Chapter 28

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Isabella's POV

I was walking down the hallway alone, Brittany was touring MIT's campus this week, when I see some of my favorite people. I scream and they all turn towards me. I run to them "Mercedes! Kurt! Mike!" They all smile widely, taking turns hugging me "looking good, mama" Mercedes says. I smirk at her shrugging. "What're you guys doing here?" They all look at each other "you'll see, come on" Mercedes grabs my hand tugging me into the choir room. "Okay, before Mercedes and Mike help us out with vocals and choreography-" Artie and Tina cut him off "okay, wait, can we finally here the song that Isabella wrote for your album? She wouldn't show us" Mercedes looks at me. I shrug, nodding my head "I only showed San and Britt" she smiles taking my hand and grabbing stools "you're helping me" I nod, grabbing a guitar. "So I wanted Isabella's help because she is the best songwriter I know, so this one is more on the slower side, but I'm hoping she'll work more with me in the future" I smile at her nodding. "This is one of my favorites, so far, that I've recorded because of the melody, and the message behind it, so I hope you guys like it"

Put your make-up on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim so they like you, do they like you?

Get your sexy on
Don't be shy, girl
Take it off
This is what you want, to belong, so they like you
Do you like you?

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

Mm, mm

Get your shopping on, at the mall, max your credit cards
You don't have to choose, buy it all, so they like you
Do they like you?

Wait a second,
Why, should you care, what they think of you
When you're all alone, by yourself, do you like you?
Do you like you?

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

Mm, mm

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

Take your make-up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror, at yourself
Don't you like you?
'Cause I like you

As we get done everyone stands up to clap. I look towards Mercedes as we smile at each other and hug her. "Thank you, Cedes" she smiles hugging me tight "anything for you, Is, you're my girl" I laugh as we sit back down "that was amazing, girls. Wow, Isabella, to this day I'm still amazed by your talent. Your songwriting abilities are out of this world" I smile at Mr. Schue "thank you, that means a lot"

As I was walking out of one of my classes, my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered "Is! Hey!" I smile widely "Finn! Hey, how're you?" He laughs "really good! I'm loving college so far, and you'll never guess who my roommate is" I hum "It's me!" I recognize the voice immediately "Puck?!" They both laugh "yeah! The bros are back together again, we're just missing you" I smile sadly and lean against a locker "I really miss you guys, but maybe I can come see you guys soon?" They both cheer "that'd be awesome! You could stay in our dorm one weekend!" I laugh "yes! Just like old times" we continue to talk for a little while longer before I have to go. We exchange goodbyes and I hang up the phone.

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