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769 days, that's 2 years and 39 days, 1,538 sunrises and sunsets.

That's how long I've been this way, I guess I should tell you about myself, I can only tell you what I know. I'm 5'5, 134 pounds long dark brown hair and brown eyes. I would tell you my name but I don't know it or at least I don't remember it.

Two years ago I woke up in a soft bed covered in feathers. I had no idea where I was, who I was, or what happened that night. I was scared! I had this weird burn in my throat that was painful to think about. I pushed it away until about a week later when I came across a man with a scraped arm. I jumped on him and drank his blood. I killed him, I felt terrible about it and since then I haven't hunted humans. I've found that animals help through the burn as well so I stick to that.

But anyway back to the story. I'm looking for a man; he has golden eyes, bronze hair, and a voice that could make anyone weak in the knees.

Today is my first day in Alaska, I really don't know why I'm here but this is where my feet brought me. I decided to go on a hunt just to do it. While there I caught the most amazing scent ever, so naturally, I followed it. As I got closer I saw a man sitting staring into space without a care in the world, from where I'm at I see that he looks sad, lost, and confused. I have the urge to help him. 'Get a grip on yourself' I think. I stay where I am afraid to move to even breathe. The man starts moving uh oh he caught my scent. I can't move so I stand my ground. He finds me half hidden behind a tree. A look of utter shock and confusion came across his face. Before I could blink he's standing in front of me.

"I thought you were dead. I thought I...."

Before he could finish his sentence my hand is around his throat squeezing with all my might.




Shock, disbelief, hurt, and another emotion ran through his face in a matter of seconds. I drop my arm from his neck. He opened his mouth to answer but then closed it.

"You don't know who I am?"

"No" I growled

"You don't know your name?

"You don't' know anything, do you?

"No" again with the growl

I took a step back, ready to make a run for it, this was getting nowhere, but a hand on my wrist stopped me.

"What do you mean you see me everywhere you turn?"

"Ever since I woke up two years ago, I can hear your voice in my head, see you out the corner of my eye but when I look you're never there."

I realized at the end of my tone took a hint of sadness. I quickly looked down afraid to look him in the eye.

I felt a hand on my chin lifting my head up.

"Don't hide from me please, for two years I thought you were dead. I thought I would never see you again."

He sounds so heartbroken as he finishes. If I could cry I would be bawling like a baby right now.

"You never told me your name. Hell, you never told me my name. I've been so confused for the past couple of years. Now that I found someone who knows me I need answers and a lot of them at that."

"I understand. I have some answers for you but for the others, I'm just as lost as you are. But please sit so I can tell you what I know."

We go sit in the grass, well the snow actually. I sit across from him, when he stares at me I go to say something, but nothing comes out. Finally after what feels like forever he speaks.

"Do you remember anything that happened before you woke up?"

"No. But now that I'm around your scent I realized that it was in the room that I awoke in. It was faint but still there lingering in the sheets and everything."

As I finish I take note that he looks nervous and scared and then there's something else that I can't explain. So I ask the million dollar question.

"What do you know of me and my past?"

He runs a hand through his messy hair and looks down. I heard him sigh; he looks up and has a faraway look in his eyes.

"The last time I saw you, was on our wedding night, you were still human. We were in the water; we had plans to change you once we got home. You wanted to try I told you to wait. You wanted to try anyway, and I would give you anything so we tried. And... I hurt you I heard your screams as I broke your bones and everything, no matter how quiet you tried to be I heard you. I tried stopping but my animalistic side came out and I couldn't. I heard every beat your heart made until it stopped. That there made me stop."

I sat shocked. I didn't know what to say, but he didn't look finished so I urged him on.

"I tried to get your heart going I truly did. Once I figured out that I couldn't I bit you, 15 times, to try to change you, you made no sounds. I ran to the mainland to collect myself and somethings. I was going to return the next day to bring your body home. When I got there the house was clean and you were gone. I looked all over for you and no trace. I went after the cleaners and they said they haven't seen you. Their thoughts told me they were telling the truth. I looked for you for seven months straight only stopping to hunt but only when it was necessary."

He stopped, got up and started pacing. I didn't know what to do, I had so much information to process that I was rooted in my spot.

"I thought with you being like me I could read your mind, but here I am wishing to know what you are thinking. To see how you truly think of me, if you finally see me the monster I am."

He goes to walk away; after I just got answers I'm not letting him go that easy.

"I don't think you're a monster. You tried to save your wife. A monster wouldn't do that."

I whispered looking away from him. I feel his eyes on me. So I take the chance to look up, and yup he's staring right at me as he could see straight into my soul. He takes a step towards me but I take one back. He sits down with his eyes still on me. I follow suit sitting across from him.

"What's your name?" I ask

"Edward," he says

"Edward" It felt good to say his name.

"What's my name?"

He smiled when I said his name. That smile, I will never get sick of seeing.

"Your name is Isabella Marie Swan Cullen. You're 18 years old. We've been married for two years. I also thought you've been dead for two years. It's been the worst years of my life. I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to protect you the way I promised I always would."

See I had this feeling that once I found this man. Err I mean Edward and he told me everything then I would remember everything or at least something. But here I sit more confused than ever. I get up, I need to go somewhere and think. He sees that I'm about to leave.

"Please don't go!"

"I have to, I need to think, I thought that if I finally did find you I world remember everything or at least something. But I got nothing. "

As I'm saying this he looks hurt and understanding at the same time.

"I promise I won't be gone long, meet me back here tomorrow at midnight."

He nods; I take off like a bat outta hell. I got to think I have to clear my mind. I have to figure something out. I need to find what's going on.

I checked into the nearest hotel for the day, midnight tomorrow I will figure out what's going on and I get all the answers I need, even if it kills me.

So here is the first chapter I hope you all like it, I have plenty more written down and I plan on updating later tonight.


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