Mental ~ Ch18

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☆ Jisung's Point Of View ☆

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☆ Jisung's Point Of View ☆

"You have three seconds to tell me where my family are." I growled lowly into his ear. He was struggling against my grip and was still attempting to get out of it even with the gun pressed to his temple. He wasn't taking me seriously...Because i was a kid.

In a flash i moved my gun and pointed it towards his foot, pulling the trigger without any hesitation. His yell echoed the halls and up the staircase, assumingly alerting anybody else who was in the base.

"I'm not playing around." I hissed, pointing my gun at his other foot and waiting for his muffled response. It was dark but i could clearly see the tears running down his face fron the amount of pain he was currently in.

"Okay!" He begged, stopping his stuggling and sliding down to the floor weakly. He scooted himself over to the wall and slid his gun towards me in surrender, more focused in the wellbeing of his foot. Pitiful. And he was really in Monsta X? A group that even the rest of Bts secretly feared.

"Start speaking or the next bullet is to your head." I ordered, lifting my gun to show that I haven't come to play. I kept looking up the stairs, checking if anybody was coming down because of the gunshot but so far other than ourselves...Everything has been silent.

A small pained chuckle made me turn my head towards the blonde man, making me squat to his level whole sending a glare his way.
"What?" I growled, not appreciating his laughter at this moment of time. He looked up at me with a small smile, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"You're looking for my backup but I'm here alone. Ironic isn't it? Poor little Jooheon is always the one that's left to look after the base but yet I've failed almost twice now. Only God knows why they still leave me here." The man chuckled, pushing his hand against his wound to stop the heavy bleeding.

"I don't care about your pity stories. I'm here for my family. Tell me where they are and you might actually live to see tomorrow." I said, my voice was as cold as ice making him almost shiver visibly.
"Sorry kid but i have no idea what your talkin--" i cut him off by shooting his other foot, another yell echoed around us.

"FUCK! I WAS TELLING THE FUCKING TRUTH!" He yelled out angrily, not scaring me in the slightest. I've seen Jimin get angry and therefore nothing else can frighten me. But his comment made me angry and forced me to grab him by his hair and lift his head up to look at me.

"(Y/n) and Jimin. Where are they?" I whsipered out. My fists trembled in anticipation. I just wanted them back, was that so bad to ask for?
"(Y-Y/n)...and J-Jimin? T-they are your family?!" He stuttered out in shock, looking up at me with wide eyes.
"That's none of your business. Just tell me where they are." I demanded, waiting for him to spill everything he knew only for him to look at the watch around his wrist and chuckling.

"My members are coming back from their mission soon, kid. If you wanna live then you either better find them and get out quick or turn tail and run now. But if course if you ran...I'll be sure to tell (Y/n) how you have abandonned her." He told me smugly, mockingly throwing his ticking watch at me.

"You've got 13 minutes untill they arrive. Have fun." He said with a smile. It was almost as if he thought of this as a game... He mentioned before that his name is Jooheon, I'll be sure to keep that in mind when I'm undoubtedly questioned by Yoongi the moment i return to the base.

I shoved the watch it my pocket then began to run up the stairs as fast as i could. The stairs were quite long and i wasted a good minute untill i found the door to the first floor. It stared at me, wide open for me to enter and with a sign beside it which said 'Don't enter no-one but your own bedroom without an invitation.' The sign was similar to one that we already had at our base although it was more sarcastic since Yoongi was the one who had to make it.

I wasted no more time and barged into the room, gun up and ready just in case Jooheon was lying to me and this was just a trap. But suprisingly, the living room seemed empty and the rest of the bedrooms had closed doors with no noise coming from the other sides.

Except one room...It was at the end of the hall and the door was wide open. Slowly, i approached the room with a heavy heart. I had a feeling i wasn't gonna like what was inside because the closer i got, i could begin to hear faint breathing which got heavier as i came closer. My steps were heavy, alerting whoever was inside that i was coming.

I was inches away from the door now so i took to risk and stepped forward. Pointing my gun at the figure who layed on the bed with their back facing towards me. They were clearly shakjng and most possibly crying but it was hard to tell from this angle. Then i stared at the figure more intently, the curly brown hair seemed familliar and it was almost too good to be true that i didn't want to believe my eyes.

"Eomma?" I whispered, the figure went stiff, twisting towards me slowly almost as if they didn't believe their ears. Her face came out of the shadows and i couldn't be any more happier but the look on her face made me stop my smile from appearing. She looked terrified...

"Eomma..." i muttered, going close enough to her so that i could grab ahold of her hand. Before i had the chance to touch her, she flinched and screamed into her pillow. I jumped back, not knowing that she'd react like that.

"Eomma, it's me?...Jisung..." I mumbled, not trying to touch her again untill she was less scared of me.
"Go away, stop tricking me again." She cried out, curling herself up into a ball. Only now i realised that her baby bump was abit mkre visible than before. But it still seemed too small for an 8 month pregnancy.

I looked down at the watch and saw i only have 6 minutes to get out before i undoubtedly get killed. I needed to be smart about this and think tactically. If i tried to look for Jimin then i would get caught by Monsta X and probably die. But right now i have (Y/n) infront of me and i could get her and leave. I opted for the second option, sighing as i realised i would probably be forcing her to leave with me because i don't think she knows who i am at the moment.

Tugging on (Y/n)'s arm, i pulled out my gun to shoot the chain she was connected to which made her scream out of fear. She fought me as i tried to haul her in my arms but after a while she gave up and laid shivering in my arms. I adjusted her into a comfortable postion then grabbed my gun and ran out of the room and down the hall that i can through.

The stairs were hard to go down when there was someone attactched to you but adrenaline coursed through me as i only thought about leaving alive. I finally got to the ground floor and found Jooheon attempting to get up from the ground but failing miserably. Hearing scuffling behind him, he turned around and was immediately faced with the picture of (Y/n) in my arms.

"What? No! You were sopposed to run out of time!" Jooheon said in shock, his eyes widened and assumingly filled with tears as he reached out for (Y/n).
"No! You can't take her! Anyone but her! Stop!" He begged, tears now freely sliping down his cheeks as he dragged his body towards me as i walked towards the front door.

"Wait, where are you going?! We have to go back!" (Y/n) said, waking up from her trance and once again fighting me in my arms. I made sure to hold her as tightly as possible to ensure that i could get her out of here.

"JIMIN!" She screamed out with longing enlaced with her cry, sobbs leaving her lips as she reached for the stairs with where far out of her reach. It seems like everyone here has gone mental. Jooheon still dragged his body towards me making me glare down at his pathetic form as he begged me not to take (Y/n) away from him. Kicking open the door with my foot i took one last glance at Joohen.

"Next time you see me...I'll be walking out this door with Jimin on my back...And you'll most likely be in the process of dying."

(Author-nim ~ What did you guys think? Vote & Comment! ILY Mochies!)

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