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After a few deer and a mountain lion, we ran home. When we walked in Carlisle was the first one I saw. He was sitting in a chair reading what looked like a medical journal.

"Carlisle, please tell me that you have an idea of what's going on with me."

He gets up from his chair to come over and take me in a hug.

"Bella my sweet sweet girl. I wish I could tell you that I have the answers you need, but right now, I can honestly say that I have no idea what's going on. I saw you last week and you didn't even know who I was, and now you address me by name. I'm just as shocked as you are."

I stood in his embrace for a little while longer, then went to sit on the couch, Edward came and sat next to me, he put his hand on my knee.

"I know this is overwhelming for you, but you're not doing this alone. I'm here, and so is the family. We're here to help as best as we can. The first order of business is to get you out of that hotel and properly moved into here."

"Edward, I wanna see my dad, I miss him...HOLY SHIT, what about Renesmee?"

I guess I should tell you about her, you're all probably wondering who Renesmee is.



One day a couple of weeks before the wedding me and Edward were just walking through the woods, taking our time coming back from the meadow. When he heard a faint cry. He went off running. When he came back he was carrying a little baby that looked no more than a few weeks old.

"Edward what....."

"I heard her cry, and her thoughts, they were pretty loud. She's alone there was nothing with her but this blanket. She looks just like you but with green eyes. I couldn't have just left her there."

I took her from his arms and held her against me, she cuddled into me. Then a thought popped into my head.

"Why don't we keep her."

"Is that a smart idea?"

"YES, she's mine, I want her."

I don't know where that came from but it must have been enough to convince Edward, because he nodded, and we started our way to the Cullen's.

"What should we call her?" He asked after a while.

"Renesmee. It just came to me and its perfect. "

He laughs "what?"

"R-e-n-e-s-m-e-e, Renee, and Esme together. Its perfect for her."

"If you love it, I love it."


That's how we got her. Apparently, I missed two years of her life now. That's great, just perfect. Not something I would have liked to happen.

"Oh Bella, she's beautiful, she's growing up to be such a beauty. She looks so much like you it's uncanny. Shes with Alice shopping probably. I really never took care of a baby before, so Rose and Alice have been helping a lot with everything. Her second birthday is soon. We talk about her to you, so she knows who you are. Everyone loves her, she sleeps in my room most of the time, she has her own room she just prefers mine."

I sit there and smile as he talks about our daughter with such love. I'm a little jealous that he got to spend these past two years with her and I only got a few weeks. I make up my mind then that no matter what NOTHING is gonna stop me from being in my daughters' life from this moment on.

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