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Well here I am 11:59 and he's not here yet. I'm starting to feel like he really didn't care but I mean it's a minute before. I really need to get a grip on myself or something.

12:00 I hear feet approaching it doesn't sound like 1 person but 3. I go to make a run for it, but then I caught his scent so I stopped.

There he is standing 5 feet away from me with two other people. A man and a woman, the man stood tall with blonde hair and golden eyes, he looks very much like a father a young one but a father none then less. The woman next to him is small with brown hair and she looks very caring and loving as a mother. They're holding hands so I'm assuming that they are together.

The man and the woman both gasped when they saw me. So I'm guessing that they knew me in my human life. Edward and the man step up closer to me and Edward speaks.

"I hope you aren't mad with me but these two insisted on coming, my father,"

He pointed to the man next to him, and then he waved the woman forward.

"And my mother. Carlisle and Esme."

The woman, well Esme was smiling really big; I thought her face might actually break. I saw Edward shrug, then Esme asked.

"Is it ok if I hugged you?"

Well, that threw me off guard but I nodded anyway. The next thing I know I have arms around me. Esme's shoulders were shaking like she was crying. I wrapped my arms around her squeezing tight.

"My baby girl, my baby. I missed you so much."

She kept repeating that. I suddenly felt like a small child in her mother's arms. So much that I was dry sobbing on this unknown woman's shoulder until someone cleared their throat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I do believe that we have a lot to talk about."

Carlisle said as Esme and I  broke apart. I mumbled a quiet sorry, but she shook her head, grabbed my hand and lead me over to Edward and Carlisle.

As we get closer I see Edward smile down at me like I'm the best thing ever. Finally, we're standing a good distance away for them Carlisle decided to speak.

"Bella it's great to see you again, I have so many questions for you hopefully then can we figure this all out and have your memories restored. Would you like to talk here or at our home? I promise we will be the only ones there as not to overwhelm you."

"Um...Your house is fine. It would be nice to see the inside of a house instead of a hotel for once."

I laughed as they all looked down. We started walking all the while Esme kept a hold on my hand like she thought I would disappear. I must have spaced out as we were walking, the next thing I know I feel a gentle squeeze on my hand. I look and see we've stopped at a huge house and I mean huge. From the outside, it looked like something out of a magazine. Windows took up most of the house; it was a light beige color. Three stories with an attached garage, and another one next to it.

"I love this house."
"Thank you I designed it myself, I modeled it after our house in Forks," Esme said.

"Yes, that's where we lived before all this happened. You loved that house, so when we moved here I made this in your honor."

I gave her a small smile as we walked inside. Inside the house was even more beautiful than the outside. As I thought it was big and open, lots of space. We're standing in the living room sitting down, as I'm looking around I notice some pictures on top of the fireplace, I go over to see them. There is a picture of Carlisle and Esme together smiling, looking very happy and very much in love. Next to that is a picture of a girl with short spiky hair, she reminds me of a pixie, she's in the arms of a blond man smiling. In the next picture, there is another girl but this one is blond, the only way to describe her is beautiful beyond compare. She's sitting on a man's lap. They look very happy. The man has dark hair and looks like he could crush a building without even trying, he's huge! They look so happy and so much in love.

A gasp left my mouth as I looked at the next picture. It was me! Well, it sure as hell looked like me. She looks human, she's sitting with Edward on a piano bench, he has his figures on the keys, was he playing? She, (I have yet to admit that this girl is me), looks like she really loves Edward and the way he's looking at her mirrors her look exactly. I move to the next picture before I have a panic attack. Is that possible? I don't think it is but anyway. The next picture has all of the kids in it, including the girl from the last one. It looked like they didn't know the picture was being taken. Edward was again at the piano. (Huh I guess he does play). The big man with the black hair and the blond guy we're engrossed in the TV. While the girl with the spiky hair and the human girl were huddled together deep in conversation. While the blond girl was sitting in a chair reading a magazine about cars.

I stood rooted in my place, unable to move, breathe, think or even speak. I faintly heard people talking but I couldn't process what they were saying. Was this girl really me? I kept asking myself that question over and over again. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped possibly three feet in the air as they scared me. It was Edward his face was laced with concern.

"Bella are you ok?"
"Who are these people? Most importantly is this girl me?"

I barely got the last part of my question out as it felt like I was choking on my own words.

"They are my brothers and my sisters. The little one with the dark hair is Alice, the guy with the blond hair is Jasper, the blond girl is Rosalie, and the guy with the dark hair is Emmett."

He looks over to Carlisle asking a question with his eyes, Carlisle nods, Edward sighs.

"The human girl, yes that's you."

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