Louis comes to the bakery every morning and he knows everyone there. They know Louis personally that his friends with everyone who works there.
There is barely anyone who hates him, that's how friendly Louis is.
But when a certain curly haired boy g...
Harry's POV Today was a Saturday which meant that I don't have work today. Which also means that I could spend the whole day with Louis.
I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom to get ready for the day. When I was done and fully dressed, I walked back to my bedroom and walked up to my full lengthened mirror and took a picture of myself for Snapchat.
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When people started to comment on it, asking me where I was going, I simply said 'Possibly going to go see my cutie today😜'. Then they started to ask me for who I was going to see, I laughed and typed out my reply.
'Chill! We are not official....yet, but we are dating. Now, I'm going to go and see him, bye!'
I slipped my phone into my back pocket and left my bedroom. I walked down the stairs and walked up to where my keys were and grabbed them. However, before I left, I sent a text to give Louis a heads up.
Haz: Morning love! Just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm planning on spending the day with you! I'll be at your place soon! All the love, -H💚
I opened my door and walked out. I walked to my truck and unlocked it. I used the handle and was able to get into my car without any issues.
"Over the hill and through the woods to Louis's house we go..." I sang to myself and then I shook my head.
God I'm so weird...
Louis's house was only a couple of blocks from mine, so it wasn't that long of a drive. I was only able to enjoy one song, so when it was over I stopped my car and parked it. I hummed as I got out of the vehicle and made my way to Louis's door.
He told me about his hidden key, so I looked for it and when I found it, I unlocked Louis's front door and opened it a- What the hell! My face came into contact with a water balloon.
I gritted my teeth and opened my eyes. I wiped my face and looked at my outfit which was drenched In water, then there was my hair.
The one thing that takes me a long time in the morning. The one thing that takes me like 5 minutes to get ready.
And then there was my boots....
"What. The. Fucking. Hell...." I took slow and deep breaths and closed my eyes.
"Oh...hey Harry..." Zayn greeted.
And you have got to be kidding me! Another one hits me in the face. I shut my eyes and wiped my face once again and groaned. I slammed the door closed behind me and I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Um...I think that we should stop Niall..." Zayn said and I growled, "You think?"
"Uh...Louis we forfeit!" Zayn called out, but I was kind of on the pissed off side that right now I didn't care for who he called for. I opened my eyes to my clothes even more wet than before and I groaned.
"Does he have a dryer?" I asked, not making eye contact with the two people who got me this way. "Y-yeah," "Good, get me a towel." "O-okay..." and that's what's got Niall running up the stairs.
"Harry!" I heard a high-pitched voice call for my name and I turned to see Louis in the doorway of the living room. I smiled and he came running. Remembering about the water puddle in front of me, I got ready. Before Louis could het to the puddle, I picked him up at the perfect time. He squealed, and held onto me for the life of him.
"Don't need you falling, now do we love?" I asked him and he giggled and acted as if he was a kid for a moment as he said, "No, No we don't~"
"Now from what I heard, you had something to do with this?" I asked and he shook his head. "No daddy, I swear! Ni and Z woke me up with wa'er. Me good for you daddy!"
Yes, after a couple of months of us just dating, we've developed a few kinks.
Oh and Louis tops, obviously! Apparently when he saw my cock for the first time, he said that he wanted to top because he wanted to ride it and suck it and....getting off topic here.
And before you ask, yes Louis and I did have sex. After the one month of dating we just decided to fuck. I don't know how to explain it, and you better not judge.
"When will daddy ask Lou to be his?" I heard Louis ask me and I grinned, "soon darling, soon." I answered and Louis sighed before he smiled and nodded.
Niall came back with a towel, and I thanked him. I put Louis down on the dry part of the floor and I walked to the nearest bathroom. I removed my top and my pants and my boots of course. I then wrapped the towel around my waist and walked back out of the bathroom.
"Holy shit!" Niall shouted as he saw my unclothed body. Louis looked at to what he was looking at and when he saw me, he grinned and walked to where I was.
"Have I ever told you that you look like a complete snack?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my neck and I grinned at his compliment. "I believe that you have, but I guess you just like to remind me on a daily basis~" I wondered and he smiled bfroe nodding with no hesitation. "You damn right I do," He said and I chuckle.
We looked at each other and I couldn't help but admire his eyes. His eyes could make you feel so calm and relaxed because of the shade of blue that they have. They are like the blue mystical waters of the ocean and I feel myself falling deep into them.
We smiled and leaned in a bit before our lips met in the middle. His hands roamed around my back while mine wrapped around his waist a bit more, to pull him closer if that was even possible.
"Alright, alright love birds. Can we save the smooching later and just hang out for the day?" Niall asked and that made the two of us pull apart and loon at him. We smiled and shrugged, "I guess we could," I said and that's what we did for the rest of the day.
So instead of spending the day with my soon-to-be boyfriend, I spent my day with him, Niall, and Zayn. We stayed in Louis's home for the most part, but at night, my clothes were dry in time for all of us to go to the movies.
We went to see a horror movie and I cannot tell you how much I adored Louis when he would hide his face in my chest.
Seriously, how did I get so lucky? He's like a dog and a teddy as well. Like one of those sweet dogs that don't mind biting you at any time, and would make sure to treat you well soon afterwards.
Oh Louis....the things that you do to me... ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ Leave a like, and comment down below your thoughts!