Problem ~ Ch10

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

"J-Jimin? C-can you hear me?" I whispered coarsely. My throat was throbbing, the muscles sore from screaming and crying for hours on end. My cheeks were still damp from all the tears that I've shed out of both pain and worry. At this point i could feel Jimin's blood on me, making me feel dirty and scared.

He hasn't spoken since the man left the cell which was around half an hour ago, maybe more but i wouldn't be able to tell. Jimin coughed every once and a while, his blood splattering my form where he hung infront of me. He had internal damadge and that was definite. They seemed to want to torture him as long as possible before they let him die. They were doing this out of revenge and i was certain of it.

Nobody but Jooheon seemed famillar to me so I think this was something that Jimin has done without my knowledge of knowing what he has done. This meant he either done something behind my back, while i was getting treated for my gunshot wound or before i joined the gang. Anyone of these were likely and all i need to know is what he has done and maybe there would be a way to fix this.

"J-Jagi..." Jimin chocked out to me, his voice raspy and low. My eyes widened, immediately leaning forwards towarards him. I'm sure the sun was going up outsude which made it easier to see in this darkness. The light came through some sort of window beyond our view and bounced off the walls enough for me to see a distinct outline of his body and face.

"Jimin can you breathe?" I first asked, making sure of the most important thing. If he couldn't breath this meant that one of his lungs were punctured and he could die in only an hour or so.
"Yeah... I... Think so..." he muttered painfully, his voice so quiet i had to concentrate as much as possible to hear him.
"A-Are y-you okay?" He asked me worriedly, lifting his head up with all his might so that he could look at my condition.

A tear escaped my eye, sadness washing over me to see him in this state and still be able to worry about me. I was in pain, my back and my stomach both hurt which were really bad signs but i couldn't bring myself to tell him this because i didn't want to break him even more.

"I'm fine. T-they didn't hurt me." I stuttered out, it was hard to lie to him especially for someone who was so against liars but i knew i couldn't tell the truth. His lips curved up into a small relieved smile before looking me in the eyes with absolute fear. He hid it well but i knew him better than anyone and i knew he was scared and i was definitely scared too. Soon later his eyes started to flutter closed and his body slumped into the grip of his chains.

I envied him in a way, he was inglulfed by darkness so that he didn't have to face reality in this moment. Sleep took over me for a good few minutes after the man left, to be honest i wasn't sure if i passed out or i was taken by sleep but by the end if it i woke up covered in cold sweat, thinking about the death of my baby that hasn't been born yet.

I wanted to know when they planned to kill my baby so that i could figure out something around it but they don't give out any information that could be remotely usefull. I wasn't going to give up just yet and i would get both me and Jimin out of this so we could go back home.

I wondered how Jisung was doing and the rest of gang. I wondered if anyone realised something was wrong but they would be now way for them to find us. We had nothing on us that they could track since I'm sure they crushed our phones and electronics to pieces including our watches where our gang could track us by anytime. That was infact the first item they destroyed.

At this point i was glad Jimin didn't let me take Chaeyeon with us on this 'Trip' as i'm sure they would have killed her straight away and that would have killed me inside for the second time to have losed a close friend. I just wanted some sort of information so that i could find a way out of this place.

If i stayed like this, watching Jimin get tourtured and beat up every hour, i might go crazy.

☆ Jisung's Point Of View ☆

"YOONGI!" I screamed, zooming down the stairs with my laptop in my hands and the usb attatched to it. Kun and Lucas raced behind me, finding it hard to keep up with me in such a paniked state. I knew something was wrong for the longest time and nobody listened to me. Now i have the proof they can't turn down solid evidence.

The halls were empty and my main search was for Yoongi since he was the one in charge along with Namjoon and Jin but the only one i ever seemed to find was Yoongi as he always had his place on the sofa or laying on the grass on the training fields.

I raced into the homeroom seeing Yoongi in his usual spot with his eyes closed as normal. He opened one of his eyes to show me he was aware of my presence as i slid onto my knees infront of the sofa he was on.

"Didn't i tell you to stay in Jimin's room untill you calmed down? You don't look like you've calmed do---" i cut him off by shoving the laptop onto his lap making him give me a dirty look in return.

"Look. At. The. Screen." I told him, trying to hold in my anger. He also seemed ti be holding back his anger as he slowly sat up and glared at me.
"Who do you think you are little boy?" He growled at me, "Do you think you order me what to do?"
He pushed me backwards with his finger, the laptop still in his lap which he has not given a care in the world.

"LOOK AT THE FUCKING LAPTOP YOONGI!" I yelled, my anger popping at him all at once. His eyes flickered to the screeen unconsciously before looking back at me, ready to scream at me and most likely punch me in the face. That was untill he done a double take, looking back the computer in confusion. He stayed silent for a moment, trying to process what he was seeing before his eyes.

"That's impossible..." he whispered to himself, tapping a few keys into the computer as he found out more information that i was too much if an amateur to find out.
Lucas and Kun hid behind the door, peering through the crack to attempt to see what Yoongi's reaction was.

Yoongi suddenly moved, his hand raising upwards making Jisung flumch and lean backwards. That was untill he saw he was reaching to the earpiece attatched the the back of his ear. He pressed the button at the back of the black device and sighed.

"Guys, we have a problem..."

(Author-Nim ~ What did you think? Vote & Comment! ILY Mochies!)

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