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It takes Charlie a few minutes to get over his shock, once he seems back to normal, I go over and crouch in front of him.

"Dad, it's me."

"Bells, you're alive"

"I am thanks to Edward.'

Suddenly I'm pulled into what's supposed to be a bone crushing hug.

"Bella I missed you so much, I thought I'd never see you again."

"Same dad, I thought I would never see you or my family again."

He pulled away from me, but still keeping his hands on my shoulders, like he's afraid that I might disappear.

"I'm sorry to say this but you can't see Renee.  Edward only told me about vampires after you went 'missing'. He told me everything.  It's best we don't tell your mom."

He looked over at Edward.

"I've decided to decline your offer, Edward.  Everything is right now.  I can die a happy man."

What is he talking about die, he's young still got a good thirty so years left, what's going on. I look around the room and Renesmee's crying, everyone looks sad. I'm so confused, I feel a wave of calmness come over me. I look over to Jasper who's holding a sobbing Alice. He gives me a small sad smile, then looks away.

"What the hell is going on? Why does everyone look so damn sad?  Why is my daughter crying?  Why are you talking about dying you have at least thirty so more years left? What's going on?.

Charlie takes a deep breath,  grabs Renesmee in a hug.  He looks at me over the top of her head.

"I'm dying Bells, I have cancer,  found it not too long ago. Carlisle and other doctors have tried everything but nothing works. They've given me 2 months, that was a month ago. I can honestly feel it slowly killing me. "

Right now I'm dry sobbing.  Charlie then looks at Edward.

"I was never going to accept your offer to be like you, I just don't have it in me. But now that Bella's alive I'm sure you and Renesmee will be fine, I can finally die with peace knowing that my daughter didn't die a tragic death, but that she's alive and living her life with her husband, her daughter,  and her family. Happy and not out somewhere scared and alone. Or worse in a whole somewhere six feet under.

He lets go of Renesmee and braces himself on the arm of the couch. Renesmee runs over to me, but I tell her to go to Edward.  I make a move to go over to Charlie but he stops me with a shake of his hand.

"Its OK kid, just a little short of breath, haven't talked that much in a long time."

He looks at me and smiles. I manage a weak smile in return.  All of a sudden his eyes roll into the back of his head and he's falling. Carlisle luckily got there in time and caught him.  He brought him into a room that looks like a hospital room.

By the time I get there Carlisle already has Charlie hooked up to an I.V and oxygen.  He turns and looks at me.

"Bella come in, you may wanna say your goodbyes.  He doesn't have much longer".

As Carlisle walks out Renesmee and Edward come in. Renesmee goes right to Charlie and grabs his hand, she kisses it while crying.

"Hi grand-dad Charlie,  it's me Renesmee. You can let go now, you don't have to be in pain anymore. We all love you.  I'll miss you so much grand-dad Charlie,  but I know that you'll always be with me. Sniff. Momma is here now and she'll take great care of me and keep daddy in line.

She gets up and kisses Charlie's forehead.

"I love you, grand-dad Charlie,  I'll never forget you."

She runs right into her dads' arms where she continues to cry. Edward looks at me.

"Bella his thoughts are screaming for you. Go to him, I'm going to take Ness to her room."

I go over and sit next to Charlie.  I take his hand and feel him gently squeeze mine.

"B-Bella, I -I -I love you so much, " he whispered slowly.

"I love you to dad, so much. I miss you so much. Thank you for giving me the life you've given me. I couldn't have asked for a better dad. I'll miss you more then I can express."

He smiled, mouthed "I love you". Then his heart monitor flat lined. In the other room, I hear Renesmee sobbing uncontrollably and Edward trying to soothe her. Carlisle was coming in as I was leaving, I paused in the doorway to watch. Carlisle pulled the blanket up over Charlie's body and said a prayer.

Well, here it is.  Sorry about the wait work has been a mess lately. But I finally got the chance to update I hope you guys liked this chapter, I know some of you may be sad that I killed Charlie but hey things happen. I hope you liked it. The next chapter should be up in a couple of days if not then it will up on Saturday.  I hope you all have a good week of work or school or whatever.


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