Chapter 13

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Isabella's POV

I was leaning against the locker beside Santana, watching her put stuff in while we were talking. "What's up with you lately? You didn't write songs all summer, and you only hung out with Britt twice. Did something happen?" She turns to me crossing her arms. I sigh "don't worry about it San, it doesn't matter" I shake my head and walk away down the hall.

Third person POV

Mercedes walks up to Santana "hi Santana, how many solos did you get in glee club last year?" She shrugs "a few" Mercedes shakes her head "One. Valerie. And I loved it" she smiles. "I was also the lips in Rocky Horror" Mercedes sighs "Listen, if you and I were in Shelby's group, we'd get all the solos and the duets. Our voices sound amazing together. Plus, it's an all-girl" Santana makes a face "why would I care about all-girl?" They start walking away from her locker. "It's all lady power all the time.
I mean, Shelby's a great teacher. I'm hitting notes I didn't even know existed. She gets me what I have to give. It feels good." They stop in the middle of the hallway "You know, honestly, I wish I could, but somebody's got to look out for Brittany. I mean, that special place where she lives, yeah, it's beautiful, but someone's got to help her cross the street. Plus, Isabella, somethings going on with her. I know you all think she's tough, but she's not all the time. She gets vulnerable. I could never just leave them, I wouldn't forgive myself, especially if I left Is when she needed me most" she shakes her head. Mercedes smiles walking away, "get them to come with you"

Isabella's POV

"Stop being such an idiot!" I hear Finn say as I turn a corner. I walk up to Brittany and wrap my arm around her shoulders "what did you just say to her?" I ask as he looks at me and shakes his head "I didn't mean it like that" she nods her head "Yeah. All the guys in Glee Club call me that. And you're the leader, so that makes you the worst of them all. You cannot call your future president an idiot. It's mean, it's bullying, and I won't accept it" he looks at me "let me guess, you're leaving too?" I nod "this is my last year to spend with my sister and my best friend. I'm not about to lose time with them. They're the only family I have" he shakes his "we're your family, too" I laugh "yeah, what a family we are. Talking behind each other's back, being mean to each other. That's not the kind of family I want to be apart of" I walk away with Britt and San towards Mercedes. "Hey, Mercedes, wait up!" My sister yells as we walk beside her "okay. So who else is in this girl group besides us?" She looks at them and then at me "You're joining too?" I nod as she hugs me "I was worried I was gonna have to go up against one of my best friends" I shake my head "never, this is my last year with my girls. I'm not wasting it. If this is something you guys want to do, I'm supporting it" they hug me.

"Hey, guys, we'll catch up. I need to talk to Is" Santana says holding my hand and taking me to the auditorium. "Is this why you've been down all summer? Because I'm leaving?" I look down "Is, I'll still visit" I laugh "I don't even know where I'm going yet" I shake my head "you don't get it!" I yell throwing my hands up "Is, what's going on?" She slowly takes steps towards me. I start to cry "Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay, I promise" she hugs me as we sit down on the stage "you're leaving, you're the only family I have besides abuela. Plus I-uh. San, I think I like Quinn" I whisper out the last part "what?" I breathe out "I think I like Quinn" I say louder. She smiles at me "that's great, bub" I shake me head "no, you don't understand" she turns towards me "what don't I understand? You realize you're talking to someone who's in love with her best friend" I nod "yeah, at least she likes you back" she take me hand "you don't know for sure that she doesn't" I shake my head

"I'm so scared, San. You saw how Kurt was treated, I don't want the same thing to happen to me" she turns my head towards her "hey, if anyone says or does anything to you, I'll be right there beside you" I nod "yeah, and what happens after you graduate? You and I both know I'm not as tough as I seem" she sighs "yes, but I'm only a phone call away. I may not be there everyday, but we can always talk" we stay silent for a few minutes "I'm gonna miss you so much." She smiles sadly "I know, me too" we both stand up and hug each other, staying in each others embrace "you're my best friend. Just don't tell Britt, she likes to tell people it's her" she laughs "I know, you're mine too. You know, we've been put through some real shit, but I'm glad we went through it together, it made us closer." She pauses and turns to me "there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, Isabella" I smile "there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you either, Santana" we walk out of the auditorium and see Britt waiting for us "we were going to see Shelby, but I wanted to wait for- Is, were you just crying?" I nod "I'm fine Britt" I smile at her as she turns to San "what happened?" She looks at me and I nod "we'll talk about it later, Britt, okay?" She nods before wrapping an arm around my shoulders and holding my hand "now, let's go see who we're dealing with" we meet up with Mercedes and walk into Shelby's classroom to see Sugar "Awesome, more back-up for me." I turn to Santana "she's not serious, is she?" She steps towards her "Oh, okay, you know what? I did not just leave one diva-driven Glee Club to join another. So let me write you a reality check, Richie Bitch. I've seen what you can do, and what you can do is stand in the back, sway, and sing very, very quietly." She says stepping closer to her. I stifle my laugh as Brittany looks at me smiling. "Ladies. Welcome. We were just brainstorming names for our new group." Shelby says turning around smiling as she sees me "I don't think we've met before" Santana turns to me wrapping an arm around me, smirking "this would be my adorable little sister, Isabella" she smiles "it's very nice to meet you, Isabella, can you sing?" I shake her hand "you as well" Mercedes steps beside me "girls got a voice" Britt nods her head "she also writes her own songs, they're beautiful" Santana says smiling "I mean, I'm okay at singing. And, my songs aren't that-" Santana covers my mouth "don't listen to her, she doesn't think anything she does is good" Shelby laughs "okay, back to names" she claps her hands. "perfect. Hot bitches" Santana says, then pauses and shrugs "or hot messes" Brittany thinks for a second "free beer" Shelby laughs "Uh, okay, I was thinking something that more captured our essence, sums up who we want to be, who we really are." Mercedes looks at us "What we are is trouble for the other groups." Shelby looks at us, thinking. "The Troubletones" we all nod our heads agreeing.

Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, and I were walking down the hallway when Finn comes up to us, "hey. I saw you guys perform, and it was incredible. I don't want it to be this way, but I understand. I just want what's best for all of you." He pauses "Britt, I need to apologize. What I said wasn't cool. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Any of our friendship" Brittany walks up to him, hugging him. "I accept your apology" he smiles "thanks. Um, I guess I'll see you guys around" we nod "bye, Finn" I say walking away. I look at San "be nice" She nods, holding my hand.

"Brittany! Brittany!" Rory comes to a stop right in front of her. "Your third wish has come true. You wished that by quitting Glee Club, you wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings, and Finn was all happy and smiling. So I'm ready for my pot of gold." He says smiling. Brittany sighs, "Okay, no, my wish didn't come true. He wasn't smiling because he was happy. He was heartbroken. Leprechauns don't exist; I realize this now. It would be really cool if they did, but they don't." She says defeated as Mercedes wraps an arm around her and they walk down the hall. Santana pulls me over to Rory, "Oh, I have one final wish, Leprechaun. Would you do this whole school a favor, and just disappear?" She smirks, shrugging as she pulls me away. "Tana, that was kinda bitchy" I say sighing "what did you expect me to say, Is? He has a crush of Britt!" I shake my head "you could have been nicer. You just saw her, you know she isn't going to give him a chance. She's in love with you." She smiles at me "you're right, doesn't mean I won't still be a bitch. Santana Lopez is a bad ass, and nothing less than that." She smiles at me "now, let's go catch up with our crazy friends" she says pulling me down the hall.

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