Chapter 42

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I was aroused from my slumber when I heard the obnoxous noise. A car horn, blaring through the streets of my neighborhood, of Ingram Street, Forest Hills, Queens.

I stumbled out of my bed with a groan, shrugging on a shirt and pants as I approached the front door. I looked through the peephole to see who was parked outside, and that's when I saw it.

My motorcycle had come. Early.

I felt like a little kid waking up early Christmas morning. It was here. I did a childlike jump, then swung the front door open proudly, a wide grin splayed across my face.

I padded onto my front porch in my bare feet, watching a man climb out of his truck. He circled his truck, beginning to unload my new, shiny black ride.

"Hey," I said, getting his attention. The door clicked shut behind me. He looked up.

"Hello," he replied. He stopped unloading the motorcycle for a moment, checking a clipboard that was lying on the tailgate. "Peter Parker?"

"That's me."

"Wonderful." I helped him remove the bike; it felt as light as a feather. After all, I could lift cars with little struggle. I saw a twinkle of appreciation in the man's eyes. He wouldn't have made it on his own. "Thanks. Now, if you don't mind, would you sign here?" He held out the clipboard and a pen.

I skimmed the agreement. His name was at the top, along with mine. Gabriel Burke. I signed the sheet, handing it back to him.

"Cool. And, I need to see your insurance card and driver's license..." Gabriel gave a small smile.

"Just one sec." I jogged to the house, grabbing my information. I returned a moment later, and he analyzed them.

"Awesome. That's it. You've already paid." He gave a wave, lifted the tailgate with a slam, and climbed back inside the truck. "Enjoy."

"I will." He drove away, leaving me with my shiny new treasure. I chuckled to myself, hearing my alarm clock beep from my room.

Just in time. I could ride it today.


Harry woke up right before I left. I told him to do whatever he wanted, and I headed outside. Harry stood on my porch to watch me go, probably so he could see me ride my motorcycle for the first time.

I cranked it, listening to the engine putter. I pressed the gas, then gave a shout as it lurched forward. Harry laughed. I gave him a playful glare and sped away, the cool wind hitting me like heaven.

My ride was a little wobbly, but, overall, I thought I did very well. I struggled at the traffic lights, though, causing several people to honk at me.

I had gotten an official motorcycle license a couple of years ago, but had never had a motorcycle to drive. I definitely lost much of my skills, but I still remembered a lot.

I parked my motorcycle in the college parking lot, just in time to see Mary Jane walk by, her red hair blowing in the breeze. Her green eyes searched the lot for the source of the engine sound, and she saw me, our eyes making contact. She rolled her eyes, then turned away, quickening her pace.

"Finally got yourself something to drive, huh?" She muttered quietly, only meant for her to hear. I heard her, though.

"Yes I did!" I shouted to her over the engine. I turned the key, shutting it off. Mary Jane stopped and turned, shocked and slightly embarrassed, but her expression quickly turned angry.

"It's about time."

I couldn't help but smile. I was excited to have my motorcycle. Some stupid girl like her wasn't going to ruin my mood.

Lance met me in the hallway. I could tell that he was about to say something about my absence, but my death glare silenced him. He raised an eyebrow, then walked away.

I was so happy, I didn't care about my superhero identity. Lance was a bully. I shouldn't have to cower from him. Besides, moving up from the "nerdy kid" didn't sound bad. What could it hurt?

And Lance, thinking I was Spider-Man? Like anyone would believe that.


Lance met me again in the hallway as I was leaving, heading to the parking lot. This time, I let him talk.

"Aren't you grumpy, today?" He asked quizzically. He lifted his hands, wiggling his fingers at me.

"I'm not grumpy. I'm actually elated. And I'm sick of your crap," I replied, giving him a perfect smile.


"Yep." I pushed through the front door, the sun shining brightly into my eyes. The smell of gasoline filled my nostrils, and almost every car was being cranked and driven away. I heard the door slam behind us. Lance readjusted his bag onto his shoulders, then decided otherwise, throwing it onto the ground.

The bag hitting the ground startled my spider senses. But, I didn't flinch. Instead, I stopped, staring at him.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, laughing to myself inside. That's when he swung his fist at me.

"You, know, this is actually considered a crime, since we're both over 18." I laughed out loud this time, dodging his punch. "Especially on a school campus." My remark just made him growl, and he threw another punch. I simply kicked his legs out from under him, and he fell to the ground with a thud, his head slamming onto the asphalt.

"Ow!" He lifted his head, wiping it with his hand. Blood trailed down his face from a cut in his forehead. His hair was in disarray, and his squinted eyes pierced through my skull. I smiled again, then walked away. Lance swore at me, but I just kept walking.

I swung my leg over my bike, starting the motor. Then I drove away, leaving Lance crouched to the ground in rage.

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