6 months later
3rd person POV
Everyone is happy! Well, everyone but Stan, but do we really care about him? He hasn't moved on and he always tries to convince Louis to break off the engagement, but he fails. Wanna know why he fails? I thought that it was obvious. But I guess it should be shared again.BECAUSE LARRY IS FOREVER BITCHES!
Anyways! Louis and Harry have been engaged for only a six months now and they are planning their wedding as of right now just to get it out the way and just enjoy the thought of being engaged to one another. Their planned wedding date is in 2 years and it's on February the 3rd.
The reason behind this us because their anniversary of them dating was close to Louis's birthday, so it would make sense for them to get a special day near Harry's birthday.
Isn't that just so darn cute?
Here's an update on everyone's ages:
Harry- 27
Louis- 25
Niall- 25
Zayn- 26
Liam- 27
Jay- 25
Ed- 28
Shiro- 24Okay next is Niall and Zayn. The 2nd most cutest couple got engaged a month after Louis and Harry got engaged. The reason for that was because Zayn wanted to propose on the same month of Niall's favorite month which was January. Yes he was ready to propose, he just needed to wait another month to actually do it.
Liam and Jay are still just dating since the two of them were only together for 3 years. Shiro and Ed got engaged though and that was like a week ago. The two of them were actually the longest relationship out of them all.
Louis and Harry have been together for a total of 4 years and 6 months.
Niall and Zayn have been together for a total of 5 years.
Liam and Jay have been together for a total of 3 years.
Ed and Shiro have been together for a total of 7 years. So yes, the two of them would literally be considered as one of those long-term relationships. They were that couple that takes things really slow. They moved in together on their 4 year anniversary, and didn't day 'I love you' until the 5 year mark.
The two of them are them are the third most cutest couple of the group actually and they are also that one couple that everyone gets so frustrated with because if how slow they took things.
So you can't even imagine how relieved everyone felt when they heard that Ed proposed. Harry threw a flipping party because if it.
So it's a good thing to say that everyone is happy. Living the lives that they always wanted and living the life that they love.
Oh! I almost forgot! Louis is learning how to cook now! Yeah, Harry told Louis that baking is similar to cooking and that was the only thing that Louis needed to hear for him to actually want to learn on how to cook.
He is making progress, but it is safe to say that he's more skilled on learning on how to bake more than cook.
Harry had to put out 4 fires just in one day.
So yeah....The two of them are refusing to let Louis cook and just bake from now on. They both learned that Harry was born in the kitchen. They figured since Harry can cook anyway that they don't really need Louis to learn on how to work with fire.
Unless they want to burn down the house that is...
Or if they want to have a really burnt corpse in from of them...
Anyways! The couple have gotten into the depth of the thought of owning their own bakery, but they needed to do a few more things before something like that happens.
So, Harry has quit his job at the bakery along with Niall. Louis quit his job as a photographer and Zayn quit his job as a stores clerk.
Niall and Zayn now work in their own tattoo parlor. Zayn draws and Niall does the tattoos. Louis and Harry are writing out their plans and how they were going to get their own job as a new carreer.
Liam and Jay both work in a jewelry store while Ed and Shiro work in their own instrumental shop.
This is so cute right?!? Every couple is doing something together. Because they all follow through these phrases.
Together Forever. Forever and Always.
There is nothing in this world that could ever destroy the strong love that each couple has for one another.
Well, that's about it. Proud to see where our lovely couples have gotten to so far huh? Well I am too, so don't worry, you're not alone.
But just remember this! All of this started once Louis met the boy who worked in a bakery....
Leave a like, and comment down below your thoughts!Love you all!

He works in a bakery... (Larry Stylinson)
FanfictionLouis comes to the bakery every morning and he knows everyone there. They know Louis personally that his friends with everyone who works there. There is barely anyone who hates him, that's how friendly Louis is. But when a certain curly haired boy g...