My Next Move ~ Ch19

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

"J-Jimin." I cried, staring back at the base that i was getting further and further away from. Everything was ruined. I had Jooheon around my little finger and with just a little more time i could have taken Jimin and been free from Monsta X.

From what Jooheon told me yesterday, the rest of the members have went on a mission abroad and would return in two days. They always left Jooheon behind because he was part of the defense unit and was most trust worthy in protecting the base. I was so close to getting out of there. I needed more time.

"I'm sorry we can't go back! Jimin will have to wait! I can't risk his members coming back. We'll both be dead!" Jisung tried to explain, hurrying towards the side exit of our own base and looking behind us incase someone was following us.

"You fool." I cried out, "Nobody is coming back! They aren't even in the fucking country!" This comment made Jisung's eyes widened but he didn't slow his pace.
"I can't risk both our lives Eomma. I'm sorry." He muttered quietly, finally making it to the gate and tapping the password with a hurry.

I gave up, i stopped struggling in his arms and stared up at the sky with tears escaping my eyes. The gate opened, making aloud beeping noise which alerted the people inside the base someone was entering. As Jisung rushed through the gate, it didn't take long for the Bts members to rush out, ready to scold the kid.

"JISUNG WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU OUT---(Y-Y/n?)...." Jin started his sentence with a yell but stopped as soon as he saw me in Jisung's arms. Jungkook ran to me, picking me up from Jisung's hold and rushing me into base for medical attention. Jin pinched Jisung's ear harshly as they trailed behind Jungkook and pulled him closer.

"We're talking about this later." Jin hissed into his ear making Jisung shiver.
"I brought back eomma. You don't have a right to complain to me." Jisung backmouthed as they both entered the medical room, watching as Jungkook laid me down on the bed.

Jungkook stroked my hair, staring down at me in pity, seeing the unhealed and infected cuts all over me, not to mention the bruises that beautifully decorated my skin.
"What happened to you, noona?" He whispered, his brows furrowed as he followed the trail of hickeys down my neck. I chuckled bitterly, staring out of the window and ironically seeing the Monsta X base in full view.

"Hell." I whispered. One word that sent a chill to everyones spine. Two nurses entered and quickly got to work, ripping off most of my clothing and kicking everyone out of the room so they could treat my wounds. It was nice to see familliar faces after so long but there was only one face i wanted to see right now and I've left him behind.

I could hear the faint yelling of Yoongi and Jin as they scolded Jisung for doing something so reckless and also the faint cries of Jungkook as he broke down outside the door. It's been a rough month for everyone i guess but this wasn't the time to sit and cry. It wasn't the time for yelling. We needed Jimin back.

"Let them in." I told E:U, after she put the blanket over me and covered everything with blankets. Her and Yiren nodded, opening the door and leaving the room.
One by one, each Bts member joined me in the room. None of them being able to look me in the eye so they stared at each other or the floor.

"Well? Is no one going to tell me why the fuck a 17 year old saved me instead of 6 capable and trained men?" I spat, staring them all dead in the eye with the harshest glare i could muster. Jisung sat down on the stool beside me, knowing that I wasn't angry at him made him slightly relieved because of how angry and scary i looked right now.

"We were training Jisung because he was determin---" I cut Namjoon off with a bitter laugh.
"Oh so you thought you should wait for Jisung and possibly turn him into the next Jimin and maybe then you wouldn't have to do any work? Was that the reason!?" I screamed, viens popped out of my neck because of how angry i was.

"No (Y/n)! We were just really unprepared and we needed all the help we could get. Monsta X seemed like the most dangerous enemy we've had yet!" Hoseok defended, trying to calm me down which clearly wasn't working.

"So you thought leaving Jimin and I for a month would solve the issue." I muttered with laugh, i was clearly loosing my mind and it's obvious the boys just wanted me to calm down. Tears were streaming dkwn my face as i forced myself to laugh at them.

"How long? How long untill you planned to make your move?" I asked Namjoon, the one who was incharge of this. He seemed hesitant to answer but whispered regardless, "Another month."

This made my eyes widen and all i wanted to do was throw the lamp beside me at his face but i mustered all the controll i could to stop myself.
"Do you know what they're doing to Jimin?" I whispered, staring out of the windiw and staring at the floor of the building where i knew Jimin was kept.

"They beat him with a metal rod every fucking day for an hour. They stab him then patch him up just so they can stab him again. Jimin has barely been consious for this whole month. They wanted to kill my baby infront of his eyes then finally kill him...My due date was next month...What if i gave birth a few days before you finally ambushed, huh? You would find Jimin dead and you would have nobody to blame but your cowardice. " i mumbled. My words hit everyone like piles of bricks, making everyone see how wrong their actions were.

"You're here now, thanks to Jisung. Now you can lead us in getting Jimin back." Taehyung suggested, breaking the stong tension in the air. Jungkook nooded in agreement and everyone else stared at me, awaiting my first order. This made my brows furrow? Did they think it would be that easy?

I no mafia leader to be making orders. Last time i only surved because of Jackson's help and this time i have nobody. I felt pressure piling up on my shoulders because i had no idea where to go from here. I felt hypocritical...Shouting at them for being cowards when i don't know what the next move is from here.

"I-I can't. I'm no leader." I told them, gripping my hands tightly in shame.
"Of course you can! You've always led us with Jimin." Jungkook told me, a soft smile on his face which set me off the edge.

"No! You don't understand! I can't do anything without Jimin! I'm not the great mafia leader he is! I-I don't know where to go from here... I don't know what I'm sopposed to do. You need Jimin...And I'm not him." I cried out, shocking them all in the process. They seemed to be at a loss of words before Namjoon spoke up.

"Then we'll figure out a way...Together. Just get some rest. Later we should have planned out our first move." Jin told me, kissing my forehead and signaling everyone to leave. Jisung also got up from his seat and began following Namjoon untill i grabbed his arm and stopped him from leaving.

"T-Thank you for saving me Jisung...And I'm sorry it was for nothing." I mumbled to him. He shook his head with a soft smile.
"It wasn't for nothing. We've got you back don't we?" He said with a grin making me smile hesitantly at him.
"Y-yeah." I whispered. He then bowed and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I'm sorry Jisung...But i know my next move...And you won't like it.

(Author-nim ~ Oof i liked writing this chapter. Sorry writing is getting quite slow. I've been really busy with my photography portfolio which i have to hand in december and its stressing me outttt. Hope you liked the chapter! Vote & Comment!ILY Mochies!)

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