuck a glance at me. I heard him sigh.

"Fine. Give me a fat second." Damon grumbled, finally turning over. His hair was sticking up all over. I giggled.

"You look silly." I commented, flattening his hair. Damon gave me a small smile, pushing my hand away.

"And you look beautiful." He played back, leaning up to kiss me on the cheeck. I blushed.

"Ok. Get up so we can go." I nagged. He sat up, looking around.

"Ok. Fine." Damon got up, finally, and made his way over to the dresser. I turned around so he could get dressed. Once I heard the zip of his pants, I turned back around.

"Checking me out, are we love?" Damon teased, flexing his muscle. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. Now get a shirt and jacket on because I'm getting impatient." I whined.

Once he was finally getting dressed, we made our way out of the hotel. We walked a long dirt trail before reaching the beach. A breeze immediately picked up, blowing Damon's hair around.

"Y/n? You gonna start walking?" Damon waved his hand in front of my face as he noticed my staring. I giggled, nodding.

"It's cooler than I thought it would be." I commented, hugging myself lightly in my jacket.

"Yeah. You wanna head back and just grab some lunch?" Damon suggested. I shook my head.

"No. I wanna do something fun. Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and ran.

I heard him quietly chuckle, his long legs speedy as I dragged him.

Eventually I slowed down, laughing. Damon spun me around and looked at me.

"You know, I've always been jealous of your eyes. They're such a pretty E/C." He slowly snuck his hands around my waist. I blushed, leaning in to kiss him on the nose.

"Thank you, fart face." I pushed him off, laughing.

"Fuck you!" He laughed, trying to grab me again. I ran, him soon following.

I screamed, running as fast as I could. Damon was behind me, taunting me, saying he was gonna catch me.

I stopped running, and Damon tripped onto me, both of us falling on the sand.

Damon and I both hit the ground with a grunt, still laughing. I was having so much fun. The most fun I had had in a while.

"There's so much sand in your hair." Damon laughed at me. I glared at him, pushing him off me. I pouted.

"Rude." I simply stated. I sat up, letting the wind blow most of the sand out of my H/C locks.

"Ok it's not that funny, I was just playing." Damon chuckled, sitting next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love spending time with you. Even though I am stuck between you and... you know who, I really enjoy knowing you." I stated, resting my hand on his. Damon smiled, interlocking our fingers.

"I feel the same way, Y/n." He ran his fingers through my h/c hair. I blushed, looking up to him. Damon stared me in the eyes, a red now showing up on his cheeks.

"You're a dork." I ruined the moment, sticking my tongue out at him. He laughed, pushing my face away.

"Ok. We should get something to eat because I'm super hungry." Damon complained, standing up. He brushed the sand off his sweatpants, the sand blowing away in the wind.

"Alright." I simply responded. I stood up, brushing the sand off my jeans.

Damon took my hand in his, leading me off the beach. Once we got back to our hotel room, Damon helped me brush the sand out of my hair.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, clamping my hand on my hair. Damon retaliated the brush, wincing.

"Sorry, love." He continued to brush my hair, more gently this time. Once he was done, I turned around and planted a kiss on his lips.

"C'mon. Let's go find a place to eat."


"Mm! Holy shit, this is good." I hummed with joy as I ate my chicken nuggets. We may or may not have gotten McDonalds....

"Oh please. I've had so much better." Damon mumbled, munching on a fry.

I chuckled, throwing a fry at him. He threw one back. I caught it in my mouth, chewing it slowly.

"Oh stop!" Damon laughed, throwing another fry at me. I laughed with him, resting my head on my hand.

"I think you're bluffing." I told Damon, a smirk playing at my lips.

He shook his head.

"I know I've had better." He crossed his arms, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper.

"You know there's going to be a parade tomorrow night." Damon commented. He leaned back in his seat while playing with the straw in his drink.

"Really? Sounds exciting. Can we go to it?" I begged like a small child. Damon looked down at his lap before answering.

"Sure. Why not?" He answered. I smiled widely at him. I wanted our last two days here after this to be the best days of our lives.

"Thank you, Damo." I teased. I looked out the window, watching cars drive by.

We continued eating our food, occasionally flirting and sometimes throwing more fries at each other.

Let's the say the parade was definitely something to look forward to.


This chapter SUCKS SO MUCH! I hate it! But yet I took so long to work on it.

School. Has. Kept. Me. So. Fucking. Busy.

Please forgive me for being lazy and not paying much attention to this book. I do appreciate all the support you guys have been giving me but I feel this book is getting boring. Can you let me know?

Love you all,

Charmless Man - Damon Albarn X Fem Reader X Alex JamesWhere stories live. Discover now