Chapter 31

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Isabella's POV

"I mean, he is a true inspiration to anyone pursuing a career in the arts like our very own Mr. Blaine Anderson and Mr. Sam Evans." He says gesturing to them "All right, as some of you may or may not know, this week is my big NYADA audition. I know. It's terrifying. So I'm leaving today to maybe get some last-minute tips from Kurt and Rachel." He says smiling "And I'm going with him because I have an interview with the theater department at Hunter College." He says nodding. I walk in "and I will be going with them because I have some big news to share with my sister" I say smirking. They all look at me confused "so I was called into Sue's office the other day. I'm able to graduate early, I've gotten all my credits" everyone cheers "so I'm gonna go to some of the colleges while I'm there and look into some of the music production programs" I turn to Sam and Blaine and high five them "but, don't worry Kitty, I won't be gone long" she smiles at me shaking her head. "New York, here we come!" Blaine, Sam, and I have a group hug.

We get off the train, drop of our bags at Rachel, Kurt, and Santana's apartment and head to the diner they work at. We walk in and they sit down while I look for my sister. Luckily enough, she's at the counter with Rachel, their backs to me. I sneak up to them, hugging my sister from behind. She jumps before turning around and gasping "what are you doing here?" She wraps her arms around me as I smile and close my eyes. I let go of her and hug Rachel "I have big news to share with you guys" I say excitedly. They look at me intently waiting for me to tell them "so I was called into Sue's office the other day and I'm graduating early!" They scream before pulling me into a hug "that's amazing!" Santana pulls back from the hug and cups my face "I'm so proud of you" I smile gently at her "so I decided to look into the colleges here and look at their music production programs" they smile at me as we walk over to Blaine, Kurt, and Sam. I sit beside Sam as Santana sits beside me. I turn towards Santana and glare at her "I can't believe you" she turns to me confused "what'd I do?" I scoff "first of all you didn't tell me you have a girlfriend" she winces "I knew there was something I forgot to mention" I nod and cross my arms "I'm meeting her before we leave" she nods slowly as my phone vibrates "I have to take this, it's Britt" I get up and walk outside "Hey, Britt, what's up?" She sighs "I miss you, I can't handle this. I never have time to do anything besides math, and I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy" I laugh gently "it's all going to work out. Why don't you come home for a few days?" She groans "you have no idea how much I wish I could, I just want to cuddle and watch movies all day with you and Lord Tubbington" I sigh "that sounds amazing, I've been miserable lately" it's silent for a few second "listen, I'm really sorry I wasn't able to come back when Finn died. I know how close you were to him" I shake my head as I tear up "it isn't your fault, Britt, they wouldn't let you leave" we both stay silent and then start to say our goodbyes. I walk back into the diner and wipe my eyes going back to sit down next to Sam. I put my head in my hands and groan. I feel someone wrap and arm around me and see Rachel. I sigh and put my head on her shoulder "will it ever get easier?" I ask quietly. She shrugs, sighing "I hope so"

I walk into the apartment, taking off my jacket and heading to the kitchen as I start to quietly sing to myself "hey, there you are, I was looking for you" I turn around and see Santana holding hands with who I'm guessing is her girlfriend. I cross my arms and lean against the counter "I had some things to do" I say staring at the other girl. They walk towards me "Isabella, this is my girlfriend, Dani. Dani, this is my sister, Isabella" she hold out her hand. I look at it and shake her hand slowly. "It's nice to meet you, Santana talks about you a lot" she smiles at me as I nod "nice to meet you, too" I turn back around and hear them whispering to each other "so, Is, what school did you look into today?" I smirk at my sister trying to make conversation in hopes of Dani jumping in. "NYU and Columbia so far. I really liked NYU's program though, so I'm thinking of applying there before I leave" they both nod as Santana starts to talk again "how's Maya doing?" I sigh and put my head down "we broke up" she gasps "what?!" I nod "yeah, she broke up with me the day before Finn...." I trail off as I start to tear up. I shake my head and wipe my eyes "she realized she was in love with Riley. We're still really good friends, though" I grab a water bottle from the refrigerator and take a couple swigs from it. "I really should just stay single, because so far, all of my relationships have not succeeded" Santana laughs and hugs me "nah, I heard Kitty's single" she smirks at me. I shake my head "I don't want to be in a relationship for a while" they both nod "that's understandable, you want to have time to yourself and discover new things" Dani says leaning against the counter. I nod "so, how's Britt?" I sigh, dropping my head into my hands "today was the first day I've talked to her since she got there. They won't let her do anything besides Math, I don't think they even let her sleep and eat" I say sadly, thinking about my best friend "I hate this" I whine. Santana looks at me sadly "I'm sorry, bub, I know how much you miss her" I nod "I told her to come back for a couple of days, but she doesn't know when she'll get time off" I grab my water bottle, taking a sip of it "I mean I feel like I'm all alone. First it's you, Cedes, Rach, Mike, Puck, and Kurt leaving, then Britt leaves, and then Finn dies. I just" I stop as I shake my head "I don't have anyone. Marley hangs out with Jake all the time, Blaine, Sam, Artie, and Tina hang out with each other" I look down "I feel like we don't talk as much, like we aren't as close. And I keep asking myself if that's my fault, if I've done something wrong" I start to tear up and wipe my eyes hastily.

I hear them whisper to each other and Dani go into the other room as Santana walks up next to me and takes my hand, dragging me to the couch "you've done absolutely nothing wrong, it's my fault. I've just been so busy that I don't think I have enough time after I'm done with anything, but I should make time for you. We're never going to lose each other, Isabella. Ever. You're stuck with me forever, don't ever question that" she kisses my forehead and brings me into her arms as we lean back. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and smile, answering it "Cedes! How can I help you today?" She laughs "I have amazing news, is Santana there with you?" I look at Santana and nod "yeah, she's here. Want me to put you on speaker?" She says yes as I put her on. "I have amazing news" she says excitedly. I stay quiet waiting to hear it "okay, so I know you went to New York, partly to see San, but also to apply to some colleges" I nod "yeah, why?" She takes a deep breath "what would you say if I showed a few people at my label some of your songs you wrote and that they want you to help someone write for their album?" I look at my sister in shock "and they also said if you do a good job with the album, they'll sign you as a songwriter" I drop the phone as I scream. Everyone comes out of their rooms and runs to us as Santana picks up my phone and talks to Mercedes. "What's wrong?!" I hear Rachel say as she sits next to me. I shake my head "Isabella might be getting signed to my label as a song writer!" I hear Cedes shout through the phone. Everyone congratulates and hugs me as I'm still in shock "Is, are you okay?" I hear my sister say as she puts a hand on my shoulder I nod and then snap out of it, grabbing my phone back "Cedes, that would be amazing! When do I need to meet with them" I ask excitedly "he said sometime after graduation, so you have a few weeks. In the meantime, select some of your best songs that you've written so for, or if you write some in between now and then, to show them" I smile as we talk some more and then hang up. I look at my sister to see her smiling wide "you're going to do amazing" she kisses my forehead as she hugs me tight.

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