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Harry's POV
Today starts my second day of working in the bakery and I'm going to be in the kitchen! I love being back here. It gives the chances of making new things and free time to make myself some lunch!

I smiled to myself as I walked into the kitchen and I smiled when I saw no one else back here. Niall was working the counter and I was working in the kitchen. Sounds perfect!

I heard the door of the bakery open and a high-pitched voice speak to Niall. "Is Harry here today?" I smiled to myself and answered for Niall. "I'm back here Louis!" I called out and I looked through the small square to see him sitting in a stool. "What would you like?" I asked and he didn't respond. He just blushed and looked down.


Niall turned to face Louis as he types something into his phone and showed him the message. Niall laughed and looked at me, "Apparently your his favorite baker. He wants you to make another one of those cupcakes you make. He loves them that much," He told me, and it made me chuckle.

I nodded and moved to the fridge and started to make another one of my best cupcakes. "He wants filling too!" Niall shouted for me and I nodded, "Coming right up!" I shouted back and started to bake.

"Well there isn't a filling in this one, but I think you will still like it." I said and passed Niall the cupcake.

"Mine!" Niall shouted once he saw it and he took a bite from it

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"Mine!" Niall shouted once he saw it and he took a bite from it. I looked at Louis and I saw his hurt expression and I frowned when I saw it. I grabbed the second one that I made just in case and I left the kitchen to give it to him.

"Here Lou," I smiled as I passed him the cupcake that was supposed to be for him. He looked at me, then at the cupcake and he smiled softly before he took it. He ate the almond nut that was on top before he tried the frosting. He smiled when he took a taste of it. He tried the actual cupcake and he squealed.

"T-there i-is a f-filling," He stuttered, but I knew what he said. I nodded and grabbed a napkin. I leaned over and wiped the small bit of frosting that was on his nose. "I always deliver what the customers ask for." I told him before I went back to my place in the kitchen.

Louis ended up staying for the evening, asking for the same cupcake that I've given to him that day. However, after the 5th one I chuckled and spoke, "I think that's enough for you Lou. You'll get sick if you keep eating the same thing," I said while looking through the small square. He looked down shyly and said something, buy I couldn't hear, so Niall transferred it to me. "He said he just really liked it."

I smiled and looked around the kitchen. "How about a shake, do you want that instead?" I asked him and he looked at me before he looked down again and nodded.

Again. So cute.

I walked to the fridge again and started to make him one of my best shakes.

I walked to the fridge again and started to make him one of my best shakes

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"How about this Louis?" I asked and placed the cup in front of him. He looked amazed as he looked at the beverage closely. "You know, just by looking at it doesn't determine how it tastes, try it,"I spoke with a grin. He nodded his head shyly and started to drink it.

I heard a quiet moan leave his lips and I smiled because I knew that he liked it. "It's good I take it?" I asked him and he nodded shyly again.

"Yo Harry, are you going to be here tomorrow?" Niall asked and I turned to look at him. I sighed and shook my head, "Sadly no. I have not been feeling all that good lately, and I think I need to get to the hospital to check it out," "Are you sick?"He asked and I shook my head. "I've been having trouble with my spine and they're going to see if I'm going to need surgery or not."

"So you won't be back until..." "I will be back the day after tomorrow, I'm just going to be in the front for a while. I'll be sitting in a stool behind the counter. After a couple of weeks, I'll be able to get back to the baking," I explained.

"So does that mean that we won't see your delicious pastries for a while?" He asked and fake pouted. I laughed and nodded, "Trust me, I love being in the kitchen. Being away from it is like me being away from my mum. It's like a irresistible force that is hard to reaist. It's like the only thing that I love in my life right now. The one thing that can truly make me happy. I-" "Wait you're single?" Niall cut off my rambling.

I sighed and nodded, "Sexuality?" Niall asked and I had no issue saying, "I'm bisexual." "Then why aren't you with anyone yet?" Niall asked, looking really happy that he's getting to know this stuff about me. I shrugged, "I'm just trying to look for the one, y'know?" He nodded and looked over at Louis and I swear he smiled even bigger when he looked at him.

I turned to see a highly blushing Louis looking at his beverage. I just smiled warmly and I turned to get back to my position. Niall took more orders and I made them in a quick motion.

Haowever, when I tried to reach the small square to put the dish out and ready to take, I fell. My back was killing me and the dish fell to my side. I hissed as I placed a hand on my back.

"Oh my god, Harry!" Niall shouted and rushed to the back which was where the kitchen was. I heard four feet pattering my way, but I was hurting to much to pay any attention.

"Harry, I'm going to need you to lay on your back," a whole different voice spoke to me and I listened to it. I rolled to my back and hissed at the pain. "I know it hurts, but we need you flat on the ground, okay?" The voice asked and I croaked out, "Okay..." "Good, now Niall, go call the hospital. I'm going to stay here with Harry," "Okay," Then I heard Niall leave.

Louis's quick POV
"Okay Harry, I'm going to need you to keep your breathing steady for me alright?" I asked him and he groaned before he nodded.

"Don't nod. You're using your spinal cord when your nodding. Just say yes or no, okay?" I asked and I heard a quiet "Yes."

Don't ask why I'm not shy right now. Harry is hurt. Having him hurt is like a pang in my chest that I need to remove, so I'm going to take care of him the best way that I can.

The ambulance soon came and the employees picked Harry up slowly and placed him on the stretcher. I watched as Harry is placed in the back of the ambulance and is driven off to the hospital.

Poor Harry....
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