His Queen ~ Finale

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

My eyes fluttered open, it was blurry yet I still knew where I was. The cream coloured walls were a dead giveaway. I smiled as my vision became more clear, allowing me to confirm that I was indeed back home.

It took a few more moments for me to gain enough strength to move my head to look around the room. Everything seemed so normal, I could even hear Jisung make his usual snarky remark to Haechan. But they were all outside of the room. Nobody was in the room and I almost really believed that untill I noticed a famillar blonde sitting in the corner of the room with a baby on his lap.

Jimin. A tear went down my face as I watched him play with our daughter who was indeed really alive and dressing into a pink baby princess dress. Oh how I wonder who dressed her?

Jimin put his finger inside Sakura's hand repeatedly and giggled everytime she squeazed it, to him it probably felt like they were holding hands. It was a beautiful sight to see.

"J-Jimin." I called out, now alerting him that I was awake. His eyes widened as his head snapped up to look at me. Instantly, he smiled. He stood up and carried Sakura over to me and laid her in my arms. Another few tears escaped my eyes as for the final time I realised that it was really over. We were safe.

Jimin began stroking my head then leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to my lip. Then he kissed my cheek, then my nose and then every over piece of skin he could possibly set his lips apon. I giggled, leaning my head upwards to connect our lips once again but this time I didn't want them to separate. I just wanted to kiss him forever to remind me that this was real.

After a few more seconds of our lips moving against each other Sakura began to cry, making Jimin seperare from me then tap Sakura's nose.
"So my Princess doesn't even wanna let daddy kiss mommy now, hmm? Well that's not fair since I haven't kissed mommy like that in months." Jimin pouted before kissing Sakura head.

I laughed at them, mentally taking a picture of this moment as I would treasure it forever. Then I realised something.

"Wait, I thought I was your Princess?" I said with a slight pout, looking down at Sakura with a jealous expression. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle at my cuteness before lifting my head with his finger so that I would look him in the eyes so that he could press a kiss to my lips once again before saying,

"No, You're my Queen."

Please Read!

(A.N ~ This is the Finale and I guess now you understand why it has taken my so long to update this book. However there will be an Epilogue chapter which will have a few years time skip so comment down what you'd like me to include in that chapter!

I will have make another Jimin book with a new story line which can either be :

A) A Mafia Au : About Stockholm Syndrome

B)A Deadly Sin Au : About The sin of Lust (Jimin)

C) An Ancient God Au : About Spring or Sea God Jimin

By the time the epilogue has come out I will have made the trailer for the new book which your will all be able to add to your libraries :)

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