걱정마 Don't worry ~ Ch3

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Chapter Title ~ Don't worry  걱정마 meaning ~ Don't worry Language ~ KoreanSong reference ~ Never Ever By Got7

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Chapter Title ~ Don't worry
걱정마 meaning ~ Don't worry
Language ~ Korean
Song reference ~ Never Ever By Got7

☆ (Y/n)'s Point of View ☆

"You're sopposed to be one your knees, jagi. Not your bottom." Jimin laughed, walking closer to me. I glared at him with puffed cheeks. I waved him off with my free hand, turning my face mostly because of embarrassment.

"So what? There's no difference. Plus, getting onto my knees is tiring." I whined. He shook his head lovingly as he chuckled. Jimin picked me up by under my arms and placed me back down on the floor on my knees. I moaned out in pain and kept a tight grip on his forearms making him laugh louder tham he did before.

"Let go of me and put your hands on the floor then stretch backwards like how the picture shows you." He told me, coaxing me into competing my final pose. It took all my willpower to not rip these stupid pictures that were layed around me.
"I can't." I said hesitantly, seeing that the floor was too far out of my reach.. He sunk down to the floor and pulled my hands gently off of him making me squeak in fear.

"You can." He said with a smile. I hated how he seemed so unbothered as i struggled with something that i hated to do.
Once i finally stretched back to the way he wanted, he clapped enthusiastically with a grin etched across his whole face..
"I told you that you could do it!" He cheered. I glared him for the hundreth time today as his arms cirlcled my waist and then to lift me bridal style.

"Let's take you to bed now, hmm?" He asked me with a raised brow. I nodded tiredly, ready to be knocked out on the warm comfort of my bed.
"I'll get Jin to buy you some bubble tea for your hard work." Jimin said. I shook my head ferociously at him.
"Last time you told him to do that, he made a low sugar tea by himself and tried to pass it off as the real deal!" I complained. Jimin threw his head back in laughter, remembering the occssion.

"You didn't even notice until Jungkook told you." He chuckled as he kicked open the door of the training room. He watched me pout with a loving expression covering his face.

"Whatever." I mumbled. He leaned down and pecked my lips before turning back to Jisung who layed flat on his back ontop of the mats.
"Don't stay there too long! You have homework!" Jimin scolded. Jisung groaned loudly, kicking his feet up in exasperation. He always complained that he was too tired for homework because of how hard he practiced. But practicing hard core the way he did was only by choice and nobody else was to blame but himself.

"I could ask Namjoon to help you?" Jimin suggested. Jisung's head instantly lifted and he gave Jimin the puppy eyes, nodding his head pleadingly. Jimin mockingly rolled his eyes and nodded with a small smile.
"Araso. I'll send him to your room. But if you're not in there by the time he arrives then you're on your ow---" Jimin was cut off by Jisung scrambling to his feet and taking off with a sprint to his bedroom.

Jisung turned around and started jogging backwards in order to give Jimin a thumbs up and yelled back,
"Don't worry!"

Jimin continued to walk, passing our maid, Sihyeon.
"Tell Namjoon to help Jisung with his homework... Also remind him that this is a direct order." He told her with a smile. She nodded then bowed respectfuly before shufflung off to Namjoon's devision's homeroon.

"So Jagi. What do you want to do after you have rested?" He asked me as he walked up the stairs. He waited for my reply but then got confused when i didn't answer. He stopped his movements up the stairs to look down, smiling when he was greeted by my closed eyes.
"Am i that comfortable?" He whispered with a small smirk. Then he continued to make his way up the stairs, careful not to male any sudden movements to not wake me up from my tired slumber.

☆ Unknown's Point Of View ☆

"Hyung! I have a news report!" I yelled, running down the halls to catch up to him.
He turned around with a raised brow and crossed arms. He seemed bored even though i haven't even said anything.
"The last time baby Danny said he had a news report, i recieved the wrong information and that cost us 10 men." He said pointedly. I chuckled sheepishly, scatching the back of my neck.

"I'm still sorry about that--- And don't call me Baby Danny! Baby Kyun sounds better! --- But no seriously this time! I even took pictures so you could see." I explaimed, pulling out my phone and unlocking it.
I pressed the image and then zoomed in and rushed it to Hyung's face making him flinch slightly.

"Why am i staring at a stomach?" He asked in a flat, unimpressed tone. I rolled my eyes at him, nudging his arm.
"The belly is round." I incouaged, hoping he would get what i meant.
"So what? Either this lady is abit fat or pregnant. Am i sopposed to care?" He sighed, turning on his heel to walk to his office.

"What if i told you this pregnant lady was none other than His Princess?" I challenged. He stopped in his tracks, turning back to me slowly with shock written all over his face.
"No way..." he whispered, stumbling back to look at the picture. I zoomed out on the stomach and in on the face.
"It's her." I said. He lips were parted in shock, not even blinking.

"T-This is a threat...If we eliminate this threat we could go from the bottom to the top..." He mumbled to himself. I nodded with a proud smile.

"We will be great once again... Don't worry Hyung."

(Author-nim ~ The next few chapters should be drama free but then it will all come crashing dkwn on you guys. You might wanna get those tissues and stress balls ready for those. Did you like the chapter? Comment! Vote! ILY Mochies)

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