Chapter 1

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Isabella's POV

There are many different words I'd use to describe my sister, Santana. The main one I'd use to describe her, however, is overprotective. Many people know that about her. Except, they only know about that when it comes to Brittany. No one knows about me. I'm her younger sister, I'm also the sister that's shy. Probably too shy, which doesn't help, because then people see me as the 'weird' Lopez, since I don't take up for myself when someone says something behind my back. Talk or do anything to hurt my sister, though, and it's like I turn into the hulk.

Santana never talked about me to anyone, besides Britt. She's turned into another older sister to me. If Santana isn't there, Britt always is.

Over the past couple of years I've started playing softball. Britt and Santana have tried to get me to start cheer this year since I'm starting my freshman year, but I've never been into it. Another thing they want me to join, is glee. I've always liked to sing, just not in front of people.

"Is, you ready to go? We have to pick up Britt before school!" I pick up my backpack and grab my bat bag and a change of clothes for tryouts before running downstairs and into the kitchen.

"If you are, San" I say as I grab an apple and a bottle of water to eat on the way. "Alright kiddo, let head out" Santana says as she head for the door, but not before ruffling my hair and kissing my forehead. "You're sure you got everything for tryouts?"

"I've got everything, I even double checked" I say as I fix my hair while playfully glaring at her. "I'm not a kid anymore you know, you're only two years older. Don't let it get to your head"

I walked out the door and headed to her car, getting into the backseat so Britt could sit in the front. "I know, but you'll always be my baby sister. I just want to make sure you're taken care of" Santana says as she gets in and starts driving. "Which reminds me, let me know if anyone messes with you."

"San, I'll be fine. I'll try and keep to myself. And don't worry, no one will know that you're my sister" I say as I look out the window. I'm proud that Santana is my sister. She's the strongest woman I know and is honestly my best friend and my hero. "You know I don't care about that, Is. I'm proud to be your sister, I just don't want anyone messing with you because of that." Santana says as she looks at me through the rearview mirror. I look at her and give her a sad smile. "We both know that I'll probably be everyone's new target, and I've come to terms with that. As long as no one messes with you, I'll be fine" I say, the last part being a whisper as I look down. I look out the window as the car pulls over halfway to Brittany's house. I feel a hand on my cheek as I look at San, "I am so proud to call you my sister, you have no idea. You are one of the strongest people I know, considering everything you've been through" I wince at that as tears feel my eyes. "And I will make sure nothing like that happens to you again. Don't worry about me, though, I can take care of myself" Santana says as she kisses my forehead. "I know that, but you're my sister and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you or talk down about you. Not around me." I say as I look at her, putting my hand on top of hers.

"You're so cute when you try and be protective of me , but it's my job to protect you" Santana says as she pulls and gets on the road. "I've always promised myself, since everything happened, that I would never let anything happen to you" I smile as I pull a headband out of my bat bag and put it on. "Maybe so, but you're my big sister and I will never let anything happen to you if I can help it" I say in a determined tone, nodding my head.

She laughs and continues down the road, turning on the radio as we look at each other and smirk. We start jamming out to music until we pull up to Britts house and she honks the horn. Brittany comes out the door running with a large grin. "My favorite people!" She says as she opens the door. Brittany kisses Santana's cheek and smiles at her. I look at them, "oh, yeah I totally don't exist back here, just the younger sister no one cares about" I say with a playful glare. Brittany turns back to look at me as Santana chuckles while driving to school "long time no see, baby girl. I was just about to talk to you" she says as she grabs my hand kissing the back of it. "You know you're my favorite Lopez, I just make your sister think it's her" she winks at me as Santana glares at her.

"First of all, hand off my sister" she glares at Britt. "Second of all, I know she's your favorite, you cuddle with her instead of me when we have movie nights" she rolls her eyes as we pull up to the school.

"Alright, babe, you ready for your first day of high school?" She asks as she gets out of the car grabbing both of our bags and slinging her arm over my shoulder. "As ready as I can be" I say looking down. I feel a hand grab mind and look over to see Brittany with a gentle smile "hey, you have me and San, you'll be fine" She nods trying to get me to smile as she bumps her hip with mine and pecks my temple.

I giggle as I lean into my sister's side. I look up, my smile slowly fading as I see people staring and pointing at me while whispering to each other. Santana looks at me, "what's wrong, bub?" She asks while showing me to my locker. I look at her and shake my head putting me headphones in and sticking my hands into my pockets, walking away from both of them and getting shoved by people since I'm in the middle of a crowd.

Welcome to high school

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