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Its been about a month since that whole thing with Renesmee went down. Things have been quiet for the most part. We found out that I  actually have a power, it's called being a shield, I know it's not as cool as Edward's or Alice's or Jasper's for that matter but it's still pretty awesome. Its the reason why Edward can never read my mind. I've been practicing taking my shield away. It's pretty funny because as soon as I do it I think Edward's name and every time he asks if I called him. I think he thinks he's going crazy. We still haven't heard anything else from James. Everyone is on edge, there's no way he's still alive. Alice killed him, and now he's coming after us, it makes no sense.





A few months later, Edward, Renesmee and I are looking for a place to live. I Love living with the Cullen's but its time for us to live ass a family.  We arrive in Anchorage around one fifteen in the afternoon and by three I've found my dream home.

It's huge, three stories, an indoor heated pool, and a done basement.  The outside its just as lovely as the inside. It's hidden deep in the woods away from the main road and covered by trees.  It kind of reminds me of the Cullen's house in forks with how open it is, Windows everywhere letting in a lot of sun. A perfect place where we can be ourselves and not have to hide. Plus it's only a fifteen-minute drive to the Cullen's. We plan on going back to forks soon, its just way too soon.



Edward and I have been trying to convince Renesmee to go to public school to make friends and just to have that experience since she's the only one that can go out in the sun. She refuses every time we bring it up to her, she says she likes having class with Jasper. She says she learns more with him anyway.



Its been a year since we moved and things are getting better. Renesmee decided to go to school, she's enrolling as a junior. I think the only reason she decided to go to school was because Alice said she would enroll with her. Edward started helping Carlisle out at the hospital about six months ago and he says he really likes it. I, on the other hand, have been going to school online to get my teaching degree.

A month later, while Edward was at the hospital and Nessie at school. I decided to run down to Forks to my dads grave. I get there but stop before I get to his grave. There's a woman standing there,  it sounds like she's crying.  She doesn't look like sue or my mom and I don't recognize her. I move a little closer when I finally start to hear her talk.

"You weren't supposed to die Charlie. You were supposed to take Edwards offer and stay alive. This wasn't supposed to happen."

What is this lady talking about? How does she know Edward? I've never seen her as I said before.

"I already lost Bella before I got the chance to meet her, who the hell am I kidding you and I both know that Edward changed her that night, she's probably wondering around lost and scared. I wish I could see her."

OK, I had enough of this, its time to find out who this lady is. I pull my hood up over my head and walk towards her.

"I actually heard that Bella is at home safe with her husband and child."

Then I threw my hood off.
"I would like to know who the hell you are and how you know me and my family."

If this wasn't a serious situation I would have laughed at her face when I took my hood off.

"Bella you're alive."
"Yes but that doesn't answer any of questions I just asked you."
"So Edward did change you, thank god. I didn't think he had the guts to do it."
"Answer my questions or so help me I will kill you."

She stops, looks me dead in the eye
"Bella I'm your mom. Your real mom that is."
So sorry for the long wait, I've been super busy, then I wasn't around earlier this week for my birthday.

But on a story note, there are only two chapters left in this book, they are the longest I've written. But there is another book that I'm currently working on. Once the last chapter is up I'll post a piece of the next book.

Well until next time
Ayjah ♡

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