Chapter 8

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Isabella's POV

As I walk down the hall from the library, I realize I'm a few minutes late for glee club and stop by my locker to put my things away. I walk into the room and hear Mr. Schue "I talked to Coach Beiste about it and she and I both agreed that the kind of bullying that David does is born out of ignorance. Having him in here, as difficult as it may be for us is an opportunity to show him and the rest of the guys that being in Glee Club is kind of cool. You know, find some common ground." I walk through the door and everyone looks at me. "Oh hell no! You aren't serious, are you? Did you not see how I looked the other day. Not even joking, Santana as my witness" I pause pointing to my sister "she made me get into an ice bath for the inflammation in my ribs to go down, which got cracked by the way." I glare at Karofsky "and I'm done. I'm not about to let these assholes come into the only room that we" I gesture to all my friends and I "can deem our safe place. I'll kick all of their asses before that happens" I step towards them "damn, she really is related to Santana" I hear Puck say "I taught her well" my sister says smirking.

"Okay, Isabella, I see where you're coming from, but maybe this is a good thing. After this week is through, they may respect you guys more" I scoff at him and sit by my sister. "Rachel, Puck, haven't you guys been working on something? Why don't you give it a whirl?" I hear Mr. Schue say as I put my head on my sister's shoulder.

As they get done, everyone in glee club claps. "Whoo! Whoo! The girl with the Mohawk had a really nice voice" Puck looks at me and back at the football team. We nod at each other "oh that's it!" I get up and head over to Azimio and punch him in the face while puck tries to swing his guitar. I hear Mr. Schue yell "Brittany, Santana! Get Isabella!" I feel two pairs of arms wrap around me from behind and pull me away from them and into a seat "Is, calm down! I swear to god, Isabella Maria Liliana Lopez if you do not calm down!" I thrash in her arms and turn around one she says my full name "don't call me that, it's not fair, you aren't supposed to middle name me" I whine. Puck comes over and sits beside me "this is gonna be a long week" I nod

*skip to afternoon Glee practice*

"What about the Cheerios in Glee Club?" I hear Finn say "They have a choice. Us, or the Cheerios competition."
"Well, obviously Quinn is gonna choose the Cheerios" Rachel says "Shut up, Berry. You don't know what they'll choose" I say looking at her, glaring "New Directions, Titans we're going to zombie camp." Coach Beiste blows her whistle

*in the bathroom washing off zombie makeup*

"Zombie camp was funner than I expected . And the glee club together with the football team- it's like a double rainbow" Brittany says turning to us. I smile at her "a zombie double rainbow" she smiles excitedly as she high fives me. Santana smiles at us. "What the hell are we gonna do? If we go to our cheerleading competition then we miss the halftime show and we're out of Glee Club." Quinn says turning to the other two cheerleaders in the bathroom "do what you guys think is right. If cheerleading makes you happy, do it. I'll support you guys no matter what" I smile at them. Coach Sylvester comes out of the bathroom stall, "Couldn't help but overhear your conversation" she says looking at them. Quinn turns around, leaning on the bathroom sink "what were you doing in there?". Sue washes her hands as she answers, "Enjoying the eavesdropping afforded me by the Swiss timepiece regularity and utter silence of my 2:00 p.m. ninja poops."

I look at Santana confused. She shakes her head silently telling me not to ask. "Well, I typed these up for you ladies requiring your signature tendering your resignation from the Glee Club. Oh, and, Brittany, here's a note for you handwritten and in crayon, from the human cannon saying how much it misses you." She says handing out forms. I glare at her "do you not care that Brittany could get killed by doing this stunt for you? Is it worth it just to win a stupid national championship" I grab the drawing from Brittany and tear it in two, throwing it away. "Seventh consecutive-" I cut her off "I don't give a shit, but what I do care about is you putting Brittany's life on the line" she glares at me before looking at the other girls "choose wisely" she walks out.

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